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Messages - Takeshi K

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 38
As far as I checked, the Windows mouse setting affects scrolling amount in EA. You might change behaviour by changing the Windows setting.

Some helper tools related for mise could change the scrolling behaviour and/or amount for each application. It might be checked if you use such tools.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Enterprise Architect on MacOS
« on: January 30, 2025, 10:00:00 am »
Error 12030 is ERROR_WINHTTP_CONNECTION_ERROR, so the two errors mean that EA cannot communicate with ProCloud server.

Between your build and the latest build, various improvements and fixes have been made to the connection with the ProCloud server, so it might be a good idea to check whether the problem occurs with the latest build.

General Board / Re: How do I add multiple entry actions to a state?
« on: January 24, 2025, 09:26:29 am »
Because of the UML specification, 2 or more entry/do/exit are not allowed.
I think EA works correctly.

Great to hear that the information has helped you.

I do not know the document which the setting is mentioned, but it is easy to find it by checking a difference in the t_diagram (in this case) table after changing the target setting.


Maybe adding 'SuppressFOC=1;' to the StyleEx could solve your problem.


General Board / Re: Setting background for connector text to transparent
« on: December 16, 2024, 10:13:37 am »
Hello Bryan,

In the Preference dialog (Ctrl+F9), select the Diagram group, and then deselect the Screen checkbox (and others if needed) in the Use Opaque Diagram Labels panel.



About the second question, if I were you, I would not create the 'hybrid' objects but apply the ArchiMate ApplicationComponent to a Pool as a Classifier. In other words, it seems that you do not need to define your own new type but you can realize what you want as-is.

Usually Pools contains objects on the Pools, that means the contained objects are stored as children in the Browser window. Even if you could define the type, it might not work well in this point. By creating Pools for each diagram, each child object is stored correctly under the proper Pool object.

Please try to create a BPMN Pool and right-click it | Advanced | Instance Classifier | specify the ArchiMate ApplicationComponent, and place the ApplicationComponent directly onto the BPMN diagram (assumed as the component is a Pool), then place BPMN object onto the both 'Pool's. You can understand when you create two or more BPMN diagrams and do the same operations for the two 'Pools'.


Suggestions and Requests / Re: Project Browser move enhancements
« on: December 05, 2024, 10:04:15 am »
Using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V in the Browser can move multiple objects.


Hello mse,

As you wrote, on my machine the CreateObject has no classifier name like 'CreateObject1: Class1' but I can get the instance and show its attribute value via an ActionPin in the next Action.

I use the build 1704 x64 (not tested on the build 1627), so it might be fixed or you might fail some setting.

That is the 'IsOrdered' column of t_attribute.

You can find the related information in the following help page.


General Board / Re: Failed to get EA::IDualApp interface [0x80029c4a]
« on: November 20, 2024, 03:02:18 pm »
Hi Paolo,

Glad to hear you solved the problem!

General Board / Re: Failed to get EA::IDualApp interface [0x80029c4a]
« on: November 19, 2024, 06:06:41 pm »
Hi Paolo-san,

I am sorry that my information could not solve your problem.

When the 'win32' key exists and EA 32bit version is NOT installed, Windows cannot find the EA.* COM Objects and this causes the error. Now when installing EA 64bit, the installer creates the 'win64' key and I think it works fine. (i.e., on a fresh Windows environment, I guess that the script with the build 1704 64bit could work fine.)

Anyway, on all my machines, currently the script on EA 64bit works fine. So there might be another reason/condition.

General Board / Re: Failed to get EA::IDualApp interface [0x80029c4a]
« on: November 19, 2024, 10:02:41 am »
If you use 64bit version of EA and your machine has the following Registry key, renaming it to like 'win32_bak' (to be able to revert) and restart Windows might help you.


Recently, the release date and the posted date for each release are not the same day.
The build 1629 was released on 04-Oct-2024, not yesterday.

I guess that they found forgetting the post for build 1629 while posting the build 1704 release :)

To save the value , you need to add an ActionPin to the SendSignal action. This is because each parameter is connected to an Action Pin.

But as far as I tried, I cannot get the set value in the AcceptEventAction. I am afraid that we cannot pass parameters of a Signal without using the UIBroadcastSignal.

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