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Messages - marku

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Bugs and Issues / V15 Separrated Tagged Values Window-like in V14?
« on: August 08, 2019, 04:08:03 am »
In V14 I liked to have it open constantly some windows with most critical information: Element (Name/alias/status/etc), Notes,and Tags. I can fast check all informations witch I want about object.
But in V 15 "Element" and "Tag" windows are displayed alternately in this same place of program.
Why? Now I must stil switch between.
Is there any solution for both windows (Element and Tag) to be displayed simultaneously

You think about it?:
package >
                 diagram >

                < diagram
        connector >

               source >
                             element >

                         < element
                   < source
                   target >
                            element >

                     < element
                < target
       < connector
< package

- dosen't work :(

I check all "document Options" in Template. - I dont't have any filtr

Mayby its possible in EA15:
I want in "Generate Documentation" ( via Template) generate list of Visible connector from Diagram. Like: Name relation,Type,Source, Target.
When I prepare Template I can only add:
diagram >
connector >

< connector

But - Where is "Source" and "Target"? (In my opinion it's more necessary)

In EA 15 diagram can change to "Relation Matrix View" it's really great, but: how add them to template (Of Course - I can save it as picture in a Linked document- but every time, when I change relations in diagram I must remember to change picture)

Funny: When I Switch Diagram to "Relation Matric View: - I can print it
But when I switch to "Specyfication View"- and I push "Print" - on the page I see Diagram - not "Specyfication view"

( I now, thats can be do it by Template and "Genarate Documentation", but sometimes that's will be better, simple, fast)
We can switch Diagram to "Specyfication View" - I see all I want, but how export this (list) to docx, csv? - In some windows, like "Find in Project" we can "Ctrl+A", "CTRL+C" and "CTRL+V" anywhere

That's not easy :) but we have computer and program :)
Even something more user friendly will be great (I hate manually sort list of Activity ;) (currently I add number of step in Alias, and by them sort in default document)
I agree with your arguments but "always can dream"

I'm too fast write ;)
Ofcourse - it's easy only to first gateway. But sometimes much easy will be when default path, Sparx can generate "step by step" and other steps will by group (path 1, path 2....(with own "step by step")
Like in Use Case: Can genereate document with default path (step by step) and alternative path
Thats exactly what I will wishing in BPMN or other diagrams

At now I must manually sort all steps

I was build Activity Diagram or BPMN Diagram. I Want generate Documentation with Diagram and list of elements (by the own template). - ok, that's  was simple.
But in the list of elements I can't sort element's by "step by step": "Start proces"->"step first"-> "step second"->"..."->"End proces"
Elements in list are sort by date or by name- when I add before name number:1,2,3 is ok, untill I don't have more than 9: In there I have: 1, 10, 11, 12, 2,...
Is any solution to sort object on the list in document by "step by step" or Alias, Tag, etc?

General Board / Search criteria for all users Repository
« on: April 12, 2019, 11:30:35 pm »
in our repository I'have some own search criteria ( In "Find in Project"-> My Searches)- but only I can use It. (Any other user must build own criteria, I can only told him what he must check)
Is any solutions  to public my Search Criteria for all users repository?
e.g. (Filters from "Diagram Filters" are for all users)

Thanks "Simon M" for suggest.
When I'm was doing import - in column Type must be "ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_ApplicationComponent" (not only "Component" - it's in this Column after export)

In older version SPARX (12) I was created many objects using Export and Import via CSV (in Archimate)
But actually (14)  when I'm trying import and created new ArchimateComponents - it dosen't work good.
Of course new object are created - but have Type: Component, Stereotype: ArchiMate_ApplicationComponent rather than Type: ApplicationComponent, Stereotype: ArchiMate_ApplicationComponent. (UML with stereotype Archimate?)
When I manually add new ArchimateComponent object from Toolbox - it's ok.
I see that bad Type are in columns: Fully Qualified Stereotype (bad) ArchiMate_ApplicationComponent, (good) ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_ApplicationComponent and Profile Metatype (bad) Component, (good) ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_ApplicationComponent.
But even I'm trying change it in this columns, and update/import to Sparx- nothing change it.

How change this Type of Object?

If someone want easy do it in Sparx - better way is do it in SQL
So, for what use by  SPARX? ;)
Thanks for answer

Geert - yes, it's only there
I'm thinking - Only I need this? :(

Any Idea?: "How to build template witch Source & Target for relations?

I have diagram with relations between some elements ( from different packages)
Usually I'm doing "deep copy" to generated document with full informations- which I want
But its too complicated.

In Document Templates-> Sections is:
In this section <connector> are "Source Columns" and "Target Columns". But when I try generate document - this pool ale empty (In document I see name, Notes , etc about relations, but not Source & Target)

Of Course - I can copy it from window "Relationships" - and paste to word document - but why can't do it in Template?

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