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Messages - maxim_kurn

Pages: [1]
PCS General Board / Re: PCS integration with Jira and Confluence
« on: November 27, 2019, 07:24:55 pm »
Thanks! It seems like JIRA integration has just started its jorney to become a realy useful tool))

PCS General Board / Re: Is it possible to access PCS with EA automation?
« on: November 27, 2019, 07:22:40 pm »
Thank you, Arshad!

PCS General Board / Is it possible to access PCS with EA automation?
« on: November 22, 2019, 08:34:48 pm »
I would like to create multiple issues in Jira from EA requirements. Or to update some elements properties in EA automaticaly when changes happen in Jira

Hi. Can anyone answer why the integration browser does not filter Jira issues by project when I select it? Maybe I have not set anything properly?
I have some filters set in Jira, let’s say “All unresolved” which searches unresolved issues through all open projects. But when I use Jira integration in EA, I choose a project and “All unresolved” and then I expect I will see unresolved issues just of that project but I see issues of other projects(( How can I filter issues by project?

PCS General Board / Re: PCS integration with Jira and Confluence
« on: November 21, 2019, 11:15:37 pm »
Hi, Arshad, could you please tell me if I can perform the following action with Pro Cloud server?
I want to create a set of issues in Jira from EA using relations between EA elements to create relations between issues in Jira? For example: I have a diagram with elements organized as a structure: Feature -> Use Cases -> Requirements. I want to create issues in Jira from these elements and to connect them as parents and children (structure in Jira: Epic -> Story -> Task).

I also have several other questions regarding EA - Jira integration. According to forum's rules should I start new topics or I can go on here?

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