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Messages - glen_kidd

Pages: [1]
I vote for this one too.

I wonder if the toolbox palette is the right place to put it though.

Instead, why not a "Favourites Browser"  palette similar to project browser. This new browser palette is simply providing a partial view of the real project structure. The view can be rendered flat (mimicking what you would get with a toolbox solution), or hierarchical (as in project browser) depending on user preference.
This seems a more logical and consistent place for the feature. Any thoughts?


Suggestions and Requests / Re: Bug: Toolbox undocking itself
« on: July 31, 2007, 04:51:32 pm »
News just in...
we have rectified this for build 815 which is due for release at the end of this week.

Thanks Sparx

Suggestions and Requests / Bug: Toolbox undocking itself
« on: July 10, 2007, 06:41:06 pm »
I toolbox docked in a floating palette. Here's a picture (hope it works :) )

When I select more tools... and choose a different set of tools, the toolbox partially undocks itself. It is still docked with the parent palette window, however, it is undocked with respect to other items. Thus resulting in the toolbox hiding/obscuring other windows.

Now I have to change my favourite layout to workaround the bug :-( . Please fix.  

Suggestions and Requests / Re: Attribute containment
« on: July 10, 2007, 08:12:28 pm »
If this was extensible through UML Profile or MDG or whatever, then it would certainly suit more customers.

For example, just have the standard set of 3 by default (not specified, by value, by reference). However, if the language supports other types (pointers, handles, whatever) then if the Element's language is set, these additional containments are now available.

Taking it one step further, why not allow the User to define their own types of containment. eg. auto_ptr, boost smart pointers, whatever.

I've checked EA 7.0 and the user documentation extensively, and I can confirm Adam's first observation that the toolbox can no longer be customised.

There used to be a feature (Perspectives) that was quite prominent in the EA chm, but as of v7.0 it is conspicuously absent, and only a basic section about "project roles" remains  :'( . Additionally, several repository methods (xxxPerspective) have also been deprecated :o

Please bring it back. It used to be easy to use (being integrated into EA, and all); will the "advanced" user guide describe a similarly trivial process to customise toolboxes and perspectives?

Suggestions and Requests / Re: IDEA: Named User Layouts
« on: January 24, 2007, 10:27:10 pm »
Add my vote too.

General Board / Re: EA on ORACLE Database
« on: November 05, 2007, 05:26:13 pm »
I was connecting to a networked Oracle.

I don't have the figures (it was many months ago), but I recall similar slowdowns with MySQL. Also, the slower the round-trip time on the network (try it over DSL!), the slower EA gets with both EAP or DBMS, but it seems to get worse with DBMS.

I have observed very little network traffic and load on the db machine.

Out of curiosity, I tried to access the networked EAP via the ODBC Microsoft JET4 provider. In this case, the response time was very similar to accessing the networked EAP directly - very strange.

So it does appear that EA responsiveness is:
1. influenced by round-trip delay, and
2. heavily influenced by EA's handling of non-JET DBMS.

General Board / Re: EA on ORACLE Database
« on: November 04, 2007, 10:21:29 pm »
I've tried a 110Mib EAP with Oracle 10g. My connect time was approximately 120 seconds.

I've noticed, contrary to my expectations, that EA via DBMS(Oracle) is consistently 30+% slower than accessing an EAP on a network drive.

Has anyone else had more luck with DBMS experiences? Any Oracle tuning hints?

General Board / Re: Fragment frames in Project Browser
« on: September 24, 2007, 07:08:42 pm »
I find it annoying too, the best you can accomplish with EA is to create a package, and move all the fragments to it - inelegant, but it moves the clutter somewhere else.

But it would be nice if there were a better way of managing fragments. The appear to be owned by the diagram (by empirical evidence - shallow copy of diagram copies fragments); so it seems logical that they could be nested underneath their owning diagram. Maybe I should submit a feature request.


General Board / Re: Problem with MDA transform double quotes
« on: August 20, 2007, 11:23:31 pm »
And I thought my dumb*ss solution was cool:

$RSFileImports = %REPLACE($RSFileImports,"\a","/a")%
$RSFileImports = %REPLACE($RSFileImports,"\b","/b")%

Score 1 point for Adam... Total so far Adam 1; EA 93948 :P

General Board / Re: BUG: Toolbox doesn't track diagram type
« on: August 14, 2007, 08:50:35 pm »
Pretty much exactly the opposite bug to the previous one!


So, you find a feature you don't like and complain; then you also complain about the feature's opposite! There is no satisfying some people is there.  ;D


General Board / Re: Set Default Status
« on: August 09, 2007, 11:24:51 pm »
I'm probably reaching out on a limb here, due to the age of this thread, but I'll re-raise the issue Is it possible to set the default status to be anything other than Proposed?.

At my company, we have decided we don't like the terminology 'Proposed' and would like to rename it to something more suitable for our purposes. The Settings > General Types > Status dialog allows us to add/remove the default status types at will, which is all well and good...

However, when the list is replaced with our preferred types (which doesn't include one named 'Proposed') any new element is created without any value of Status set (it is blank). Of course, this is more than mildly irritating. So, is there a way of changing the default Status value?


General Board / BUG: Save Package to File dialog is not modal
« on: January 12, 2007, 12:22:04 am »
When the "Export Package to XMI" dialog is activated for a controlled package via <context menu>->"Save Package to File" (or the shortcut), the dialog does not prevent access to the main application window.

Needless to say, there is great potential for a lot of mischief if the repository is changed mid-export. This is especially so on large packages that take many minutes to export.

It is worth noting, that if the "Export Package to XMI" dialog is activated via <context menu>->Import/Export->"Export Package to XMI File" that the dialog is actually modal in that case - go figure!

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