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Messages - ngong

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19
General Board / Re: People
« on: January 18, 2011, 12:03:02 am »
ok, found it, Neil, Phil, it's great. thank you.

General Board / People
« on: January 14, 2011, 10:12:18 pm »
How to get a report of what I have put into Settings/People?

General Board / Re: linking use-cases and components
« on: January 14, 2011, 01:45:17 am »
Yes, thank you Paolo, your suggestion seems to be much better.

And it is easy to convert from my first attempt:

I'll keep the composite diagram (explaining the use-case in more detail), drop the use-case there (simple link), use the dependency "realize" and stereotype it by "affected".

This will tell me that the components realization is affected by the existence of the use-case.

Or to put it in more strict words: "If a component is not affected by a use-case, any change to the use-case will not affect the realization of the component in no way."


General Board / linking use-cases and components
« on: January 13, 2011, 02:16:36 am »
What is the best practice to express that components shall be aware of certain use-cases?

What I did for a quick solution, is to create a composite diagram for the use case (that is not detailed any further) in order to paste the regarding components into it as Simple Links and surrounded them with a Boundary named "Affected Components".

Is there a better or more-common method?
Will it be possible to get a report, inverting that information: What use-cases affect component XY?

Any comment welcome.

General Board / eap vs. xmi
« on: January 04, 2011, 02:36:17 am »
I exported a milestone of the top-model node as xmi. Than I imported the xmi again in a newly generated project, deleting the default model node. At a first glance it seems to be no difference between the UML content of the newly generated eap file to the older eap version saved for that milestone.

Is everything contained in the new eap file or have I lost something in the conversion eap -> xmi -> eap?

I am thinking about versioning and distributing model milestones as xmi files. Is anything wrong about this approach?


General Board / diagram appearance configuration
« on: December 22, 2010, 02:52:46 am »
Dear long-established EA users

if the appearance of diagrams is configurable could you help me to find the place where information about configuration is available?

The problem at hand: When I drag an interface to a component it manifests as a port of that component. My diagrams get cluttered up from all the stereotypes that comes with the ports name if I name it just like the interface. However, the interface itself shall be bound to a stereotype. It simply shall not show up at ports but just the name of the interface.

Thank you for your kind help.  :)

Bugs and Issues / An error occurded loading the requested project
« on: August 22, 2012, 11:59:29 pm »
Installed EA 9.3 Ultimate as a trial version.

When loading an existing eap file I get the above error with the note: DOA.Database (3159).

The project gets not loaded and EA exits.

Any idea what I did wrong here?

Any help welcome. Rolf

Bugs and Issues / XMI 2.1: same xmi:id to different elements
« on: September 04, 2011, 03:24:45 am »
My generator builds on the XMI export.

It assumes that xmi:id uniquely identifies an item.
Now I am faced with the fact that the exported XMI contains three different and independent lifelines from different sequence diagrams exposing the same xmi:id.

Now I am not able to determine the sender object to a message (using the sendEvent attribute of the message): its one of the three.

Is this an error in exporting or do I think something wrong here?

Any suggestion welcome.


Uml Process / Re: are "generic sequences" allowed in U
« on: July 16, 2014, 01:09:32 am »
Thank you Qwerty for the answer.
This is what I see very often: a message is really a range or set of messages.
I may shrink that set of messages by applying OCL. Many people do so. But what do they mean? "Any element message of this set of messages my apply!"? or "There is a messages in this set which is compliant with the shown sequence!"? Looking at the examples of Superstructure 2.4.1 chapter 14.3.18 you find "v=mymsg(16,variab):96". If it would be "v=mymsg(intin: integer,variab):integer" what would this tell us? "The sequence is valid regadless of the values of intin and the return value!"?
My question is: would "mymsg(intin: integer,variab: VariabType):integer" as a message in a Sequence diagram be valid UML?

Uml Process / are "generic sequences" allowed in UML?
« on: July 14, 2014, 04:24:05 am »
I am not a specialist in reading superstructure, just a S/W architect in real projects. However, I wonder about the meaning of (I called them) "generic sequences" that I came accross several times:

I understand if a user sends an "add" meassage with a 1 and a 2 as parameters to an object of class "calculator", getting a 3 as a return.

But what does it mean - and I do see this really often - when a user sends an "add" message with two "integers" and get an "integer" as a return?

As there is no further constrain, sending the message "add(1,2)" and get a "4" as a return should be a valid example of that generic sequence. It does not violate add(integer,integer):integer, but obviously it is wrong.

Has someone or can point me to the right words whether such "generic sequences" are part of UML? Whether they are of more value than sketchy remarks (which imho should not appear in a precise technical specification - may be in a clearly marked and non-binding introduction)?

Hope for some enlightening response, Rolf.

Uml Process / Re: Active Class and its State Machine
« on: July 07, 2011, 01:59:38 am »
Ok, Geert

so you have a symbol for the statemachine - this is actually a state by itself - and you have a symbol representing the class.

Is there any specification in UML (or a best practice) to make clear that this statemachine describes the behavior of that class?

I am not clear about if a state(machine) is actually more general speaking a class. Can not identify this in UML specification.

What did the authors of UML had in mind?

Kind Regards


Uml Process / Active Class and its State Machine
« on: June 29, 2011, 03:31:45 am »
What is the best practice or the UML specification to express that a certain Active Class behaves as described in a certain State Machine?

Uml Process / Re: Sequence Diagram - information exchanges
« on: June 29, 2011, 02:50:24 pm »
Do not know if this helps, CWainwright:

When designing messages you are able to define an operation for it moving parameters to the destination object and returning return values from the destination object.

You are able to define this data to belong to certain type. There is where your pre-defined classes come in.

Kind Regards


Uml Process / assemblies and interfaces
« on: December 23, 2010, 04:09:50 am »
how to treat an assembly as if it where two embedded interfaces: sourcing component as a "provided interface" targeting component as a "required interface"?

Uml Process / Re: hierarchical components
« on: December 23, 2010, 02:47:25 am »
much better, thank you

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