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Messages - Mauricio Moya (Arquesoft)

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 23
General Board / tag values in shapescript?
« on: June 07, 2024, 09:55:36 am »
Hello everyone. Does anyone know if it's possible to print the value of a tag value inside a shapescript? If so, what would be the syntax?

General Board / What is the Thread Filter for?
« on: May 30, 2024, 09:36:13 am »
I just noticed that in the Layout/Filter menu option, there is an option called "Thread", but it's not documented in the help section. When I select it, I can't figure out its functionality. Does anyone know what it's for? It doesn't appear on the documentation page:

EA Version 16.1.1628

In earlier versions of Enterprise Architect (I don't remember exactly which one, but it was over 2 years ago), when locks were used on elements and you wanted to create a connector between two elements, one of which was locked for the user and the other was not, it was only possible to do so in one direction (I don't remember), meaning the connector could be created depending on whether the source of the relationship was not locked for the user (or the destination, I don't remember).

In the current version (16.1), I notice that connectors can be created between locked elements, even if both are locked for the user (red lock). Is this the case? Can someone confirm this behavior? Or is this a new bug? Since when has it worked this way?

Bugs and Issues / Master - model documents header and footer
« on: March 06, 2024, 01:54:11 am »
In previous versions of EA, virtual documentation used to function in the following way: you created a template for the Master Document that included the header and footer you wanted throughout the entire document (which could include pagination). You then created different templates for the Model Documents with which you constructed the entirety of the desired document. I am using version 16.1.1627, and I notice that the header and footer defined in the master template is not visible in the document. Am I missing something? Has anything changed in recent versions, or is this a bug?

The files will be installed by the ProCloud installer. See the help page you mentioned.


You are right! I have just checked and they are in the folder: C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server\VisibilityLevels

PCS General Board / Re: Is there a way to upload files in Prolaborate?
« on: August 05, 2023, 07:15:29 am »
Hi Mauricio,

Which upload file are you referring to here?
If you're referring to a linked document, then it's supported.

I was thinking on any way to upload a local file to Prolaborate (like attach a file)... but editing or creating a Linked Document would be fine for me. How do you do that? (not viewing but creating or editing)

According to about setting up the Visibility Levels, the first thing I have to do is to run some SQL scripts for SQLServer. But... where are those scripts? they are not in the obvious place (, so where are they located? I was looking for them also in the registered user section but they are not there.

PCS General Board / Is there a way to upload files in Prolaborate?
« on: July 22, 2023, 01:58:13 am »
Is it possible to upload a file in Prolaborate? It would be ok if it is only visible in prolaborate.

Note you only have the images stored in the database if you have PCS licensed, because it is the only way to use the Worker that continuously create a cache of the recently saved diagrams as images in the database.

And of course, if you have the PCS licensed, maybe you would prefer to use WebEA instead of making you own PHP web app.

I have read the documentation in but I don't find in the documentation how to start using this API from scratch.

I mean, if I have a PCS licensed and I have checked the OSCL API in the PCS panel, then restarted the service, with the default setup, how can I access the API? what is the port? is there a way to change the default port? where are located the config files for the OSCL API? I honestly don't find this information in the Sparx OSCL API documentation.

Is OSCL API a different service from the PCS? are those the same? is OSCL API exposed via 1804 port in a default setup?

When you use EA, there are a lot of options to edit complex documents: a linked document, a Document element, or a custom table.

By "complex document" I mean a document that could include images, text format or tables.

If I create a linked document in EA, you can visualize it in Prolaborate due the worker create a html view of that document.

But the question is: how can I do that final Prolaborate users could edit this documentation? is there a way they can upload a document from Prolaborate? or maybe edit a custo table or a Linked document? any additional idea? maybe a Discussion that allow formated tables?

I want to implement a piece of code (outside EA and the API) that creates directly in the database an Element. The element is of a given stereotype defined in a profile in a custom MDG.

So, I have to insert into the database the suitable data for t_object (the Element), t_xref (the Tag value grouping and stereotypes) and t_objectproperties (the tag values). But I have noticed that generating random GUIDs for the tag values generates some problems in the resulting element because the tags don't get grouped and are only visible in the tag section of the Properties window, instead of be visible in the main Properties tab.

I have also noted that all the elements generated manually (using EA) have some coincidences in some parts of the tag value GUID. I mean, if I have several tag values defined in the stereotype (city, company, category, etc), all the "city" tag values for different elements share some section of the GUID. Also, any of the tag values defined in the same profile (or MDG) share some other section of the GUID.

In a given GUID structure like this: {AAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE}
All the tag values of elements with stereotypes belonging to the same MDG/profile, shares the AAAAAAAA section.
All the tag values with the same name (city, company, category, etc), shares the BBBB-CCCC sections
Only DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE seems to be randomly generated.

Does anybody know the rule to calculate AAAAAAAA and BBBB sections of the GUID for a tag value?

I have some customTables in the EA model, which are editable in EA. Is there a way to edit the content of the table in prolaborate?
Or is there any other alternative to have a table editable in Prolaborate? (like a spreadsheet, or something like that?)

The method to display the menu for a tagged value as per BPMN (assuming the ID if the MDG is MYMDG)

1) Define an enumeration containing the literals for the tagged value
2) Add an enumeration tagged value to the stereotype (lets say MyStereotype), for example MyTaggedValue
3) In the metaclass for the stereotype add an attribute named _subTypeProperty of type String
4) Set the initial value of this attribute to the fully qualified MDG name of the tagged value (as defined in 2) above. In this example this would be


Hope this helps


This was the option that worked for me, thanks @Phil

Just some precision: the name of the tag value should be _subtypeProperty (avoid capital T) and the value is not MYMDG::MyStereotype::MyTaggedValue but MYProfile::MyStereotype::MyTaggedValue

I have an MDG with a profile that includes the definition of a stereotyped element containing different tag values.

Is it possible in a Toolbox profile to have one toolbox item that allows me to add the element to a diagram with all its tag values empty, but also have another toolbox item that allows me to add the same type of element but with some tag value set (not empty)? And a 3rd toolbox item that add the same type of element with the same tag value with another 3rd default value? is that possible?

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