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Latest News / Version 3.10 (Build 460) released
« on: February 12, 2002, 04:22:46 am »
On the 12-Feb-2002
Enteprise Architect Version 3.10
A minor release (build 460) was uploaded to the website.
Warning: this release includes extensive changes to the code generation and synchronization functions of EA, for this reason we recommend all user's become familiar with the new functionality before updating production projects.

Substantial changes to Code generation and parsing engines:
     -Method notes synchronized forward and reverse
     -Ability to update method type in code
     -Ability to update method parameter names in code
     -Ability to update attribute type
     -Update method and attribute scope (except C++/Delphi)
     -Update attribute default value in code
     -Update .cpp files as well as .h files for CPP
     -Better facility for generating properties from attributes
     -Improved property support in all languages
     -Numerous bug fixes for code generation
     -Improvements to comment extraction
     -Ability to set comment style for C++
Correct bug where Nodes always dropped as instances onto diagrams
Fixed problem where diagram keyboard input could be lost after editing operations or attributes
RTF templates will now accept empty heading and intro - all other headings move up one level
Correct bug where Attribute dialog did not have correct focus on open
Source and Target drop downs in Message Dialog now sorted
Autosize all now works correctly with Zoom sizes > 120%
Fixed problem with element properties not updating until re-selected
'Shallow' copy in Sequence and Collaboration diagrams now copies messages
Windows Metafiles are converted to Enhanced format on import - not dynamically - prevents occasional load errors
Fixed a bug that caused a crash when swapping between diagrams (under special circumstances)
Fixed bug that caused collaboration diagrams to print extra blank pages
Fixed bug that caused some text elements to generate extra blank pages when printing
Fixed XMI bug: Attribute 'const' flag not imported from XML file
Option (diagram local setting) to show 'linked package contents' in packages on diagrams
Ability to save import headers from Code Gen dialog without actually generating code (for later batch generation)
Visual Basic code generator will now create implementation methods for inherited methods
Following accelerators added:
     -F9 - open Attribute dialog
     -F10 - open operation dialog
     -F11 - generated selected class
     -Shift/F11 -generate all selected classes
     -F12 - View selected class source

Latest News / Version 3.10 (Build 457) released
« on: January 27, 2002, 02:49:35 am »
On the 27-Jan-2002
Enteprise Architect Version 3.10
A minor release (build 457) was uploaded to the website.

- ODBC import modifications. Limited support for DBASE files
- Fixed a bug in the Java import which adversely affected the parsing of classes with no Parent
- Java code generator now supports 'throws' clause - add a tagged value of type 'throws' to an operation to generate
- Bug in DataTypes dialog fixed
- Table attributes (columns) dialog now enables the Tagged  Values page correctly
- Addition of option in RTF dialog to 'Document all Elements' - this will include such items as Sequence objects, Boundaries etc.
- JET 4.0 subsystem upgraded to support Replication of Access 2000 format projects
- RTF report now sorts elements by Type, Custom position and then Name
- Views can now be dragged onto a diagram (as a Package)
- RTF Report has option to include Package details (status, constraints, requirements etc.)
- If Phase filter set in RTF report, packages which are less than that are not included (nor their children)
- Improved C++ parser handling of line breaks
- Tagged Values table now enabled on Table Columns dialog

Latest News / Version 3.10 (Build 455) released
« on: January 24, 2002, 05:19:22 am »
On the 24-Jan-2002
Enteprise Architect Version 3.10
A minor release (build 455) was uploaded to the website.  This build is only available in the EA 'patch', check out for details (only for registered users).

- Extensive changes to the Page Setup functionality and drawing of printed page
- Option to Draw a border around printed pages
- Fixed bug that lost page setup details after using "zoom to fit" function on diagram
- Made 'Heading Style' a mandatory field in RTF report dialog
- Display Build number in Open Project dialog
- Allow 'auto-instance' of Nodes when dropping from tree onto diagram
- Tighter linking of Sequence messages and target class operations
- Ability to hide and show sequence message paramters (where linked to operation) using Diagram Dialog
- Full method signature displayed in operation drop list in Message Dialog
- Return type updated when selecting different operation in Message dialog
- Options added to RTF Report dialog to exclude Hyperlinks from output

Latest News / Version 3.10 (Build 452) released
« on: January 23, 2002, 05:45:13 am »
On the 23-Jan-2002
Enteprise Architect Version 3.10
A minor release (build 452) was uploaded to the website. It included an urgent fix for:

- Users On WinNT with restricted security to the registry couldn't run EA

Latest News / Version 3.10 (Build 450) released
« on: January 21, 2002, 03:47:08 am »
On the 21-Jan-2002
Enteprise Architect Version 3.10

- Focus of control in sequence diagrams rewritten and updated to include finer control
- Testing docked tool updated to include additional columns and sortable columns
- Updates to C++ parser to handle some problems template classes
- Updates to C++ code generator
- Local option to set default association directedness
- RTF Templates now save 'exclude element' details
- Packages now reload last RTF template used for that package (if previously generated)
- Objects dropped from browser onto sequence diagram now appear at right most position in sequence - not left most
- Added ability to go to operations dialog directly from 'new message' dialog in sequence diagram
- Hyperlinks now included in RTF generation .... they appear directly under the diagram they appear in

- Hyperlinks caused blue text in state diagrams
- Association constraints included in XMI input/output
- Some fixes to the C# Parser
- Include interfaces from an realized interface in drop list of new message dialog in sequence diagrams
- Fixed bug with ReportView not repainting correctly under some circumstances
- Import of FoxPro DDL from ODBC

Latest News / Version 3.10 (Build 443) released
« on: January 14, 2002, 03:19:29 am »
On the 14-Jan-2002
Enteprise Architect Version 3.10
Special note regarding replicated models: This version of EA will update your model files (.eap) when you open them. Do not try and update a Replica project - always update the Design Master first, then synchronize the Replicas with the Master to copy the changes to the Replica. You may also elect to create new replicas from the updated Design Master and discard the old version 2.5/3.00 Replicas.

The main features are:

- Ability to associate a metafile with a stereotype and override the normal appearance of an object (see Stereotype Dialog in Reference section)
- Ability to set the modified date for all elements in a model branch (from the Update Package Status dialog)
- Ability to define a new method from the Message dialog for selection in Sequence diagrams
- Modification of Sequence diagrams to include support for 'implicit returns' and focus of control - Local Setting to enable/disable
- Set relation visibility window now resizable
- Ability to set generation language directly on Code Generation dialog (drop list)
- Transition names copied to 'Action' field for old style transitions
- Added undo for AutoLayout
- Some database changes for future enhancements
- Set Element Parent option on context menu for generalizable elements (creates a generalization link to any element in model)
- Autosize Selected elements in diagram option

- Addition of VB.Net to object language droplist (on Object Properties dialog)
- Use of '\' character in element names broke RTF generation
- Tidied up name wrapping for classes
- Fixed some import errors in C# parser caused by \" (escaped quote)
- Ensure Interfaces listed in parameter drop lists
- Modifications to sequence diagram
- Additional UI fixes and consistency checks
- Improved handling of Interfaces in VB
- Improved Import and Package statement handling in Java

Latest News / Version 3.10 (Build 440) released
« on: January 08, 2002, 05:12:23 am »
On the 9-Jan-2002
Enteprise Architect Version 3.10
Release 3.10 is a minor version update which rolls up all the patches and refinements since the 3.00 release.

Special note regarding replicated models: This version of EA will update your model files (.eap) when you open them. Do not try and update a Replica project - always update the Design Master first, then synchronize the Replicas with the Master to copy the changes to the Replica. You may also elect to create new replicas from the updated Design Master and discard the old version 2.5/3.00 Replicas.

Special note regarding registry settings: Due to the sometimes problematic nature of sharing registry keys between EA versions we have been forced to disregard any previous settings and start each version fresh.  However the upside of this is that it will now be possible to have more than one version of EA installed on a machine, since each version will operate independently.

The main features are:

- Addition of a dockable 'tab bar' to provide easy access to testing scripts for an element
- Addition of a dockable 'tab bar' to provide easy access to system tasks, project issues and glossary
- Addition of a dockable 'tab bar' to to provide easy access to maintenance items (changes and defects) for and element
- Addition of 'Hyperlink' element for creating links to other documents and webpages and placing on diagram (element toolbar)
- RTF documents can now have heading levels up to 9 deep
- Provide ability to rename or delete the pre-defined model views (Use Case, Logical, Dynamic etc.)
- Ability to place 'diagram properties' in a text element on a diagram (freely moveable and formattable)
- VB.Net support
- Support for Association Classes (UML connection type)
- More UML support
- Property windows disabled when no valid element selected
- Registry hive for version 3.10 now separate from 2.50 and 3.00 (some quirky behaviour caused by shared registry settings)
- Attribute multiplicity now shown in diagrams
- Attribute initial value now shown in diagrams
- Simple RTF report for ReportView
- Ability to set the Default Diagram for a project (EA opens to this if available)
- Last RTF template loaded is recalled when accessing RTF dialog
- Support for Changes and Defects in RTF documents
- Improved Focus of Control on sequence diagrams
- Transitions may have Event, Guard and Action attributes
- Associations now directed by default
- Fixed bug which caused GPF when deleting certain kinds of elements and trying to undo
- Support for JET 4.0 data access (Access 2000/XP) - requires Jet 4.0 already installed on client - user must configure local option first
- Interface attributes required to be declared 'static'
- Updated type Generalisation to Generalization (spelling correction)
- Improved import of ODBC facility
- Plus bug fixes and general tidy ups.

Latest News / Version 3.00 (Build 429) released
« on: December 24, 2001, 01:41:22 am »
On the 24-Dec-2001
A minor release (build 429) was uploaded to the website. It included a number of bug fixes, some of which are:
- Attach trigger events, actions and guards to transitions
- Focus of control for sequence diagrams
- Fixed child diagrams removed from tree when attributes or operations modified
- Fixed crash when undoing deletion of 'transient' elements (eg. Synchronization, Start/End nodes)

Latest News / Version 3.00 (Build 423) released
« on: December 16, 2001, 01:10:57 am »
On the 16-Dec-2001
A minor release (build 423) was uploaded to the website. It included a number of bug fixes, some of which are:
- Reset toolbar positions for version 3.00 install
- Make sure properties window updating correctly when moving dock windows
- Diagrams moved to another package now bring their child elements with them
- Diagrams moved under an element in another package now move correctly
- Requirements dialog fixed to respond to correct keyboard shortcuts for OK/Cancel
- Drawing of Aggregation link reverted to placing diamond at destination end
- Export of XMI in Rose format fix
- Fixed a situation when moving dock windows that could cause EA to lock up
- Fixed EA not opening associated .eap files when clicking on them

Latest News / Version 3.00 (Build 421) released
« on: December 13, 2001, 03:06:45 am »
On the 13-Dec-2001
A minor release (build 421) was uploaded to the website. It included a number of bug fixes, some of which are:
- corrected automatic update of EA projects when upgrading from version 2.1 to 3.0
- corrected package allocation problem when moving diagrams from on package to another

Latest News / Version 3.00 (Build 419) released
« on: December 09, 2001, 05:09:46 am »
On the 9-Dec-2001
A minor release (build 419) was uploaded to the website. It included a number of bug fixes, some of which are:
- DDL generation now generates multiple foreign keys on the one table
- Hide/Unhide connections dialog from diagram context menu
- Fixed a bug when dragging operations from browser to diagram element only copying the first parameter
- Fixed aggregation of source or destination association role behaviour
- Several changes to XMI output/input
- Some changes to C++ generation to include correct headers and handle containment by value

- addition table information was added to generated RTF documentation
- hide/unhide connectors improved
- role aggregation has been improved

Latest News / Enterprise Architect Version 3.00 is Released
« on: December 04, 2001, 01:45:01 am »
Version 3.00 of Enteprise Architect Released

Sparx Systems are proud to announce the latest version of Enterprise Architect, v3.00.

This release features a large number of enhancements and refinements.  A complete list is included at the bottom of this post.  The main highlights are:
- improved GUI with dockable windows and more toolbars
- relationship matrix for managing requirements traceability
- improved reverse engineering of ODBC data sources
- foreign key information is now included DDL import/export
- ability to copy complete diagrams
- additional modeling elements
- an ActiveX read-only interface based on XMI

The Trial version of Enterprise Architect 3.00 is available now for evaluation download from
Registered users can download the lastest version in the normal manner.  If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected] and include your original registration details in the note.

Once again, many thanks to all those who have supported EA and offered their ideas and encouragement. Also a special thanks to those who took the time to evaluate the beta version of this release and report back bugs and issues.

As ever, we are committed to the development of EA and appreciate your feedback and comments,

Happy modeling,

Geoffrey Sparks
Director, Sparx Systems
December 4th, 2001

Special note regarding replicated models: This version of EA will update your model files (.eap) when you open them. Do not try and update a Replica project - always update the Design Master first, then synchronize the Replicas with the Master to copy the changes to the Replica. You may also elect to create new Replicas from the updated Design Master and discard the old version 2.5 Replicas.


New features, bug fixes and changes in Enterprise Architect 3.00

New to Version 3.00
- much improved 'Office Style' GUI with dockable windows, new look and feel and smooth performance
- dockable propeties browser and project browser windows
- improved reverse engineering of ODBC data sources
- foreign key information is now included DDL import/export
- ability to copy entire diagram with ease - either as shallow (linked objects) or deep (duplicate objects)
- tweaks and improvement to XMI import/export facility
- space objects evenly on a diagram, vertically or horizontally
- customize how the tree view responds to mouse clicks-
- new 'appearance formatter' toolbar - with saveable styles - colorize multiple objects with a single click
- relationship matrix for managing requirements traceability and other uses. CSV export for Excel compatibility
- hot keys improved and added
- added 'Set Connector' function, allows existing connector to be moved to other objects
- added Tagged Values to attributes and operations
- added Tagged Values to class objects
- ability to set custom position of elements in the project browser (custom sorting)
- addition of structured 'issue' and 'change' elements for help in managing projects
- addition of 'hierarchy' page to requirement dialog to visualize composition and implmentation of requirements
- property dialog now supports internal and external responsobilities (requirements)
- ability to move internal responsibilities to external requirements with a button push - makes working with system requirements much simpler
- ability to suppress collaboration numbering
- ability to customize toolbars (hide and show buttons)
- set the visibility of element features (attributes and operations) on a per diagram basis
- Active X (read only) interface - based on XMI
- ability to copy an attribute or operation from one element to another using drag and drop from the project browser to an element in a diagram
- ability to auto create a requirement/realization link by dropping a requirement from the browser on an element in a diagram
- addition of a 'diagram only' RTF report
- ability to link a note element in a diagram to an internal feature (attribute/operation etc) of another element - and auto display the feature notes etc.
- support for defining C++ Macros that will be ignored during reverse engineering
- highlight operation parameters and return types that are passed by reference - set the highlighting character as an option (eg. & or *)
- support for History states, Concurrent states and Synch states
- additional settings to customize overall behaviour
- some tweaks to the code engineering components

Added Since the Initial Release of version 2.50
- Added date criteria on search screen
- Support for Events in VB code generation
- Support for Behavior in code generation
- Intellimouse support for diagram window
- Support for object colors and styles
- Added Hotkey (Ctrl) to prevent Auto Instance
- Added Phase to requirement dialog
- Increase the size of Scenerio Notes on property screen
- Added Align middle
- Added Support for UI Table Elements
- Added Recursive Package Phase Update
- Added Synch(V) and Synch(H) to state chart toolbar
- Allow notelink to be routed
- New diagrams now receive focus automatically
- Allow hide/show of stereotype icons
- Scroll using Shift-MouseMove
- Append package name to related object in RTF associations
- Pre / Post-Constraints for attributes not in RTF
- Manual entry of RGB values in appearance dialog
- Select tree object when it receives focus after delete
- American spelling for Generalisation etc.
- Objects can be inserted directly into the tree, without belonging to a diagram
- Ability to add new elements by right clicking on package in tree view
- Allow parameter name to be modified in operations dialog
- Added support for /* */ and // comment statements in Delphi code generation
- Added support for constructor/destructor statements in Delphi code generation

Bugs fixed in Verion 3.00 since the Initial Release of version 2.50
- Items in the tree were being sorted incorrectly after drag
- Colour not working for interfaces and abstract classes
- Order test scripts by Use Case name
- Hot keys Ctrl-V and Ctrl-Shift-V were swapped
- Missing Hot keys on screens
- Fixed GPF on RTF generation screen (when New is clicked)
- Save button on Properties screen (file tab) never became enabled
- Diagram property screen changes were lost when user selects PageSetup
- when doing bulk copy/paste boundary object don't get copied unless they have name
- when doing bulk copy/paste new object are insert in reverse z-order
- corrected minimum screen size of Table attributes screen
- CRLF were changed into CRCRLF during synchronizing of C++ code
- Package notes lost in XML import/export
- Cancel drag and drop
- XML import/export bug (friend visibility in C++)
- Associations created by Code generation was incorrect
- Element name too long for context menu in some cases
- Diagram name not updated correctly in props when diagram not visible
- Scenario tests were not being included in RTF documentation
- Copying of Operations and Attributes bug patched
- RTF documentation includes parameter details for methods
- ECF dialog support for other regional settings
- Improved diagram locking - prevent connector moves and multiselects
- Operation and Attribute dialogs hold last selection in list when item saved
- Fix an occasional GPF loading operations dialog for element that has classifier which does not support operations
- Autolayout feature marks diagram as 'dirty' to prevent lost changes
- C++ copy constructor syntax changed
- fixed bug in remove replication process
- fixed save attribute bug

Latest News / Sparx System's New Web Server
« on: November 19, 2001, 04:39:08 am »
Sparx Systems are pleased to announce that we have changed to a bigger and faster web server, which we hope will make your visit to our website more enjoyable.  This change has brought about the need to also change some of the online applications we utilise like the discussion forum and mailout software.

Notes of Discussion Forum
We have installed the latest version of YABB (Yet Another Bulletin Board) by XNull, for details check see they site .  We believe that this new discussion forum will perform better than the previous forum (personally I like YABB more).
You will also notice that the Bug-Report and Request-A-Feature boards have been removed.  We had noticed that about half of the posts to these boards were duplicates, ie multiple users requesting the same item which meant that we needed to reply to each request.  The purpose of the discussion forum was two fold, 1) keep you the user up to date and 2) reduce our work load.  When users raises duplicate issues this tells us that neither of else two points are being met.  Another reason is that during peak development times we don't have the time to review all posts on the discussion forum, so for these reason we have gone back to mail requests only.

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