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Messages - Ignacio G. T.

Pages: [1] 2 3
By default, it seems (to me) that EA prefers a horizontal layout for activity diagrams:
  • Partitions are drawn horizontally, by default.
  • Decision nodes are drawn as taller-than-wide diamonds.
It's somewhat annoying to rotate decision nodes and partitions every time I want to draw them as I like (from top to down).

A project-wide or tool-wide option to set this preference would be ideal for me.

Doesn't anybody else miss this feature?

Suggestions and Requests / Re: Relationship Matrix in Documentation
« on: June 21, 2012, 08:38:14 pm »
Mmm... I have version 9.3 (build 933) of Systems Engineering Edition and I cannot find where / how to add the relationship matrix into an RTF report.

Can anybody tell me where it is? Thanks.

Suggestions and Requests / Re: Select multiple "things" on a diagram
« on: September 06, 2010, 05:23:08 pm »
Wow. So this issue has been raised more than three years ago. I'm new to EA, but how have all of you lived without multiple link selection? :o

General Board / Re: version control vs EA Security
« on: April 02, 2013, 12:24:51 am »
We are beginning to use VC with EA in a new project. The team is small, but very used to work with version control, even with 'binary' documents.

We will use local (not shared) .eap files, with Subversion as the VC. So, in the end, we will be sharing the models via Subversion, just as we do with other artifacts.

In addition to the 'standard' version procedures that EA provides (serializing with XMI, etc.) we plan to maintain the master .eap files themselves (in parallel) in the Subversion repository as a kind of versioned backup, updated at specific phases of the project, just in case something goes bad.

I hope we have made the right decision. Time will tell...

General Board / Namespace in sequence diagrams. How to show it?
« on: February 13, 2013, 02:50:05 am »

I am trying to show the namespace for the "Sequence instances" of a sequence diagram, to no avail.

I have checked Diagram -> Show Namespace and Diagram -> Fully Qualified Namespace. The box Diagram -> Disable fully scoped object names is un-checked.

It does not matter if the lifeline is created from the Toolbox and later assigned a class with Ctr + L, or if I drag a class from the browser: no namespace appers.

Am I doing something wrong?

General Board / Re: Changing [default] directions in associations
« on: February 12, 2013, 04:52:00 am »
Thanks, Geert. But the option you mention does not affect the communication paths. In fact, I had that option un-marked. :-(

General Board / Changing [default] directions in associations
« on: February 08, 2013, 11:47:24 pm »
I'm drawing a big deployment diagram and I'm tired to change every communication path's direction from the default (Source -> Destination) to what I usually need (Bi-Directional) or what I could stand (Unspecified).

1) Is there a simple way to change the default direction of communication paths (or associations in general)?

2) If not, is there a simple way to "batch-change" all the associations / communication-paths to a specific direction?


General Board / Re: Active classes
« on: February 12, 2013, 04:56:03 am »
Thanks, Günther. I was looking on the wrong place...

General Board / Active classes
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:56:11 am »
I suspect that EA supports neither the standard notation for active classes ("box with an additional vertical bar on either side"), nor the property isActive, nor a stereotype like <<active>>.

Is that true?

General Board / Re: Provided / Required Interfaces and their Types
« on: January 24, 2013, 11:27:27 pm »
The bug report that I filled is still "under investigation".

General Board / Re: Provided / Required Interfaces and their Types
« on: January 11, 2013, 02:15:50 am »
Thanks, Helmut.

Yes, modifying the fields Classifier and Clasiffier_guid adequately for the provided and required interfaces in t_object seems to solve the problem.

I hope they fix it soon, or at least provide a script for patching the DB. I'll report a bug problem too.

General Board / Provided / Required Interfaces and their Types
« on: January 10, 2013, 04:22:23 am »
I have a model I made some time ago, with EA 9.x. In a certain part of it, I defined several interfaces, which I later used in a component diagram, like this:

1) Add new component.
2) Add new port to component.
3) Add exposed interfaces to component, selecting the required and / or provided interfaces from the previously defined interfaces.

I noticed the following behaviour, which I can still see if I open that old  model with EA 10:

a) In the project browser, the provided and required interfaces appear with a name and a type, both equal to the selected (previously defined) interface (such as MyInterface:MyInterface). Fine.

b) If I click with the right button on a provided / required interface (in the diagram), I can select Find --> Locate Classifier in Project Browser.  Very useful indeed.

c) If I click with the right button on an interface (in the browser or a diagram), I can select Find --> Find in All Diagrams, and it finds every use of the interface as a provided or required interface.  Very useful too.

d) Odd enough, there are a couple of provided / required interfaces that do NOT appear to have a type (in the browser), their classifiers  canNOT be located (there is no Locate Classifier option in the Find sub-menu), and they are NOT found when searching the diagrams where their interface types are used.

Moreover, I cannot change those provided / required interfaces in order to reproduce the 'good' behaviour described in a), b), and c), and I cannot create new models with that behaviour (from scratch) with EA 10.

Even now I am not sure if I created the provided / required interfaces in the old model (with EA 9.x) just as I described in steps 1), 2), and 3), or if I did something else or something slightly different.

If I right-click on a port in the old model, and select Structural Elements..., I can see a dialogue like this:

Name       Element           Type      Stereotype Visible Owner
ILocalApp  RequiredInterface ILocalApp            True    app
IRemoteApp ProvidedInterface                      True    app

The second row is what I see for the 'good-behaviour' interfaces; the third row is what I see for the 'bad-behaviour' interfaces: no Type!. And I cannot modify the bad ones, even with the dialogue's 'Modify' button.

How can I set the right Type for these provided / required interfaces?

Is this something that has changed in EA 10?

General Board / Re: EA 9 to EA 10
« on: December 14, 2012, 04:41:49 am »
The same for me, until now. 9.3 models seem to work well in 10.0.

General Board / Re: Find transitions by name
« on: November 29, 2012, 03:31:36 am »
Well, not necessarily. When I'm modelling at a high level (a system, a communication protocol, etc.) there are still no classes or elements to which a state machine could be attached. So, I draw a state machine directly under some package, and only create state machine nodes if I want to have sub-state machines.

And yes, if I create a state machine node on purpose and move my diagram and states below it, or add a state machine to an existing element (like a class) and draw my machine there, the query does work.  :)

But still, I cannot use the query in my old state machines that do not belong to a state machine node...

General Board / Re: Find transitions by name
« on: November 29, 2012, 02:28:23 am »
Yes, I'm sure it's a transition.

I think I see where the problem is. This is the relevant part of table t_connector:

Connector_ID  Name Start_Object_ID
191           TECI    226

Table t_object:

Object_ID Object_Type Parent_ID
226       State       0

As you can see, the states have no parents (!) In the browser you can see the states at the same level as the diagrams that use them. There must be other way to locate the diagram knowing the state. Or perhaps you can only locate the package that contains the state (and, therefore, the diagram)  :-?

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