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Messages - salayande

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Thank you, David.

I am not aware of this change which may be an improvement.
I was trying to import the CBDI SOA UML Profile which I have recently obtained.

kind regards


Suggestions and Requests / Accessing a UML Profile from the Toolbox
« on: March 30, 2008, 04:33:28 am »
I used o be able to import a UML profile from the Resource view and from a right-click make it available in the Toolbox for easy access.

I could not do this in the release 827. Am I missing something? :-[


It does not help either when the published email address to sales returns the error below:

Your document:      Upgrades for MDG Technology
      [email protected]
      Your message has encountered delivery problems
to the following recipient(s):
[email protected]
Delivery failed
Unable to deliver to destination domain
Cannot resolve
I tried another one:
Your document:      Upgrades for MDG Technology
      [email protected]
      Your message has encountered delivery problems
to the following recipient(s):
[email protected]
Delivery failed
Unable to deliver to destination domain
Cannot resolve

I purchased a couple of MDG Technologies including that for Zachman, Eclipse, SysML & DDS. Following the announcement of new versions, there is no indication on how to obtain upgrades within the existing licences purchased. The announcements leads to a page that suggests that a new licence purchase is necessary. I dont think this is correct as I may not have to pay for a minor upgrade (from version 1.0 to 1.1)

Please, kindly align the upgrade of the MDG Technologies to that currently used for the core product.

kind regards


Suggestions and Requests / Sample EA Models with XML Standards
« on: March 27, 2008, 12:51:23 am »
As part of its efforts to support standardisation efforts and deliver convenience to its tool users, I am suggesting that Sparxsystem supply in addition to the example model file, other model files already populated with XML schema libraries from OAGIS, UBL and other Information standards organisations.

The tool now has the capability to import linked schema and it affords Sparxsystem the opportunity to test its too's capabilities.


A core objective of an Enterprise Information Architect is managing metadata (information about data) and aligning these to the business direction.

We achieve this objective by developing models which drive the organisation of enterprise data and content.

I have been developing an Enterprise Taxonomy (metadata) in EA which I would like to drive the implementation of information management solutions like MS Sharepoint Server, Documentum and FileNet.

I have three options:

1. Purchase products like Schemalogic with an in-built metadata definition (data modeling) product which connects to Sharepoint to populate the metadata repository. This means a redundancy in storage of metadata which adds to my headache.

2. Document my metadata in Enterprise Architect and connect directly to Sharepoint Server to populate the metadata repository. This centralises metadata master in EA and adds value to Sharepoint implementation.

3. Document my metadata in Enterprise Architect and connect to another suppliers product like iBox that lacks data modelling functionality but can connect direcly to Sharepoint Server to populate the metadata repository.This enables the use of iBox that has other metadata management features but EA is still holds the master record.

Option 2 is the ideal scenario but could be achieved in a staged process by going through option 3.

Over 80% enterprise data is held in unstructured format. This key enterprise resource need be managed efficiently for business improvement. In the information age, this is a key opportunity for which Sparxsystems needs to think about how it may best support the Enterprise Information Architects.



API support for reference data is valuable. I support this.

Suggestions and Requests / Re: IDEA: "beam me up Scotty"
« on: November 10, 2007, 10:22:38 am »
This has my vote.


This gets my vote too.


Suggestions and Requests / Re: Attribute to attribute traceability
« on: October 01, 2007, 08:39:04 am »
My personal view is that Dave's requirement is independent of modeling notation. It does not matter whether the data model is a UML Class diagram, an IDEFX1 data model or a James Martin IE model.

One of the most valuable techniques in the Data Architect's toolkit is the ability to create a matrix of data attributes against data attributes. The information on attributes at the logical and design levels are held in EA and so I cannot see why these cannot be mapped in matrices.

Another important capability useful for Data and Application Architects is the mapping of process objects (Use Cases and Activities) against data objects (Data classes and attributes) in Matrices with the type of relationship indicating one of the following:
C (Create)
R (Update)
U (Update)
D (Delete)
This is a powerful communication tool.

This is a feature users of older information engineering tools take for granted.

Dave, please, kindly raise a feature request to Sparxsystems. One day and very soon, we may see these features.


Suggestions and Requests / Re: Wish: Transformations
« on: September 19, 2007, 10:45:46 am »
Useful feature. Has my support.


Suggestions and Requests / Re: cut/copy/paste in project browser
« on: September 19, 2007, 10:49:02 am »
Good ideas. Has my vote.


Suggestions and Requests / Re: Batch Import of Multiple XML Schema
« on: July 10, 2007, 04:18:20 am »
Thank you, David.


Suggestions and Requests / Batch Import of Multiple XML Schema
« on: July 09, 2007, 11:31:10 am »
I currently import w3c XML Schema (XSD) via the import utility which imports one XSD at a time. This is tedious when working with large XML vocabularies from Standard organisations as for example, the OAGIS and others.

I would like to open a directory containing multiple XSDs and select all or a subset and import my selection.

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