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Messages - salayande

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General Board / Re: DoDAF
« on: February 23, 2008, 12:08:59 pm »

I am looking at TOGAF & UPDM at the same time.

kind regards


General Board / Re: DoDAF
« on: February 22, 2008, 08:59:57 am »
I am currently evaluating the product.
It supports the TOGAF ADM quite well. ;D
I wish one could access the model views from the TOGAF ADM diagram :-/

General Board / Re: Using multiple xsd in a wsdl
« on: February 08, 2008, 03:02:51 pm »
I think that the version required here is the beta of 7.1

General Board / Re: ARCSeeker beta released - Manage Reusable Asse
« on: December 27, 2007, 12:54:43 pm »
Installed this product on Vista.

It went through the install process alright but will not start with error messages.

I chose to remove the software and not bother with raising bug notes.

I guess I am tired of being used as a guinea pig by software publishers

General Board / Re: XSD round-tripping - anyone succeeded?
« on: October 30, 2007, 09:02:57 am »
I have raised several requests on XSD round-tripping.
This is an area of great opportunity for Sparxsystem. I submitted use cases on a workbench for XSD development including custom NDR (Naming and Design rules, example UN/CEFACT CCTS) based generation
Please, kindly raise more feature requests and this will raise the priority of XSD on the feature lists.

General Board / Visio Add-In Import Capability
« on: August 23, 2007, 02:18:00 pm »
I installed the Visio Add-In and tried to import a Visio diagram obtained from the DMTF web site:

The EA version installed is 7.0.815. The version of MS Visio is 2003

The import was incomplete and unusable. Has anyone out there used this Add-In and is there an important activity I may have missed? Any information to resolve this issue is appreciated.



General Board / Re: Solution for Exporting Models to RSA from EA
« on: October 17, 2007, 11:16:10 am »
Please, raise a bug report on the support part of this site.

kind regards


General Board / EA earns its name with the Zachman MDG Technology
« on: October 12, 2007, 02:27:56 am »
The release of the Zachman Framework has enabled the Sparxsystem Enterprise Architect tool earn its name.

It is acknowledged here that some Information & Enterprise Engineering tools (Visible Analyst and Systems Architect) have some of these capabilities. This MDG is useful without getting in the way of modelling.

The MDG tool is important as EA had historically been percieved as being a UML modeling tool in the same class as UModel and other similarly positioned CASE tools (Neil in Marketing has his work cut out to reposition EA).

The name "Enterprise Architect" had always suggested to me that the creator of the software  had a greater vision beyond UML modelling. It is becoming a solution framework for addressing enterprise architecture issues.

The inclusion of the Balanced Scorecard Modeling facility indicates that the team that envisioned and architected this MDG Technology are aware of latest thinking in the area of Enterprise Engineering (Clive Finklestein a.k.a The Father of Information Engineering).

I am thanking the Sparxsystem team for this product on behalf of other "Enterprise Engineers".



General Board / Thank You to the Sparxsystem Team
« on: September 01, 2007, 01:11:18 am »
The Information Architecture team at BAA requested for a solution to a problem with inline XSD documentation imports and we are pleased to note that the Sparxsystem team has responded in build 816 (Importing documentation from an xml schema header and elements having inline complexType definitions).

Thank you, guys.


General Board / The new DDS Add-In
« on: August 23, 2007, 02:37:48 pm »
I have recently purchased and installed the new DDS Add-In and I found that following this event, I could not create any UML element.

When I uninstalled the Add-In, this feature disappeared.

Sparxsystems has been unable to replicate this issue.

Has anyone else out there experienced this feature?



General Board / Re: Thank you EA Team Members
« on: July 26, 2007, 08:30:18 am »
There is no tool out there that meets all my requirements. I have sent in a number of feature requests in the past few months and I am waiting in anticipation. EA is not my perfect toolset but compared to the market...I recently introduced EA to an Architect who was a veteran of Rational Rose and Telelogic System Architect. He was grateful. What else can I say. I concur with billyW

General Board / Re: Thank you EA Team Members
« on: July 25, 2007, 10:44:13 am »
Its a good product, its just that the users are exacting. Most of the users are masters in their respective fields and therefore their expectations are high.

General Board / Re: EA vs Altova UModel + other CASE tools evaluat
« on: June 28, 2007, 01:30:02 pm »
The choice of a CASE tool is dependent on the context for use which includes:

1. The purpose of the work at hand - Enterprise Engineering & Modelling, Application Modelling or Code Engineering. Each of these goals has a process that the CASE tool supports.

2. The degree of support for each step in a selected process (example, support for TOGAF, UMM, RUP and other processes).

3. How open the architecture of the CASE tool is that enables incorporation of tools from other suppliers to better support a custom process (Add-Ins).

4. Support for repository object exchange standards (example latest XMI standards)

5. Support for real-time collaborative peer review of models.

6. Support for Profiles to enable non-standard UML for specialist domains (example UML Profile for Data Quality)

7. Ability to support modeling without getting in the way of thinking (Usability)

8. Support for a comprehensive set of target technologies (code platforms and databases).

9. Value (Benefit-Cost ratio).

I have implemented a development environment (end-to-end) based on EA and third party Add-Ins that suits my team's way of working in a corporate environment at the least cost.

If Sparxystems continues to loose momentum on innovation (as version 7.0 betas suggests), then UModel has a great chance in a year or two. Meanwhile a comparison of the two is not fair to UModelĀ as EA has a lead of over 4 years.

General Board / Re: Scuse me just needed to say this
« on: June 26, 2007, 11:22:29 am »
The Data Architects are looking for features to raise a cheer but were disappointed three times (Betas 1-3).

Whatever happened to code engineering workbench support for w3c XML. UML to OWL support (Semantic Net)............

General Board / Re: Generate XSD does not recurse packages
« on: April 16, 2007, 11:30:04 am »
Hi guys,

This is definitely a show stopper on large projects as the need to handle individual packages makes large document design hard work.

I had a similar issue but I put it to my inexperience.


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