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Topics - Mauricio Moya (Arquesoft)

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7]
Bugs and Issues / Overwriting package group lock not possible in v11
« on: October 25, 2014, 03:11:22 am »
There is a "bug" in EA v 11.1.1110 when you try to overwrite a package group lock, just by opening the "Lock/Unlock Package(s)" window and clicking the "OK" button (if you had previously locked the current package to a group). The message shown is: "You must enter a valid group name if locking at the group level".

In previous versions this message was not shown and overwriting a package group lock used to be useful when you had several child packages with different group locks; you were able to set again all the locks to a given group by using the parent package. Now it is not possible.

Bugs and Issues / Automation server can't create object in Windows 8
« on: July 08, 2014, 11:52:16 pm »
I had some JScripts running perfectly in my previous PC (Windows 7, 32 bits, EA 10). Now, I'm testing them in my new PC (Windows 8.1, 64 bits, EA 11) and it throws and error in the following line of code:

var xmlDOM = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0" );

The error says: "Automation server can't create object".

Note I'm using the same script as shown in the EA Help, under "Example Template Fragment Script".

I also have .NET 4 installed in both 32 and 64 bits environments.

My client has 100+ users and is using EA 12. He needs to set a tagvalue when the status of an element in a Kanban diagram changes.

Is it possible in version 12 to have an event listener or something like that that detects the element status change and execute some script?

Have in mind that there are many users and it is too time expensive to install an add-in in every computer.

The ideal solution is to use something similar to a Workflow script (that works completelly in EA without installing additional software).

Any idea?

Thanks in advance.

If I drag & drop an excel file (xlsx) to be included into the model as an internal document, is it possible to include the stored document as part of the RTF documentation as you can do with a Linked document?

I want to store excel files into the model, and include them into the generated documentation, but I can't find any section in the document template designer to include the content of the file.

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