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Messages - EA_enthusiast

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General Board / Re: Searching in EA
« on: January 20, 2024, 04:02:04 am »
I had a similar question recently. I came across this add-on. I have not tried to use it for this specific problem, but I think it has a feature for funding duplicates.

General Board / Re: Can EA and ServiceNow coexist? How?
« on: January 11, 2024, 12:23:45 am »
I'm afraid I can't. I don't have experience with serviceNow
Thank you, Geert. I appreciate your response.

General Board / Re: Two users access the same EA file simultaneously
« on: January 10, 2024, 04:21:47 pm »
Thank you, Eve for the information.

General Board / Re: Two users access the same EA file simultaneously
« on: January 10, 2024, 09:06:33 am »
Thank you, Eve. Can you please point me to the documentation that explains the process for setting up a server to host EA repositories for concurrent access?

General Board / Two users access the same EA file simultaneously
« on: January 10, 2024, 04:02:55 am »
Hello EA experts,

I found the same question discussed 12 years ago on the forum, but I am asking it again, assuming that things have changed.

Scenario: An EA file is saved on OneDrive. Two users need to access and collaborate on the same file simultaneously.

Question: What is the most practical way to do that?

General Board / Re: Best practice of extending a modeling language
« on: January 10, 2024, 03:43:14 am »
Thank you, sjf, for your input.
There are 3 potential issues with this approach.
(1) Having a collection of perspectives and modeling languages within the same view. If you are modeling the Architecture of the Enterprise and sharing the model with other Architects, the expectations are that you are using ArchiMate.
(2) the look and feel of each perspective and modelling language are different, which will make the view lacks homogeneity.
(3) creating relationships between elements (from different perspectives/modeling languages) may be challenging, and you may end up using non-standard relationships to link the elements. 

What I found to be more practical is using the existing ArchiMate elements to cover your architecture needs. For example, in order to model initiatives, you could use ArchiMate "CourseOfAction" and stereotype it as "Initiative". Similarly, you could use ArchiMate "Goall" and stereotype it as "Objective", and so on.

General Board / Re: Finding duplicate elements and replacing them
« on: January 10, 2024, 03:34:18 am »
Unless you need to merge all 3 versions of your Class A, if there is an interest in having a view of each version in your repository, you could create a master Class A linked via a dependency (or other link) to each existing Class A element.

Thank you for your response. I don't need to merge all 3 versions of the Class A. If I understand your suggestion correctly, you suggest creating a master "Class A" linked via a dependency to each existing "Class A" element. This suggestion assumes that I have found and identified the duplicate "Class A" elements, which is not the case; it's actually the objective I am trying to achieve.

General Board / Re: Can EA and ServiceNow coexist? How?
« on: January 10, 2024, 03:19:34 am »
Thanks a lot Geert for chiming in.

Could you please provide more details such as:

- What are the best practices for using EA and ServiceNow together within an organization? (what should be the function of each system)?
- Are there any use cases where it's particularly beneficial to have both tools coexist?
- What are the parts of the EA repository that are commonly integrated between the two systems?

Any additional insights or recommendations you can share regarding the coexistence and integration of EA and ServiceNow would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

General Board / Can EA and ServiceNow coexist? How?
« on: January 09, 2024, 07:01:43 am »
Hello EA experts,

Scenario: When a consultant for a government organization, in which they use ServiceNow, started creating an application inventory and technology inventory and modeling their dependencies, they were told, "We plan to capture this information in ServiceNow". 

I am interested to hear your thoughts about the possibility of having ServiceNow and EA coexist in the same organization.

Thank you!

You could use NODEJS with a PDF text Reader package (npm) to open your EA repository and PDF-Files to create elements.
Thank you, Jan, for sharing this. I am wondering whether you have tried this yourself and it worked for you?.

General Board / Re: Best practice of extending a modeling language
« on: January 09, 2024, 06:33:13 am »
Perhaps it could help your thought too.
Thank you for sharing this.

General Board / Re: Finding duplicate elements and replacing them
« on: January 09, 2024, 06:19:19 am »
There is an IDEA add-on that does deduplication on elements and connectors.

Thank you for sharing this. I didn't know about this addon. I'll check it out.

You can't import relations with this tool.
Thank you, Greert for the clarification.

Thank you, Steve for your insights.

Modesto, I completely agree with you. Sparx Systems should be investing in this area. It's an area that several people I speak with see it as a barrier to using EA.

Hello EA experts,

I have successfully used Bellekens' tool to import elements with tagged values.

Now I need to import elements that should be linked to the elements in the model. Please see the screenshot below for more clarification:

Can someone tell me the right way to do that?

DeBAAT, I sent you a private message.
Ian, I will check out your website.

Thank you!

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