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Messages - bITs.EA

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For those interested in this topic:

1) This query selects the xref description for all objects of a certain stereotype in a certain MDG technology: (As you can see, the t_xref.client corresponds with the t_object.ea_guid)
Code: [Select]
SELECT obj.object_id, AS ElementName, xref.description
FROM t_xref AS xref INNER JOIN t_object AS obj ON xref.client = obj.ea_guid
WHERE xref.description LIKE '%<Name of MDG>%' AND = 'CustomProperties' AND obj.stereotype = '<Stereotype>'

2) The xref.description looks like this:
Code: [Select]
@PROP=@NAME=_subtypeProperty@ENDNAME;@TYPE=string@ENDTYPE;@VALU=Partena BPMN::Activity::TaskType@ENDVALU;@PRMT=@ENDPRMT;@ENDPROP;

3) The xref.description actually contains the properties of the <AppliesTo> in the MDG technology:

Code: [Select]
<Apply type="Activity">
<Property name="_defaultDiagramType" value="UML Behavioral::Use Case"/>
<Property name="_subtypeProperty" value="Partena BPMN::Activity::TaskType"/>
<Property name="_tagGroups" value="Task,Measures,Loop,Project"/>
<Property name="_tagGroupings" value="TitelFR=Task;TitelNL=Task;taskPriority=Task;activityType=Task;TaskType=Task;DescriptionEN=Task;DescriptionFR=Task;DescriptionNL=Task;Frequency=Measures;AverageTime=Measures;isSequential=Loop;loopCharacteristics=Loop;Status=Project;"/>
<Property name="_tagGroupStates" value="Task=open;Measures=closed;Loop=closed;Project=closed"/>

The problem is that EA forgets to update this t_xref.description when synchronising a stereotype. So with an update script, it's easy to solve this problem.



Then it will be the Client column (that's the only column (next to xrefID) which contains GUIDs. I'll take a look at that one!

Thanks for the info

So, just to be sure I'm searching in the right direction: the xrefID corresponds with GUIDs in other tables?

Can the t_xref table be linked with other tables through IDs? Or is it a table which stands alone?

(I don't understand what the content of the t_xref table is and unfortunately I don't have your book...)

But why does EA keeps grouping the tagged values in the wrong way? If it's only stored in runtime, EA should load the new MDG when I restart EA. So on startup, everything should be fine if it's only stored in runtime.

That's why I thought it is stored somewhere, because the groups are still wrong after startup...


When I sync my stereotypes after adding some tagged values to my MDG, the TVs aren't added in a TV group anymore. They just appear on the bottom of the TVlist.

I guess it's not possible to change this behaviour, but I would like to know where this information is stored in the database. Because new elements have the correct TV groups, while old one's don't change... So I guess the groups are stored somewhere for each element and these groups aren't changed when syncing.

So, does anybody know where the TV group info is stored??

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: MDG technology deployment
« on: November 07, 2013, 09:17:26 pm »
I was already thinking about writing a script. Because if I look at the database model, there's a table which stores the scripts. So, I suppose it's possible to make a script, store it in the database and make it available for all users via the scripting tab in EA. That way the only thing they have to do is start up the script once...

Would it work this way? (I would like to know before I spend some time writing a script :))

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: MDG technology deployment
« on: November 05, 2013, 07:13:48 pm »
I know, but you clearly don't know our admins... :)


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: MDG technology deployment
« on: November 05, 2013, 12:40:45 am »
Thanks for your elaborate response.

I'm afraid I will have to ask every user to add the MDG via the GUI function.

But thanks for your help.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: MDG technology deployment
« on: November 04, 2013, 06:47:32 pm »
But I will have to change the registry on every pc on which EA is installed?? I'm looking for a solution in which I can change something in the EA-database, so everyone 'receives' the new MDG technology on loading EA.

But I'm afraid that the MDG technology info is not in the database... So probably it's wishful thinking...

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / MDG technology deployment
« on: November 01, 2013, 01:51:08 am »

I have created a new MDG technology and imported it via Settings > MDG technologies... > advanced. This works perfect for me and my team members can implement is in their EA too.

But if other teams want to have a look at our designs, they only see default elements without the layout defined in the new MDG. How can I import a MDG technology so that everyone can use it immediately, without manually importing it for every EA installation???


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: Remove elements in script
« on: November 01, 2013, 01:39:35 am »
Thanks for the info, Geert. I will have a look at this solution :)

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: Remove elements in script
« on: October 17, 2013, 11:40:49 pm »
Yeah I was afraid this would be the only solution...

Thanks for the info.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: Remove elements in script
« on: October 17, 2013, 06:00:41 pm »
Can I make a collection from an sql? Because those elements I want to delete are all from different packages...

Deleting it via repository.execute is my last option, because then I would have to delete all the links in other tables too...

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Remove elements in script
« on: October 17, 2013, 01:31:49 am »

I think this will be a simple question: How can I delete an element via scripting? I don't see a delete-method in the element class in the references found in the EA user guide.

I have an sql which selects several elements (only the object_id is listed in the sql) in different packages. So I want to loop through all the object_ids from the sql (easy loop) and just use some method like element.getByID(id).delete.

Is there a (undocumented) method like this??


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