Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: Add tagged value types to MDG
« on: October 09, 2013, 07:26:02 pm »
It doesn't look like that works for me... The ID of the MDG and the profile ("Partena BPMN") is exactly the same as the profile package name...
This is the MDG XML.
The taggedValueTypes are in the xml. But if I load the MDG into EA, the tagged value types aren't loaded into the database...
This is the MDG XML.
The taggedValueTypes are in the xml. But if I load the MDG into EA, the tagged value types aren't loaded into the database...
Code: [Select]
<MDG.Technology version="1.0">
<Documentation id="Partena BPMN" name="Partena BPMN" version="0.5" notes="Customised technology for Partena (Based on BPMN 2.0)" supportURI="[email protected]"/>
<UMLProfile profiletype="uml2">
<Documentation id="042168B8-4" name="Partena BPMN" version="1.0" notes="Partena BPMN"/>
<QuickLink data="..."/>
<RefData version="1.0" exporter="EA.25">
<DataSet name="Property Types" table="t_propertytypes" filter="Property='#Property#'">
<Column name="Property" value="DescriptionNL"/>
<Column name="Description" value="Describe the element in Dutch"/>
<Column name="Notes" value="Type=Memo;BaseStereotype=Activity;"/>
<Column name="Property" value="DescriptionFR"/>
<Column name="Description" value="Describe the element in French"/>
<Column name="Notes" value="Type=Memo;BaseStereotype=Activity;"/>