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Messages - Richard Freggi

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Thank you KP.  I understand the point of _AttPub not being relevant to a toolbox profile.  So I would need to extend a class to have the characteristics that I want, then add the extended class to the toolbox.  But how to extend class so that the default scope for its attributes (and operations too) is public instead of EA default of private?  Thanks!!!

 BUMP!  Anyone has ideas?  Thanks!

General Board / Re: What is a "property"?
« on: August 02, 2017, 12:17:00 am »
In UML 2.5 a property is just a catch-all name for a feature of a classifier.  The excellent (and concise) "The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, second edition" by Rumbaugh, Jacobson and Book takes 7 PAGES to explain properties.  So, I suggest you just roll with it.....

General Board / Re: Can't add attributes or operations using toolbox???
« on: August 01, 2017, 06:12:45 pm »
Thank you for quick clarification!  So I guess it really depends on UML 2.5 metamodel to decide if what I want to do (add unstereotyped attribute/operation to class) is legal or not.  I think full compliance with UML spec is important... would not want to 'bastardize' the tool just to add this small convenience.

But then again, this action is possible by right clicking on model explorer or on the class in the diagram... so why not via the toolbox?  And what is the correct use of attributes and operations in the toolbox?  Forum moderator or EA gurus any takers for this question?

General Board / Can't add attributes or operations using toolbox???
« on: August 01, 2017, 04:25:49 pm »
Using the basic UML 2 technology (default setting in EA) I can add attributes and operations to classes using the project browser or by double clicking on each class on the diagram; but I cannot drag attributes or operations from the toolbox over the class: I get an error message "Unknown/illegal base type 'Attribute'  Command UML: Attribute".  User guide search shows that this is due to wrong metaclass - I suppose I'm using these toolbox elements in wrong way... but then what is the right way to use them?  Thanks!!!
(p.s. crosspost notice: in separate post I'm asking for help to get attribute default scope = public)

I created a MDG toolbox for regular class diagram.  In the profile metaclass I added an attribute _AttPub, type int, initial value 1 (following the MDG technologies user guide on page 43).  When MDG deployed everything works except when I add an attribute to the class using this toolbox, the attribute scope is Private by default. 

The MDG XML file is below.  My goal is to have all attributes scope set to public by default whenever I create a new attribute in a class.  Any help appreciated!
(p.s. crosspost notice: in separate post I'm asking for help to get attribute creation via toolbox)

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<MDG.Technology version="1.0"><Documentation id="0730" name="RFClass0730MDG" version="0730" notes="0730"/><DiagramProfile><UMLProfile profiletype="uml2">
<Documentation id="8B780C68-B" name="RFClass" version="1.0" notes="RFClass"/>
<Stereotype name="RFClassDiagram" notes="">
<Apply type="Diagram_Logical">
<Property name="alias" value="RFClass"/>
<Property name="toolbox" value="RFClass"/>
<Property name="diagramID" value="RFClass"/>
</DiagramProfile><UIToolboxes><UMLProfile profiletype="uml2">
<Documentation id="CABB778E-B" name="RFClass0730" version="1.0" alias="RFClass0730" notes="RFClass0730"/>
<Stereotype name="RFClassElements" alias="RFClassElements" notes="RFClassElements">
<Apply type="ToolboxPage">
<Property name="_AttPub" value="1"/>
<Tag name="UML::Package" type="" description="" unit="" values="" default="Package"/>
<Tag name="UML::Class" type="" description="" unit="" values="" default="Class"/>
<Tag name="UML::Attribute" type="" description="" unit="" values="" default="Attribute"/>
<Tag name="UML::Operation" type="" description="" unit="" values="" default="Operation"/>
<Stereotype name="RFClassConnectors" alias="RFClassConnectors" notes="RFClassConnectors">
<Apply type="ToolboxPage">
<Property name="_AttPub" value="1"/>
<Tag name="UML::Association" type="" description="" unit="" values="" default="Association"/>
<Tag name="UML::AssociationClass" type="" description="" unit="" values="" default="AssociationClass"/>
<Tag name="UML::Generalization" type="" description="" unit="" values="" default="Generalization"/>
<Tag name="UML::Aggregation" type="" description="" unit="" values="" default="Aggregation"/>
<Tag name="UML::Composition" type="" description="" unit="" values="" default="Composition"/>
<Tag name="UML::Dependency" type="" description="" unit="" values="" default="Dependency"/>
<Tag name="UML::Realization" type="" description="" unit="" values="" default="Realization"/>
<Tag name="UML::Nesting" type="" description="" unit="" values="" default="Nesting"/>

General Board / Re: EA 13 does not have a database front end?
« on: July 26, 2017, 11:37:57 am »
Thank you Helmut and QWERTY.  Your answers helped me realize that the database builder / query developer is available from CORPORATE version and up... and I have PROFESSIONAL version!!!  So back to using SQLiteman...

General Board / EA 13 does not have a database front end?
« on: July 24, 2017, 08:56:09 pm »
Hello I am still new to Sparx EA (using build 13.10) and I would just like to confirm my understanding that EA (Data Modeling MDG) does not provide a simple frontend for databases for things like loading test datasets and testing queries during query development.
I can connect to the database (SQLite) with OBDC and do forward/reverse engineering, so I expected that a simple frontend would be integrated in EA... but I can' t find anything on the user manual or web.  Just wanted to double check if I missed anything before I turn to SQLiteman or something similar (I would prefer not to switch between several tools).

General Board / Re: Data objetc reuse in BPMN?
« on: July 15, 2017, 12:33:40 am »
I seem to remember that BPMN is not a profile or 'dialect' of UML although it looks similar to activity diagrams.  I think it has different origins (graphical programming using service classes or some such...).  I'm sure other experts can comment (I only know a little because I had to learn it for a project but did not continue using it after that)

Aleksi, I seem to remember from when I was learning BPMN that you can sort of map the messages of BPMN to data structures (I seem to remember that it was not an exact mapping, but again I'm no expert...).  I'll ask some people more knowledgeable than me... I'll post again if I get an answer!

General Board / Re: Data objetc reuse in BPMN?
« on: July 12, 2017, 12:29:21 pm »
Hello Aleksi
if you use UML sequence diagrams instead of BPMN to model your processes, the sequence diagram participants can be data objects.  It's super-easy to a) reuse these participants to generate new business processes, b) generate an object (or class) diagram showing the data structures that support your processes, c) use the class diagram to design a database if you need one to support the processes, and d) use the class diagram to write application software if you need one.

What I'm saying is, BPMN can be tweaked to do what you want to do, but it was not designed to be used this way.  For more info you can see the OMG web pages on BPMN (=a process-centric notation, not an object oriented notation).



qwerty and uffe thank you VERY much!


EA 13.10

Hello I am playing around with MDG to customise the toolboxes of standard UML profile (by removing the toolbox elements that I don't use).

I use the MDG Technology Builder to create the xmi files for toolboxes and diagram types for several UML diagrams (Class, Use Case etc.).  My MDG files create correctly and show in both the Resouces / MDG technologies / Import technology as well as in the Configure / Technology / Manage menus.  However sometimes the "Set active" button remains grayed out even if I restart EA.  In this case I cannot access the MDG.

Question 1. Does anyone have any good guess of common reasons why the enable button is grayed out?
Question 2. I assume that to change the toolboxes I don't need to redefine extensions of the UML standard elements / connectors and diagrams... just define the new toolboxes using the profile helper.  Is that correct?   
Question 3. When using the helper, is it better to have a separate eap project file for each toolbox or to have all in one eap file?  If all in one file, what is the right package structure (I remember the user manual saying stereotype packages cannot be nested)?  I am trying this package structure:
-  Model
  - Sparx Helper
     - Component profile
        - Component  diagram profile (I edit the toolbox attribute, then I save this package as a profile)
        - Component diagram toolbox (I edit this, then I save this package as a profile)
        - Component toolbox profile
     - Use Case profile
        - Use Case diagram profile (I edit the toolbox attribute, then I save this package as a profile)
        - Use Case diagram toolbox (this is the part I edit, then I save this package as a profile)
        - Use Case toolbox profile
      - Etc. etc.

Thank you very much!

General Board / Re: A simple question about Models & Views
« on: April 20, 2017, 02:40:34 pm »
Hello Sylvain,

if you need to define a package structure to organize your enterprise model, can I recommend that you google "Zachman Framework" and read anything you can find written by John Zachman.  You can buy books or get certified if you want, but it's not necessary to benefit from this.

You can also buy the Zachman Framework MDG from Sparx.  It's overkill for me and I don't use this MDG but I think it will create the package structure and model organization that you want.

Personally I just make my own Zachman-like package structure as follows (as others already pointed out, just use "View" packages for everything, they are just packages).  Each line below is a package; ">" shows the level of nesting.

Root element - XYZ enterprise model
> Context
> Concept
> Logical
> Physical
> Out of context

Inside each of above package, I have these sub-packages:

Each new project has its own totally separate package containing diagrams that I created for that specific project.  Whenever I create a new element (Actors, Use case, Class etc.) I either reuse or create it in one of the Zachman-like packages.  This way I quickly build up a useful repository of enterprise elements that not only describe the enterprise, they also accelerate modeling for each successive project.

Hope this helps!


I can't believe it worked!  First don't autohide then hide... thank you very much madam/sir.

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