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Messages - marku

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Bugs and Issues / Re: V1426 & 1425 "Information Flow" - where I Find?
« on: September 10, 2018, 05:44:39 pm »
Yes, we have used "Information Flow" for many years (before my coming). We used "items Conveyed" to indicate certain things. It is a pity that they suddenly started to stick to such standards, at the same time not "facilitating" such a simple thing as building a list of the most used things in eg "Quick Linker" - Scripting is not easy to build

Bugs and Issues / Re: V1426 & 1425 "Information Flow" - where I Find?
« on: September 07, 2018, 07:57:34 pm »
But it was in QuickLinker - in old version  ( as type of connections between Archimate Applications).
And now in the all Model (all Repository) I have it.
Now - I must change old relations in repository, or add this type of relations to QuickLinker (It's difficult then chenage old relations)

Bugs and Issues / V1426 & 1425 "Information Flow" - where I Find?
« on: September 07, 2018, 04:41:51 pm »
in EA1423 ( and older) I used "Information Flow" to connect Object (such like Application Component in Archimate)
But in 1426 & 1425 I can't find them ( In QuickLinker or even Toolbox)

Cold you tell me why?


But why someones AplicationComponents I can connected via InformationFlow ( a see it in QuickLinker), and someones I can't ( QuickLinker does not show up)
Even if this type of connected is dosen't apply in Archimate- I check "Strict Connector Syntax", and I should see (Quick Linker- with other relations)

(I was check it on EA13-works ok, & EA14.21/23 -where dosen't work)
I have few objects like Archimate_ApplicationComponent. I want connect them by InformationFlow. In someones I can do it (I see QuickLinker box and this name of relations) but in someones I can't- when I move mouse between 2 object Ouicklinker menu are not visible.
I can add this relations from Toolbox, or in someones object QuickLinker are hasn't visible when I try connect "Object A" with "Object B" - but it work's Ok when I try connect "Object B" with "Object A"
It is always on the same objects, in different diagrams ( different Type). I check "Strict Connector Syntax"
I check all informations ( like: "Lock", "Status", "version" etc) about this objects. I check it t_Object Tabel.
I haven't idea why it dosen't work on someone object - this same object in EA 13 works Ok

Bugs and Issues / Re: Diagram Running Slow
« on: August 02, 2018, 05:37:41 pm »
A have Win 7 (on 32-bit & 4 RAM) and WIN 10 (64 8Giga RAM)
This same Diagram work most fast on WIN 10.
(When you have "Number of items i have in the diagram is approx 260, with a lot of relationships." - it will work slowly)
Do you have turned on Auditung? - it can most slowly work

I disable this option- still doesn't work.
Later I'll check in 1422

Bugs and Issues / EA1421 - "Insert related Elements"- missing objects
« on: June 26, 2018, 02:09:32 am »
I check it in 1421 and 13.
In the 13 (on the same objects) it's works ok, But i n EA 14:
1. I've Application components (from Archimate) connected witch each other (different relations- InformationFlow, assignment, abstraction), and artifact
2. I'm putting one application Component on the new diagram
3. I'm trying add (from Insert Related Elements) only other ApplicationComponent (from frame "Element types"). Unchecking others, "Refresh" - and list under are empty. I'm checking all elements type in frame- but still list are empty
(When I do it  in frame "Connector Type"- are this same effect- empty list object to insert)

When I do it  in EA 13 - it's work

General Board / Re: Multiple elements (virtualised connector ends)
« on: June 01, 2018, 11:35:24 pm »
I have sometimes this same problem. Usually I do like matthew.james  using "Virtualised connector ends"
But I preffer add 2, 3  this same object in sql table ( just like write Paolo F Cantoni,  but manually)

Generally using 2-3 times this same object on the one diagram - are not good, but sometimes better do it that, than make new object with this same name- becasue we loss orginal connectors- or we have many duplicate connectors.

But it would indeed be a great help if a locked diagram was ... locked(!). And it should be a very minor and simple change in Sparx.

That's a diagram centric view not a model centric view.  A diagram is a representation of a number of elements in the model.  Elements that can belong to anyone, not just the creator of the diagram.

And it is MUCH easier to hide a connector that you can see than show a connector that you can't see. If you open a diagram and see that a new connector has suddenly appeared, that means that there is new information in the model that the person who created the diagram wasn't aware of. If it belongs in the diagram, great; if it doesn't, hide it. Better that than opening a diagram and not knowing if there is new information that may need to be shown.

You have right- user (like I) see what is "new" but:
- if someone delete relation from Repository, or change it betwen object - you can't see it. Someone, who want delete object or relation- can do it, even diagram are "Lock". When Object have "Lock" - yuo can still delete conect betwen him and other
- Sometimes We ( I & my group) doing diagrams with the same objects (difrent scope). On each of them we leave only few most important relation. But when I add new relation on second diagram I must still choose "Visiblity"->"Hide connector on other diagrams"- relation by relation... Or back on first diagram & hide all unnecessary.
In EA 14 We finally can Hiding many selected relations in one "Click" (Personally, I think that this is the biggest argument for switching to this version. Finally I can editing many relations in this same time)- But in old version user must do it connect by connect

By default you still won't see it in your quicklinker because it filters to the current toolbox. Either pin the Activity Relationships page, or turn off the filter in the quicklinker menu.
I still haven't see it in Quicklinker.
I will try it by next days
Thx for all

Yes i'm
trying to add a control flow between two Application Components?
-only it.
I use your code- still nothing. Suppouse, I'm doing something wrong "somewhere else"
It's seems like SParx dosen't know that the "relationship recipe" is in the file documentArtifact

In Specialize->Manage-> MDG Technology window I see check "Enabled" at my group. I'm doing "Set Active" ("*" is visible next to the name).
And I see my group in Toolbox, but still haven't it in the QuickLinker.
I will try later once again
(mayby I should add object ApplicationComponent to the new group Profile- but  I only want add one type of relation- no build new type of techology design- mayby much later >:( ;D )

I was thinking "add one, existing in program, connection" - it will be much simple than add fantastic relations.
Reading instructions about it -a still have one think "something is missing in text" like your suggestions "You need to restart EA for each new test" - I only Reload Project

I work like in:
Next steps I’m doing  on the Diagram in "<<profile>> Package", such like in:
In step 2 "Extend Metaclass" I have check: "Core Connectors" and "ControlFlow"
And what next?
- I adding document with text from csv file ( question: How "Document Artifact" with quick link definitions is connected, pinned to Profil, metaclass. It’s enough that it’s on the diagram in the Package <<Profile>> ?):

And I have XML file on computer
Then I work like in:
(in 1 step I work like in:
In step 6 I only have check Metamodel- Profiles (exactly like was writing before)
Restart  Sparx and nothing

I tried add other type of connection:  Control Flow, in QuickLinker. I want use it to connect  between Application Component (in Archimate).
I have EA 14 and 13, tried add it like on this site: or (page 15)

Unfortunately I still doing something wrong. Is any simple solution to add only one type relationships to QuickLink?  (it should be for all users)
(Later I will describe it in more detail)

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