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Messages - rupertkiwi

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
Anyone heard if this is going to be fixed? I've tried changing the connector stereotype too without any joy

General Board / Re: Bulk creation of relationships
« on: July 11, 2024, 10:28:31 am »
This is something that i run in excel vba :

Function addConnector(SourceElementID, TargetElementID, ConnectorType, connectorname, connectordirection)
    Dim SourceElement As EA.element
    Dim newconnector As EA.connector
        Dim repository As EA.repository
        Set eaapp = GetObject(, "EA.App")
    Set repository = eaapp.repository
    Set SourceElement = repository.GetElementByID(SourceElementID)
    Set newconnector = SourceElement.connectors.AddNew(" ", ConnectorType)
    newconnector.SupplierID = TargetElementID
    newconnector.Name = connectorname
    newconnector.Direction = connectordirection
    Set addConnector = newconnector
End Function

you will need the source and target ids to run this

General Board / Re: UML Type user security permission
« on: May 20, 2024, 02:15:35 pm »
Hi Simon,

this might be of some help to you :

although I couldn't say for sure which of the permissions relates to 'Tagged Value Types'. Possibly the 'Configure Stereotypes' could be it.


General Board / Re: ER Diagrams: hide PK and FK
« on: March 06, 2024, 01:24:21 pm »
There should be something in the Diagram Properties under the 'Connectors' tab to 'Show Stereotype Labels'.

If you uncheck this box it may help

Also if you uncheck the box 'Show Qualifiers and Visibility Indicators' in the 'Features' tab that may help too.

General Board / Re: SQL Query - extracting tag iformation and headings.
« on: February 16, 2024, 12:52:51 pm »
This is a script which can be used in VBA in Excel. Just select the elements you want in the project browser and run the script:

'Lists the Taggedvalues and their values for the selected elements in the Project Browser
Sub taggedvaluelist()
    Dim repository As EA.repository
    Set eaapp = GetObject(, "EA.App")
    Set repository = eaapp.repository
    Dim selectedElements As EA.Collection
    Set selectedElements = repository.GetTreeSelectedElements()
    Dim p As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim selectedElementCount, i
    selectedElementCount = selectedElements.Count
    p = 2
    Set outputws = Worksheets("TaggedValuesList")
    outputws.Rows("2:" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
    If selectedElementCount > 0 Then
        For i = 0 To selectedElementCount - 1
            Dim theelement As EA.element
            Set theelement = selectedElements.GetAt(i)
            Dim tags As EA.Collection
            Set tags = theelement.taggedvalues
            If tags.Count = 0 Then
            outputws.Cells(p, 1) = theelement.Name
            outputws.Cells(p, 2) = theelement.StereotypeEx
            outputws.Cells(p, 5) = theelement.ElementID
            p = p + 1
            End If
            For j = 0 To tags.Count - 1
                Dim currentTag As EA.taggedvalue
                Set currentTag = tags.GetAt(j)
                outputws.Cells(p, 1) = theelement.Name
                outputws.Cells(p, 2) = theelement.StereotypeEx
                outputws.Cells(p, 3) = currentTag.Name
                outputws.Cells(p, 4) = currentTag.Value
                outputws.Cells(p, 5) = currentTag.ElementID
                outputws.Cells(p, 6) = currentTag.PropertyID
                p = p + 1
                Debug.Print theelement.Name & ":" & currentTag.Name & ":" & currentTag.Value
    End If
End Sub

General Board / Re: Can EA and ServiceNow coexist? How?
« on: January 23, 2024, 03:41:37 pm »
We currently use both EA (for modelling purposes) and ServiceNow (as a CMDB) in our organisation but they are not integrated.

I would like them to be integrated mainly for diagramming purposes, I'm not aware of any ServiceNow module where diagramming can be preformed whereas EA is very good for this purpose.

General Board / Re: ERWIN and Sparx Integration
« on: June 09, 2023, 11:08:12 am »
We wanted to move our models from Erwin to SPARX EA and found the bridge to be fairly useless. Don't think it takes diagrams across along with other issues.
We used a 3rd party tool for the import into SPARX EA, it wasn't perfect but was good enough

this might help :

select d.groupname AS Groupname,a.firstname + ' ' + a.surname AS Name
from t_secuser a
inner join t_secusergroup b on a.userid=b.userid
 inner join t_secgroup d on b.groupid=d.groupid
 order by 1,2

General Board / Re: Connector styles
« on: April 11, 2023, 10:02:46 am »
There is a bezier trick in Peter Doomen's EA book :

Trick 14: A bezier curve
A colleague of mine once told me, that IT people like
their connectors straight and business people like to have
them rounded. I don’t know if that is true or not, but in
some diagrams, it would be nice if you could work with
curved lines to connect elements. Here’s how to do it: open
the connector properties window by double clicking on it,
select the tagged values tab and add a new tagged value
named “_bezier” with value 1.

The result will be a line with an extra handle that changes
the curvature of the bezier curve.

General Board / Re: Recursive VB script to list elements and their children
« on: December 05, 2022, 04:17:36 pm »
Thanks Geert.

I have been using that recursive script and it works well for a single level of element but I also want to get the elements that are nested under other elements, I'm having a bit of trouble with it.


General Board / Recursive VB script to list elements and their children
« on: December 05, 2022, 01:38:16 pm »

Does anyone have a VB script handy to list elements in a package and the element's children?


General Board / Re: Use Cases and benefits of EA/ServiceNow integration ?
« on: November 30, 2022, 10:45:17 am »
We have implemented ServiceNow at our workplace and integration with Sparx EA would be useful to us because of the diagramming capabilities in Sparx EA.

Haven't seen anything in ServiceNow that allows users to create diagrams in the same way that you can in Sparx EA.

General Board / Re: Tagged values bulk update on all selected elements ?
« on: September 05, 2022, 03:52:37 pm »
I have a script for updating the selected elements in the Project Browser, could be adapted for selected elements in a diagram I imagine

General Board / Data Miner VB Script
« on: July 27, 2021, 12:08:29 pm »
Hi there,

Does anyone have any Data Miner VB example scripts they are willing to share?


General Board / Re: Uninstall add-in
« on: July 26, 2021, 02:29:56 pm »
That's it. Thanks Paolo

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