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Messages - salayande

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Suggestions and Requests / Re: RealtimeUML Addin
« on: November 10, 2008, 01:14:44 am »
So most of us want code generation from the dynamic models but from which type of dynamic model.

EA currently reverse-engineers into the sequence diagram. What are the technical difficulties of forward engineering a method specification in sequence diagram into code?

Since the days of COBOL, we used decision (or truth) tables to design code. A related format is the state diagram. What are the technical merits of the decision logic or truth table approach. This approach has value as its is the faulty decision logic that introduces the more difficult bugs in programming.

The target language should not matter as most common languages should be supported (pls check out the approach taken by Logic Gem version 3.0).

I am happy that Sparxsystems made the decision to integrate Realtime UML into the core of the tool. It suggests to me that Sparxians are still in touch with their customers and track market trends.

Microsoft is working hard on the OSLO model-driven application generation platform for Visual Studio. I hope that this move influences the views of EA design team on future direction for EA as an application generation platform (as opposed to a code generator). We would therefore expect that all layers of a distributed application stack are covered.


Suggestions and Requests / Re: DB Schema Import - SQL Server 2000/2005
« on: October 07, 2008, 05:10:50 am »
Pls kindly raise a formal request on the support pages

kind regards


Suggestions and Requests / Re: Flexible index matrix
« on: September 11, 2008, 07:06:02 am »
Useful feature. The matrix has been used for visualising and relating different concepts or objects and its use is only limited by one's imagination. It is a business tool and I think there is room for extending the scope of the current implementation.
I support this request. Please, kindly place a formal request .


Suggestions and Requests / Re: relationship matrix colors
« on: August 21, 2008, 01:21:46 am »
Hi David,

Are we now able to create and display a standard "CRUD" matrix with the Relationship Matrix?

This has been requested for so many times, I stopped checking for the feature in every release.

kind regards


Why acquire an additional tool (UModel) to achieve what EA claims to be able to do (model driven development)?

The fact that members of this community are considering this option suggests that there is an obvious gap that need be filled by Sparxsystem.

The fact that new kids on the block (UModel) can achieve this in their early versions suggest that Sparxsystems management of its user feature requests is not as responsive as it should be. We are now not talking about an organization the size of IBM or Microsoft. The situation could be much better.

Sparxsystem appears to have adopted a business / revenue model made popular by Microsoft, that is:

Develop a 3rd party development community around the product to fill feature gaps as Add-Ins.

This strategy works where the gap is commercially worthwile for any developer, that is, the developer can create a complete solution that other developers are willing to pay for.

The problem with this strategy in this instance is that an Add-in which simply facilitates that part of XML development that is widely supported by many tools in the market (some being open source) is unlikely to generate interest from Add-In developers.

An Add-In that solely sets out to resolve this problem is unlikely to generate interest except to highlight problems in Sparxsystems product / business development process.

For a fresh thinking about what I understand as a complete standards based enterprise engineering solution, I suggest community members look at and review the collateral. The Model Driven Enterprise Engineering (MDEE) and the CASSANDRA Intelligent Support platforms are of interest. ;)



Suggestions and Requests / XML Round-Trip Engineering Feature Request
« on: April 08, 2007, 03:39:16 am »
This is a feature request for round-trip engineering support for w3c XML Schema (support for RDF will be appreciated) in EA. Metadata development is increasingly becoming important in the semantic interoperability area.

We need to model, design and generate XML Schema from UML diagrams and generate documents, validate the documents in EA's in-built editor. We also need to re-use multiple imported International standards vocabulary including Open Travel, UNCEFACT CCTS, OAGIS and UBL among others. This is currently achievable in EA for other languages like Java.

Altova curently provides the free AltovaXML engine which may be licensed and used to add required support for XML in EA.

If anyone has achieved using the free altovaXML within EA, I'd like to know.

Hi Dan,

This a good idea. Please, kindly raise a formal feature request on the support page. Thank you.

kind regards


Suggestions and Requests / Re: Information Architecture Blueprints
« on: June 14, 2008, 04:59:48 am »
It currently supports the James Martin/ Clive Finklestein's Information Engineering notation. It should be fairly easy to add Oracle CASE notation.

The notation originally requested for is the Oracle CASE and SSADM notation for sub-types/supertypes relationship between classes.

kind regards


Suggestions and Requests / Information Architecture Blueprints
« on: March 13, 2008, 07:20:14 am »

I am suggesting Sparxsystem provide the capability below. This is normally used to develop a high level blueprint for an Enterprise Information Architecture. This is the format favoured by the Business sponsors who are not into UML.

Visio is the favourite tool for producing this blueprint at the moment. I would prefer to use EA.

Barker’s notation shows sub-types as boxes inside super-type boxes. This has the advantage of taking up much less room on the diagram, and it emphasizes the fact that an occurrence of a sub-type is an occurrence of the super-type. The super- and sub-types are not simply related to each other.

In Barker’s notation, sub-types are mutually exclusive, meaning that overlapping sub-types are not allowed. Subtypes are also complete, meaning that sub-types are supposed to account for all occurrences of a super-type, although in practice, this latter rule is often bent by adding the sub-type other . . . In Figure 4, person and organization are sub-types of party.

Hi David,

Sparxsystem can be generous.

At some point in the near future, most of the EA Add-Ins which are currently market differentiators and thus sources of competitive advantage will become common across competing solutions.

Sparxsysteme may then merge them with the Core product, example the Visio and BPMN Add-Ins.

kind regards


Suggestions and Requests / Re: Code Generation from Activity Diagram
« on: April 30, 2008, 04:34:32 am »
Sparxsystem has again demonstrated support for software programming.

This valuable information might have arrived a bit late for me given that I have already acquired the LogicGem 3.0 software.

Even then, I am tempted to download and evaluate the Real-time Add-In.

I would love to see EA support the OMG standards for Business Rules:
SVBR for Requirements and PRR for MDA PIM modeling. I anticipate the rules to drive rule engines like ILOG and others playing in the Business Rules Management and Business Process Management space. I have raised a formal feature request for this.

I am sure I will get an EA Add-in from Sparxsystem before purchasing another vendor's product which is a pain because of the integration and re-use issues.

kind regards


Suggestions and Requests / Re: Code Generation from Activity Diagram
« on: April 26, 2008, 08:34:35 pm »
I am sorry someone holds the opinion that EA is for the analyst types. It is not true. I think that EA tries to cover the needs of several stakeholders - Data Architects, Process Architects, Application Developers (Programmers) and many more.

EA is based on UML which facilitates code generation as class stubs. It is true that EA must step beyond that to meet a need which is valid. Recent developments in the market (executable BPMS tools that hold the features of CASE tools and code generators ) suggest that a rule based code generation is the way forward for tools like EA.

About three years ago, I suggested that EA be developed to generate code from decision tables based on decision trees / rules. Today most of the BPMS tools are doing that.  This is the capability IT shops are now using to control outsoursing because we discovered that no matter how hard we try, we can never specify requirements correctly enough for correct code development in an outsourced programme.

The most difficult part of code development is managing the logic, and running a simulation to test the invariance of the rules. The ANSI standard for decision tables has been around for so long. This tool is what bridges the Business Analyst and Developer view transparently.

I recommend that people consider adding a tool known as Logic Gem ( to their development toolkit. Unfortunately, given that I dont code, I am unable to create a bridge between EA and Logic Gem. I will leave that some brilliant developer in the EA community.

I am sure that with the inclusing of the state table, Sparxsystem will one day soon provide code generation based on their state machine feature.

About Logic Gem:
LogicGem 3.0
Logic Processor and Decision Table Analysis Tool
LogicGem has a two-fold audience, software developers (programmers) and business analysts (non-programmers). The common thread between these two diverse groups is that they both need to design logically complete business rules. For the programmer, the business rules are in fact functional requirements for a software application that are translated into a programming language that becomes part of the application. For the business analyst or domain expert, the same need exists with the exception of translating the logic to a programming language. Business analysts need to develop concise business rules that represent real life or proposed business processes and these processes need to be every bit as logically robust as a software implementation. Collectively, we can refer to both groups of programmers and business analysts as a "logic engineer".

Much of the effort in software development does not involve writing code, but rather the process of covering every possible combination of circumstances – user input, database transaction, or any other event – that the program will encounter. When the programmer or analyst overlooks a possible combination of inputs or events, the program may do things essentially at random. Even worse are errors made during program maintenance, usually by programmers who do not fully understand the interaction between dozens of different possibilities. As it is, logical analysis is tedious and error prone: it's easy to omit, duplicate, or contradict conditions.

LogicGem is a software tool called a "logic processor" that addresses these issues using decision table theory. LogicGem consists of a logic editor, and logic compiler. With the logic editor, you can create logic tables – spreadsheet-like constructions that encapsulate a set of logical rules. One part of a table contains conditions that can be linked to create a rule, and the other part contains actions that are related to the rules. Once you've defined the rules, the editor will automatically analyze them, add missing rules, and remove those that are redundant or contradictory. Decision table technology is the vehicle by which logically complete business rules may be constructed. When you're done, the logic compiler is available to generate source code in Basic, C, C++, Fortran, FoxPro, Java, Pascal, PowerBuilder, SAS, Visual Basic, Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#.NET, or Xbase. The compiler will produce a set of English, Spanish, French or German rules that can be used as documentation or as a knowledge base.

The LogicGem logic processor software tool is designed to provide a familiar, easy-to-use way to create, edit, verify and compile decision table logic. LogicGem's logic tables express a problem visually, making it easy to understand. LogicGem provides the means to prototype and expand a high-level procedural concept into a decision table, work it through analysis and design phases, and then generate English language documentation and programming source code in various programming languages. LogicGem provides tools to ensure that a table's logic is complete, unambiguous and contains every applicable rule in an expanded or reduced forma

Suggestions and Requests / Re: Genericode
« on: April 15, 2008, 06:05:51 am »
I will raise the feature request in that case.

kind regards


Suggestions and Requests / Re: Genericode
« on: April 12, 2008, 04:40:21 am »
It is interesting that someone has raised this.
I am surprised that the great minds who developed the UBL model in EA have not already done this.
If you go to the OASIS UBL TC site, grab hold of the UBL model in EA format and inspect it.
If it has not been implemented, contact the UBL chair.
You would be doing a great community service if you submit a feature request formally with Sparxsystems. They always deliver, maybe not as fast as we want. ;D


I thank everyone for valuable information shared. :)
I am now able to test the profile.

kind regards


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