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Topics - salayande

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Suggestions and Requests / EA & Web Application Support - JSP & ASP
« on: January 31, 2009, 06:04:09 am »
Great thanks to the Sparx team for the Archimate profile. The Strategy modelling is also cool. Is the strategy modeling profile based on the OMG BMM UML Profile or on the StratML schema?

EA has supported the modeling of web applications based on the UML Profile developed by Jim Conallen since the early versions.
The web modeling objects supported include JSP and ASP among others.

Please, kindly advise if the new code generation engines of version 7.5 will direcly support generation of JSP and if not, what can I do to use the EA 7.5 to generate JSP applications?

Can I generate an Access database schema (tables etc) via the ODBC interface using the EA 7.5?

kind regards


Suggestions and Requests / Access database ODBC direct forward engineering
« on: December 23, 2008, 04:23:19 am »
Dear all,

I have developed a data model and I would like to connect to an Access database via ODBC and generate the database tables directly.
I would like to do incremental updates/changes to the database directly from the model (must be kept in synch).

In release 834 of EA, support for Access 2007 is claimed. I am not sure if above feature as described is covered.

I can achieve this objective in Erwin but unfortunately, Erwin (3.5) does not read XMI.

kind regards


Suggestions and Requests / XML Round-Trip Engineering Feature Request
« on: April 08, 2007, 03:39:16 am »
This is a feature request for round-trip engineering support for w3c XML Schema (support for RDF will be appreciated) in EA. Metadata development is increasingly becoming important in the semantic interoperability area.

We need to model, design and generate XML Schema from UML diagrams and generate documents, validate the documents in EA's in-built editor. We also need to re-use multiple imported International standards vocabulary including Open Travel, UNCEFACT CCTS, OAGIS and UBL among others. This is currently achievable in EA for other languages like Java.

Altova curently provides the free AltovaXML engine which may be licensed and used to add required support for XML in EA.

If anyone has achieved using the free altovaXML within EA, I'd like to know.

Suggestions and Requests / Information Architecture Blueprints
« on: March 13, 2008, 07:20:14 am »

I am suggesting Sparxsystem provide the capability below. This is normally used to develop a high level blueprint for an Enterprise Information Architecture. This is the format favoured by the Business sponsors who are not into UML.

Visio is the favourite tool for producing this blueprint at the moment. I would prefer to use EA.

Barker’s notation shows sub-types as boxes inside super-type boxes. This has the advantage of taking up much less room on the diagram, and it emphasizes the fact that an occurrence of a sub-type is an occurrence of the super-type. The super- and sub-types are not simply related to each other.

In Barker’s notation, sub-types are mutually exclusive, meaning that overlapping sub-types are not allowed. Subtypes are also complete, meaning that sub-types are supposed to account for all occurrences of a super-type, although in practice, this latter rule is often bent by adding the sub-type other . . . In Figure 4, person and organization are sub-types of party.

Suggestions and Requests / Accessing a UML Profile from the Toolbox
« on: March 30, 2008, 04:33:28 am »
I used o be able to import a UML profile from the Resource view and from a right-click make it available in the Toolbox for easy access.

I could not do this in the release 827. Am I missing something? :-[


I purchased a couple of MDG Technologies including that for Zachman, Eclipse, SysML & DDS. Following the announcement of new versions, there is no indication on how to obtain upgrades within the existing licences purchased. The announcements leads to a page that suggests that a new licence purchase is necessary. I dont think this is correct as I may not have to pay for a minor upgrade (from version 1.0 to 1.1)

Please, kindly align the upgrade of the MDG Technologies to that currently used for the core product.

kind regards


Suggestions and Requests / Sample EA Models with XML Standards
« on: March 27, 2008, 12:51:23 am »
As part of its efforts to support standardisation efforts and deliver convenience to its tool users, I am suggesting that Sparxsystem supply in addition to the example model file, other model files already populated with XML schema libraries from OAGIS, UBL and other Information standards organisations.

The tool now has the capability to import linked schema and it affords Sparxsystem the opportunity to test its too's capabilities.


A core objective of an Enterprise Information Architect is managing metadata (information about data) and aligning these to the business direction.

We achieve this objective by developing models which drive the organisation of enterprise data and content.

I have been developing an Enterprise Taxonomy (metadata) in EA which I would like to drive the implementation of information management solutions like MS Sharepoint Server, Documentum and FileNet.

I have three options:

1. Purchase products like Schemalogic with an in-built metadata definition (data modeling) product which connects to Sharepoint to populate the metadata repository. This means a redundancy in storage of metadata which adds to my headache.

2. Document my metadata in Enterprise Architect and connect directly to Sharepoint Server to populate the metadata repository. This centralises metadata master in EA and adds value to Sharepoint implementation.

3. Document my metadata in Enterprise Architect and connect to another suppliers product like iBox that lacks data modelling functionality but can connect direcly to Sharepoint Server to populate the metadata repository.This enables the use of iBox that has other metadata management features but EA is still holds the master record.

Option 2 is the ideal scenario but could be achieved in a staged process by going through option 3.

Over 80% enterprise data is held in unstructured format. This key enterprise resource need be managed efficiently for business improvement. In the information age, this is a key opportunity for which Sparxsystems needs to think about how it may best support the Enterprise Information Architects.


Suggestions and Requests / Batch Import of Multiple XML Schema
« on: July 09, 2007, 11:31:10 am »
I currently import w3c XML Schema (XSD) via the import utility which imports one XSD at a time. This is tedious when working with large XML vocabularies from Standard organisations as for example, the OAGIS and others.

I would like to open a directory containing multiple XSDs and select all or a subset and import my selection.

Suggestions and Requests / OWL RDF Technology Integration for EA
« on: July 10, 2007, 04:54:43 am »
It would be useful if Sparx could develop an Integration Add-In for Semantic Net(OWL RDF) Technology workbenches like Protege

Suggestions and Requests / BPMN Model Simulation & BPEL Generation
« on: July 10, 2007, 04:45:29 am »
Good news BPMN is integrated into the core of v7.0.

BPEL generation will enable EA catch up with some competition.

Model Element simulation is required ;).

Suggestions and Requests / BPMN Simulation & XPDL
« on: June 30, 2007, 12:37:10 pm »
I would like to see model simulation for BPMN models and the generation of XPDL (based on the WFMC XPDL specification) from the model

Suggestions and Requests / Attribute Mapping
« on: June 30, 2007, 12:58:15 pm »
I use a top down approach to developing an XML vocabulary from logical class models.

Each attribute in a class is remodelled in a separate package (XSDChema) as a global element.

Different persons working in a team update the diferent models and there is a requirement to ensure that every global element defined has a corresponding arribute defined in the class models.

There are three potential solutions to this problem:

1. Visual Check. This is unworkable as the schema grows in size
2. Use the Matrix Facility to map the global elements against the attributes defined in classes. The matrix does not currently support attributes.
3. Enable attributes to be tagged as global classes and this should facilitate direct generation of eleements from this model. This is the better solution.

Suggestions and Requests / SOA Data Services (CRUD Matrix)
« on: June 30, 2007, 12:43:23 pm »
I have partitioned an enterprise into a number of business domains. These domains contribute to life cycle changes of Business Objects.

A feature is required to enable the use of the Matrix facility to visually show which domain Create, Reference, Update and Delist a Business Object.

Suggestions and Requests / Extensible Form for Class Attributes
« on: April 11, 2007, 11:20:33 am »
I am working to develop an enterprise business object model (conceptual data model) as a basis for the business glossary (data semantics standardisation for systems interoperability).

For each data element (an attribute), I want to record the name of the business concept and other properties as specified in the ISO 11179-3 standard for data naming.

To achieve this, I need to be able to entend the fields for my attributes. This means an extension to the product metamodel or some other mechanism like the dynamic loading of user-defined metamodel file at the start of execution of EA.

I apreciate all ideas.

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