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Messages - salayande

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General Board / XSD Round-Trip Development
« on: April 07, 2007, 01:38:58 am »
I am happy modeling xml vocabulary and generating the xsd from EA. I would like to use the built-in editor to review the code (using line numbers and colour coding if possible) and validate (that may require a feature enhancement) the output of the generation process.

Can anyone provide pointers on how I may activate the internal editor to work with xsd files and also make it sense changes to the generated XSD file.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Build 846 - notes crippled in RTF export
« on: August 12, 2009, 05:19:14 pm »
I dont find this saga funny. Where is the professionalism in all this?
The clock is ticking for me and I am hung over my laptop waiting for a solution to save the day which is now turning to days.


Bugs and Issues / Re: Build 846 - notes crippled in RTF export
« on: August 11, 2009, 08:49:03 pm »
I created a simple data dictionary template (attribute full name and notes) in 847 and the notes text are so mangled up. It does not do this in a consistent fashion.

I urgently require a workaround as a fix may be too late (the reputation of EA is being damaged). The document was circulated in error to operational management in the business and they are asking embarrasing questions about the software.

Bugs and Issues / Icons, Label and Fuction Mismatch
« on: August 20, 2009, 12:28:34 am »
A colleague using EA has informed me that the icons displayed by EA does not match the function they are supposed to be performing.

The obvious example is the "Redo" button which has the shape of the "Save" button.

I have been advised that similar examples may be found in the rest of the application.

The product version is EA 7.5 Build 847

Bugs and Issues / The Priority Support Page for Bugs Does not work
« on: August 11, 2009, 08:39:47 pm »
The "Submit Bug" button is disabled.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Data model export to PowerDesigner
« on: March 17, 2009, 06:16:47 am »
What version of OMG XMI does PowerBuilder support?

Uml Process / Re: UML Class model to XSD
« on: December 01, 2012, 11:35:26 am »
Yes, you can and that is the best approach if you want to define an enterprise canonical model for implementation on the corporate enterprise service bus.


1. Define your information model
2. Generate your XSD model using the in-built transformation (I had to modify this to generate global XSDsimpletypes for maximum reuse)
3. Generate your schema files
4. The files are re-used as a library

Uml Process / Re: Reusing Activity in multiple use case scenario
« on: December 07, 2012, 12:55:53 am »
What you may do is to create a package where you define common activities or model elements that you know are commonly re-used in different contexts (diagrams).

I would define the login once and re-use many times but then please, check that this design decision does not impact other things you may want to do later. ;)

Uml Process / Re: Transforming PIM to EJB3 ? Pleas help!
« on: December 01, 2012, 11:45:35 am »
contact sparxsystem direct on the registered users part of this site

Uml Process / Re: Generating XSD Schema
« on: December 01, 2012, 11:43:12 am »
It appears like a reference issue.
It is a type of problem best solved by sending the model file to Sparxsystem.

Uml Process / Re: OLAP and Cube Design
« on: August 21, 2011, 02:31:17 pm »
There are benefits in using EA for OLAP design but given that there are a few approaches to using UML (and some from the Academic domain and fairly rigorous), I think that the development of a UML Profile from the OMG will be beneficial to the Business Intelligence community.

I suspect that there are information management initiatives from the OMG that are addressing some of these issues.

Uml Process / Re: EA-Connector to element feature - UML compatib
« on: February 20, 2010, 06:28:09 am »
Many thanks to Michael for bringing this feature to my notice.
I have been begging for this feature for many years and would have given my left arm for it....

In information exchange mapping (intra- and inter-enterprise information exchange), it is a requirement to map source data to target data items. This is a real enterprise information management requirement that UML was not designed to fulfill, hence the slow uptake of "UML 2.0 -Abiding" CASE tools in the market in the corporate environment (Please check the latest Gartner Research documents on EA CASE Tools).

Could Michael kindly tell me how many of the value-adding enterprise architecture frameworks out there is based strictly on UML?

Sparxsystems supports UML but in addition supports other practical corporate level requirements. By doing so the product earns its name "Enterprise Architect".

Again, great thanks to you, Michael.

kind regards


Uml Process / Re: Connect EA with Oracle
« on: July 18, 2009, 02:30:28 am »
If Oracle is installed locally, you need the latest Oracle ODBC Driver (assuming you have 10G installed) which you can obtain free (assuming you register) from the Oracle OTN web site.

I hope that helps.


Uml Process / Re: Physical Elaboration of a Logical Model
« on: April 01, 2009, 04:42:13 am »
Have you tried transforming the logical model using the built-in DDL transformation facility of EA?

You can read about this feature under model driven architecture (MDA) in the User Guide


Uml Process / Re: How to Model ETL (Extract Transform Load) mapp
« on: September 12, 2008, 04:29:44 am »
Thank you for the contribution, David. I was getting out of my depth, here.



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