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Messages - EA_enthusiast

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General Board / Default appearance
« on: December 21, 2023, 11:55:53 pm »
Hello EA experts,

I changed the default appearance of an element (as shown below)

But I am not sure why it's not reflected in other diagrams (as shown below)

Thank you!

Thank you very much, Geert, for your confirmation  :)

Hello, Geert,

Thanks a lot for chiming in.

Please correct me if I am wrong. This is what I understood:

(1) I can use your Excel import-export tool to import applications (which do not exist in the model) with tagged values. I want to import the applications as ArchiMate_ApplicationComponenent. Please see the below screenshot and let me know whether I got this step correctly.

(2) I can import the interfaces of the applications but I will have to manually create the relationships between the interfaces and the applications. If this is correct, is this how the interfaces can be imported as "ArchiMate_ApplicationInterface". Please note that the last 3 columns are tagged values for the interfaces (as seen in the below screenshot)

(3) After completing the importing process in step (1) and step (2), I should manually create a relationship between the application (from step 1) and its 3 interfaces (from step 2).

Did I get the process right?

Hello EA experts,

Part 1 of the question: how to import application attributes
I understand that the most suitable way to add the application attributes shown in the below screenshot is by creating tagged values.

 I also understand that Bellekens EA Excel import-export can be used for that purpose, however, one of my colleagues brought to my attention that on the tool web page, it was stated that

The Tagged Values sheet can only be used to edit existing tagged values, not for importing new tagged values into EA. It contains the following columns

In the same time, the script (in the tool) seems to indicate that creating tagged values is possible, as shown in the screenshot below:

I would appreciate if you provide some guidance on how to import the application attributes using Bellekens EA Excel import-export tool.

Part 2 of the question: for each application, how to import multiple interfacing applications

As shown in the application attribute (first screenshot), one of the application is called "Advantage". As shown in the below screenshot, "Advantage" has multiple interfaces. How can we import the multiple interfaces for the application inventory?

I would appreciate if you provide some guidance on how to import the application interfaces using Bellekens EA Excel import-export tool.

General Board / Re: Change author name for all diagrams and elements
« on: December 10, 2023, 12:12:15 pm »
Thank you, Geert and Sunshine, for your responses. I appreciate your help.

General Board / Re: Change author name for all diagrams and elements
« on: November 24, 2023, 09:19:49 am »
Thank you, vladap and wivel, for your responses.
Is there a step-by-step guide (somewhere) that I can follow for any of these options, as I have not done this before?

General Board / Change author name for all diagrams and elements
« on: November 23, 2023, 01:47:50 pm »
Hello EA experts,

I know this question has been discussed a few times in the past several years. The last time (I came across) was around 2015. Is there a new and easy way to change the author name for all diagrams and elements?

Thank you!

Thank you, ea0522 and Hurra for your advice.

Hello, EA experts,

I need your advice on the right approach to import 300+ application profiles from Excel to EA. The first few records are shown in the screenshot below.

This Excel spreadsheet is an export from another architecture tool. You will notice that the GUID is available in the first column.

Thank you so much in advance!

General Board / Re: Relationship Matrix not showing relationships
« on: November 16, 2023, 02:29:53 pm »
Thank you for the clarification, Eve!

General Board / Re: Relationship Matrix not showing relationships
« on: November 16, 2023, 05:55:04 am »
You are amazing, Geert! It worked!
I am wondering why it works in one direction but not the other?

General Board / Relationship Matrix not showing relationships
« on: November 16, 2023, 05:08:31 am »
I need your help, please to understand why the relationship matrix is not showing relationships.

General Board / Re: Unable to drag and drop an item to the feature matrix
« on: November 02, 2023, 04:24:39 pm »
Thank you, Geert.

General Board / Re: Unable to drag and drop an item to the feature matrix
« on: November 01, 2023, 05:41:00 am »
Hello, Geert  :),

It's been a long time! I hope you are well  :) Thank you for chiming in.

You are right. I need to use a relationship matrix as below.

When I tried, it's not allowing me to drag and drop "Outcomes" or "Strategies". I am getting the message shown on the screen below:

General Board / Re: Unable to drag and drop an item to the feature matrix
« on: November 01, 2023, 04:47:20 am »
I tried to set the "Outcomes" as "Source" and set the "Strategies" as "Target," but nothing has shown up on the matrix.

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