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Messages - alexM

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Suggestions and Requests / Version Control
« on: September 18, 2003, 07:46:27 am »
EA 3.60 Version Control Improvement Requests

Present Situation
We are currently developing a software system in which many developers are involved and therefore we have a strong need to version control the EA UML models that will allow many developers to change the overall model at the same time.
The policy that we have adopted, as suggested in your user guide, is to partition the model into logical packages which are configured as ‘Control Package’ and saved into xml files. These xml files are kept under version control (actual version control tool is irrelevant.)
If a developer needs to change a package, he performs a reserved check out before he can start working on the package. After some changes have been done to it and the package is required to be revision controlled, he saves it to file and commits the file to revision control. This is great, just what we want.
We do not want to use CSS for version control.
We use the following EA 3.60 features to achieve the above.
·      Package control
·      Save of controlled packages into xml files
·      Batch Import of xml files
Although these features are all desirable, they do not go far enough to make package control easy for a development team.
1.      After changing a control package and saving it to file, we end up with the situation that the information contained in its xml file is consistent with those in the xml files of the parent control packages.
We do not want developers to be updating all the xml files up the package hierarchy to make all them consistent. This is time wasting, but most importantly, the merging of parent packages would be very difficult when some other developer wants to save a sibling package of a previously updated package. Checking out an entire control package hierarchy is out of the question.
2.      Although it is possible to live with inconsistent xml files of a control package hierarchy, the batch xml importing way of working, however, does not help in overcoming this problem. Since the batch xml import displays and loads the control package xml files alphabetically, potentially, the information in a parent package could prevail over the information of a control sub-package, depending on the order and times in which they are loaded, leading to a model being displayed with missing information.

Change Requests

We are requesting the following improvements.
1.      When configuring a control package, we would like to be given the option of whether the content of all its control sub-packages should be saved to file or not when the package is saved.
Therefore, when saving a control package to file and the package has been not configured to save the content of all its control sub-packages to file, the generated xml file should only have references to the control sub-packages and nothing about their content. Of course all information about the content of the control sub-packages will be in their own corresponding xml files and therefore no information is lost.
Note that if not under package control, the content of a sub-package should always be saved to file.
2.      When Batch importing XMI files, it is highly desirable that the packages are displayed, as well as the actual import of the xml files themselves, in a hierarchical top-down manner rather than alphabetically. This will not only allow a developer to select a particular leaf of a package hierarchy very easy, but it will also solve the package xml file content inconsistency problem.
3.      When using Batch importing XMI files, it would be also desirable to be given the option for the tool to follow dynamically the references of all control sub-packages and their control sub-packages and display them hierarchically so that all xml files could be imported with one single invocation. If this option is not available, the loading of an entire model will require many iterative invocations of batch xml imports. The number of invocations will depend on the number of levels in the control package hierarchy.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: Run Script by AddIn
« on: May 08, 2015, 10:38:01 pm »
It seems useful to addin debugging and testing too, Thanks a lot!!!  :)

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Run Script by AddIn
« on: May 07, 2015, 11:47:38 pm »
Hi, i'm developing an AddIn to implement a particular "set of rules" in my requirement diagram.
The Addin is "event sensitive" in particular this one performs its instructions when a new connector is instantiated.
I had already developed my "set of rules" using Scripting so the question is: "is it possible to run a script by an AddIn? If yes, where can i find any reference for the syntax" ?

Thanks a lot!!! :D :D :D Can you give me any reference (blog, book ecc..)? i'm trying to develop a serie of rules (using scripting) to manage the requirement model  tags (thank you again bye!!!).

How can I define the type of tag value (eg. enumeration type) within  vbscript (Scripting environment)? I have need to add particular tag (enumeration type) to an element through script, but i can't to find the methods, to define tag value type,  for  my script in the Software Development Kit. Can Anyone help me?

Hi, I'm building a MDG (profile, toolbox and diagram), i want to include  also some scripts, USING SCRIPTING "tool"(inside EA).
I have originally wrote my scripts as "Diagram Group" scripts but after that   my  MDG was compiled  and selected ( in the "Setting MDG" menu);  my scripts appear as "Normal Group"   (and not as "Diagram Group")  .
How can i solve this issue?
I would see the scripts as "Diagram Group" because i need to select (and run) them directly from diagram.
Thanks a lot !

Hi, i have realized a state diagram to rapresent my  model behaviour,  i have realized many interface ( with UserInterface diagram)  to pass input in my state machine during simulation.

I have used EditControlBox (Win32 UI toolbox object) to pass my input and  Botton (Win32 UI toolbox  object) to activate the transition in my simulation ( to each botton has been associated  a trigger and  his signal).

For the association "trigger-botton" it has been necessary  assign a specific TAG to Botton  with a particular name and  to pass my input it  has been necessary assign a particular value to this TAG
: (tag name = OnClick, tag value = UIBroadcastSignal("<Trigger/Signal>",{'<Signal_attribute>': dialog.<Screen>.<EditControlBox>.Text}).

My simulation and my user interfaces work correctly, but
I would like to use other Win32 UI objects to pass the input in my state machine simulation, but i don't know the specific Tag name and Tag value sintax to associate these objects to my triggers and signals.

Can anyone help me?

thank you so much for the advice!  :)

Thank you very much for your answer.

I do not have much familiarity with the "add-in" topic,  can you give me any reference on which to go into that ?!

I'm realizing a custom profile and I'm writing a shape script for each stereotype , the my question is:  is there any function, to use in a  stereotype shape script, to show inherited tags (like "HasTag()" for 'simple' tag)?  

Thanks a lot !

I understand, but in any case  if i try now to create a new stereotypes profile, my EA doesn't let me  select the corresponding new MDG Technology, i think that is change some setting in the platform, is it possible?

 Hi guys , i have a question about MDG generation : at first time I have created my custom elements defined by   a stereotypes profile, so i have generated  MDG technologies that work correctly; but, after a lot of iteration, now when i modify my profile , my MDG technologies are no more selectable and my new elements are disappeared from tool box menu. How can I solve this issue?

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