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Messages - steverumsby

Pages: 1 [2]
Bugs and Issues / Re: Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.t_seclocks'
« on: September 14, 2022, 07:08:26 pm »
I am getting the same thing. I have reported it to Sparx but they have no solution yet. We have had a few back and forth emails trying to figure it out. All they can say so far is that there's no model corruption going on so it is safe to ignore the error.

I suggest you report it to Sparx so they know it isn't just me that has this problem!


Reply from Sparx support - no you can't, but we'll record it as a feature request for future consideration.

Just in case anybody else trips over this...


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Can you use !INC in a scriptlet?
« on: September 07, 2022, 06:46:03 pm »
I have some diagram scripts (Javascript) that work quite nicely and (now) quickly enough that I thought it would be useful to convert them to scriptlets (EA 16). However, when I do that I get errors on the !INC lines of my code. Is it not possible to include library files into a scriplet? If true, that makes them a whole lot less useful. Or am I doing something wrong?


General Board / Re: Error when posting to forum
« on: August 31, 2022, 05:52:33 pm »
This "bulletin board" is still steam operated.

I'll bear that in mind in future... ;D


General Board / Re: Error when posting to forum
« on: August 31, 2022, 12:12:54 am »
Replying to my own reply...

The subject of my new post had "quotes" in it. I took those out and it posted just fine. Not sure what made me think to try that, but I guess that's a feature of this forums system?

Anyway, problem solved, or at least worked around...


Bugs and Issues / Full project transfer omitting t_documents table?
« on: August 31, 2022, 12:07:40 am »
I'm running EA 16 with my project is stored in an MS SQL DB in an on-prem server, with the connection going through PCS.

I've developed a habit of using the "full project transfer via native XML" to create an offline copy on my laptop, both for backup purposes and to have easy access to the project (or rather a slightly out of date version of it) when I can't/don't want to fire up a VPN connection. After the export I import the files into a project in a local QEA file.

This has been working fine until this morning when I noticed the folder with the XML files was much smaller than last time. It turns out there is one DB table missing from the export - t_document. And sure enough, after importing the XML files into a new model everything is fine except that documents stored as internal artifacts are missing. The references to them in diagrams are still there, but the documents themselves are gone.

The last time this worked properly was just last week, and I haven't upgraded the EA client since - still running 1605. Last week, the XML file for the t_document table was just over 50MB. I'm sure more documents have been added since. Could there be a size threshold that prevents the export of that one table? If so, is that likely to apply to other tables if they get that big?

Has anyone else seen this? Any ideas what might be going on?


General Board / Re: Error when posting to forum
« on: August 31, 2022, 12:05:35 am »
Thanks. Yes, posting in general obviously seems to work. I was just hoping somebody else might have seen a similar error and known the cause. There must be something about the content I'm trying to post that is triggering something?

Anyway, yes, I'll report it and see if that get's me anywhere.


General Board / Error when posting to forum
« on: August 30, 2022, 06:37:09 pm »
Just got this message when trying to post a message in the "Bugs and issues" forum.

An Error Has Occurred!

CleanTalk: *** Forbidden. Please enable JavaScript. Message seems to be spam. ***

Any idea what's going on?


I have a script that updates the status field of task elements based on resource completion - when all of the resources are 100% complete, the task status becomes "Done". When these tasks are on a kanban diagram I really want the diagram to update based on the new status, but I can't find a way to do that. Am I missing something?

I'm currently doing this with a diagram script but might switch to a scriptlet to make it all automatic, assuming I can do the above.

Any suggestions?


I know this is a little old now, but I too would love either a way for Sparx to autolayout a roadmap based on element properties or an API to access the roadmap properties so I could do it myself. I've written code to do this in another EA tool, and it is certainly fiddly but eminently doable. But not without access to the roadmap properties of the diagram.

I don't suppose anyone has heard anything about this being implemented anytime soon?

I've just submitted this as a feature request, so we'll see what happens!

Bugs and Issues / Re: Roadmaps in Diagram frames
« on: June 06, 2022, 09:02:43 pm »
Yes, this happens in 16...  :(


Yes, I'm getting the same thing. I have a script to add a heatmap to an archimate diagram and I'd like another to restore the default colouring, but that just turns everything white as you say. But setting the background colour to "default" via the layout ribbon does what it is supposed to. That at least saves a certain amount of pain...

Did you find a solution to this, or is it a bug we need to report?


Did you ever find a solution for this? I'm having the same problem. Brand new MariaDB database with the scheme imported, user with all privileges and the same error message:

The user does not have permission to perform a Project Transfer to a MySQL repository...
The user must have ALTER and DROP privileges on all tables that have an AUTO_INCREMENT column.


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