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Topics - Mauricio Moya (Arquesoft)

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Hi, I have a repository stored in Oracle. Everything used to work fine. The server has Cloud Server (the old version), Keystore, and the 32 bits Oracle ODBC driver. The database is stored in a separate server.

But we had to do some test, so we installed EA 15, then Pro Cloud 4. Then the test was over so we uninstall EA 15 and Pro Cloud 4 and install EA 13 and old Cloud Server. Everithing seems to be fine, and all users can connect to the model through the Pro Cloud Server

Now, when the data we input in EA client (from another PC) contains special latin characters (á,é,í,ó,ú,ñ), the data is stored as (a,e,i,o,u,?).

We never changed the Oracle ODBC drivers nor the database server. Any ideas why is it wrong now?

General Board / [SOLVED] How to multiple-overlays in relationship matrix?
« on: October 24, 2019, 12:23:16 am »
I have a large relationship matrix (100 x 100 aprox), and it is easy to add similar relationships in the matrix by selecting multiple cells with the mouse (and ctrl or shift keys). The same if you wan to delete multiple relationships.

But how can I add the same letter of an overlay to multiple cells? Am I missing something? It works only one by one?

Due my clients use different versions of EA, I have to frecuently install different versions of EA in my computer. But after installing the last build of EA 15 (1512), then version 13.0 (1310), and then again EA 15 (1512), the icon shown in the windows taskbar is an empty paper instead of the EA logo as always.

This situation had happen to me in other computers but always is solved by reinstalling the same version twice (the second is not an installation but a "repair install"). But this time, this doesn't work.

I have uninstalled, reinstalled multiple times (with and without repair install option), but it keeps on showing the blank paper icon.

I have tried changing manually the icon with right click, but doesn't work. Any ideas?

General Board / How to implement a pattern with Package structure?
« on: October 09, 2019, 03:20:42 am »
I know you can make a pattern in EA, which means you can create new diagrams with elements in predefined positions with predefined connectors and you can choose if the elements in the diagram are new or you can merge them with previously created elements.

But how is supposed to do something more complex, like a structure of packages with several diagrams and each diagram with a predefined structure of objects and connectors? similar as when you create a TOGAF model which is not just a pattern of a single diagram but a complex structure with packages, diagrams, elements and connectors (I know this is a MDG technology including document templates, profiles and other stuff).

But how can I just make something like a "pattern" that creates packages, diagrams, elements and connectors? how is it called in EA?

General Board / Unidentified user when moving the EAP file from disk
« on: October 03, 2019, 05:44:14 am »
I have a weird case: an EAP file in EA 14 with security enabled and integrated with windows authentication.

If the EAP opened in the original folder (a local folder in a PC), it opens the file and does autologin because the windows user matches a user in the model (the user in the model is defined as DOMAIN\USERNAME).

If I move the EAP file (by copy-pasting the file (previously closed in order to avoid conflict with temp file generated)) to another folder in the same hard disk, the file opens and autologin normally as expected.

BUT if I move the EAP file to a folder in a different hard disk (using the same methodology), when EA opens the file, it ask for the username and password, which means it does not recognize the windows user as a user in the model.

The same happens when moving the file to a network folder or uploading and then downloading to sharepoint (via web, not using a local folder for sharepoint).

The temporal solution for me was to assign passwords to each users in order they can login when prompted, but autologin doesn't work when the file has been moved from hard disk.


Any ideas?

General Board / How to pre-setup the Hide connector option in all users?
« on: September 11, 2019, 03:56:54 am »
Hi. I have an environment with a db-centralized repository and more than 100 users of EA. We have discovered that the first time they try to delete a connector (with the Supr key), some of them select the option "Hide the connector" and some others "delete the connector" and also check the "Don't ask again".

Then, in the normal diagramming operation, sometimes they want to hide a connector or delete it, but pressing the Supr key will be always hide/delete based on the first time selection.

Is there a way I can set in the windows registry or some EA file the option "Hide the connector" and "don't ask again"? (I can broadcast a registry configuration easily)

If I use .feap (created from Pro Cloud Server), how can I change the database behavior in order to make the searches case unsensitive? default behavior is case sensitive.

General Board / In EA 15 where can I set the default diagram for all users?
« on: September 03, 2019, 11:37:48 pm »
I can't find the option in EA 15. It is only available the option for setting My Default Diagram. But where is the global default diagram?

General Board / What about EA running in iOS Catalina version?
« on: September 03, 2019, 06:24:06 am »
I'm trying to install EA in iOS, in the preview of Catalina (version 10.15 beta), but some of the typical steps to install could not be completed. It is due Catalina has not support for 32 bits apps, so, it would not be possible to run EA in the new version of iOS?

General Board / Where is 'set as icon' option in EA 15 for Image assets?
« on: September 01, 2019, 02:17:05 am »
As seen in I was loooking for the option "set as icon' when drag&drop an image asset over a class in a diagram but some of the options shown are not present. Where are they?

General Board / Is it possible to hide stereotype in Browser window?
« on: August 26, 2019, 06:03:22 am »
Is it possible to hide the <<stereotype>> name in elements appearing in the Project Browser (now Browser) window?

In versions previous to 14 when you double click an element in the project browser, it opens the properties windows for the selected element, but since version 14 double clicking in the project browser is similar to Ctrl U (find in all diagramas).

Is there a way to have the previous behavior?

I have a document template in which I need the header includes the name of the selected element (the element where I press F8 and then select the template in order to get the document).

As you know, when you select the checkboxes in the left part of the template editor, the yellow markers are included in the body of the template but not in the header nor footer.

Is there a way to include the element name (or the yellow marker) in the template header? Or: how do I include the element name in the header of all the pages of a document template?

As announced today, PCS version 4 will discontinue the use of the "free" CS. So, will it be possible to get the free functionality of CS in the new version 4? or do we have to purchase the 5000 usd/year to allow CS to connect to a database?

General Board / Changing collation of t_object.Name in SQLServer
« on: May 09, 2019, 07:50:40 am »
Hi. We pretend to allow the EA search to find the elements (or packages, or diagrams) even when the name is not exactly wrote. In Spanish we use accents for the vowels and we need EA can find elements writing or not the accents.

For example: if we find in a Simple search "produccion" we want the same results as searching "producción".

In SQLServer it is supposed to change the collation of the column Name of table t_object (ignoring the simple search also search into Notes and alias).

After changing only the collation of the column we were unable to access the model from EA (it doesn't load in the project browser and displays an error about some UNION and the collation problem when loading the data).

The question is: do you know a better approach to get the desired behavior? Have you done something similar to this? any ideas? maybe changing all columns collation?

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