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Messages - SevEd

Pages: [1]
Bugs and Issues / Re: EA hangs in some projects
« on: May 30, 2024, 06:57:30 am »
Unfortunately, the company is not willing to migrate to a good DB nor upgrade EA version. Repairing and compaction the repository didn't work.

Anyways, after digging into the web, I tried some "solutions" to the MS Access issues. One in particular suggested to set affinity to a particular core (
If EA was assigned to all cores, the best case was that EA hangs for at least 30 seconds. After setting affinity to only one core, the improvement was good to worst case of 10 seconds. But if the affinity is set to Two cores (any of them), then the issue disappear.

So, this workaround will be living in these particular projects until final solution (change of DB) happens.
Thanks all of you for your help and proposals.

Edgar Sevilla

Bugs and Issues / Re: EA hangs in some projects
« on: May 15, 2024, 12:44:26 am »
Hi wivel, Hi qwerty

I have only Traceability, Features and Properties open. I disabled all of them, but I do not see difference.

The model uses M$Access (I know bad decision). Anyways the projects are local, not within network. Unfortunately, company does not want to switch to another DB  :'(

Thanks for your feedback.

Best Regards,
Edgar Sevilla

Bugs and Issues / EA hangs in some projects
« on: May 14, 2024, 12:57:14 am »
Hello everyone,

I'm facing a annoying  issue in certain models.
There are certain models where EA hangs (up to ~30 seconds) when:
  • Navigating in project browser
  • Selecting Elements in project browser
  • Open diagrams (also those with less than 10 elements)
  • Open properties of an element
  • other simple operations

Add-ins and plugins were disabled, but the issue still persist.
This issue was mitigated by setting affinity to only one core (Windows Task Manager). This makes EA hangs only for few seconds (< 7 seconds)

Now, I just noticed that this issue disappears when an external tool (excel-based) modifies the EA DB while keeping EA project open. This "fix" just works until I close the project.

Environment details:
Windows 11
RAM: 32 GB
EA version: 15.2
EA project size: ~300 MB
EA model: eapx file
Note: This issue happen to in different computers, different users. Same behavior.

Any idea of what could be causing this? Is there any optimization value/option in EA that could be activating when accessing DB outside EA? So I can check and compare after running this external tool?

Best Regards
Edgar Sevilla

Hi Geert,

Yes, EA is running when this code is executed.

I'll try that, Thanks!!

Edgar S.

Hello everyone,

Looking for some help.

I'm using vba-based application to access repository. and last week after W11 was applied in multiple computers, there is one that stops working in this specific piece of code when creating the connecting to repository.
So, when trying to execute any api in the EaRepository, then an error is poping up.

Here is the complete snip:

Code: [Select]
        'Make sure the EA project exists
        If winLib_VerifyFileExists(strProjectFile) = True Then
            'Create Repository
            Set EaApp = GetObject(, "EA.App")
            Set EaRepository = EaApp.Repository
            'Open EA Project repository
            If EaRepository.ConnectionString <> strProjectFile Then
                EaRepository.OpenFile (strProjectFile)
                MsgBox ("Project loaded correctly")
                MsgBox ("Project is already loaded")
            End If

            MsgBox ("File not found / Project cannot be open")
        End If



Set EaApp = GetObject(, "EA.App")  ---> it's getting null
Set EaRepository = EaApp.Repository --> it's getting null
EaRepository.GetPackageByGuid(strStartPackageGUID) ---> get an Error

EA version 15
Windows version: 10 Pro and 11 Pro

Do you have any idea what could be wrong? where I could look into? This seems an error from system, but not sure what.

Thanks for all your tips and recommendations!

Best regards,
Edgar Sevilla

Hi Geert,

Thanks for you quick response. It's working correct after the fix using "*" instead of "#WC#"
Also, I also find your suggestion really useful for improving readability!

Thanks again for your support

Best regards
Edgar Sevilla

Hello everyone,

I'm having issues when running a SQL query in one of my scripts. The issue is when using the "LIKE" operator. See below a snippet of the code (VBScript):

Code: [Select]
    looksimilar = eaElement.Name & "#WC#"

    query = "SELECT t_object.ea_guid " & _
            "FROM t_object " & _
            "WHERE " & _
                    "t_object.Object_Type = " & Chr(34) & "UseCase" & Chr(34) & " AND " & _
                    "t_object.Stereotype = " & Chr(34) & "Dynamic Architecture" & Chr(34) & " AND " & _
                    "t_object.Name LIKE " & Chr(34) & looksimilar & Chr(34)

    xmlResult = Repository.SQLQuery(query)

Do you know if there is a bug in the SQL API? or is this operator not supported in the scripts?

using as example:
Code: [Select]
looksimilar = "APPSWC_Voltage_Monitoring#WC#"
The output query is:
Code: [Select]
SELECT t_object.ea_guid FROM t_object WHERE t_object.Object_Type = "UseCase" AND t_object.Stereotype = "Dynamic Architecture" AND t_object.Name Like "APPSWC_Voltage_Monitoring#WC#"

In the script the xml output is empty. But if I run the query in the Query Builder, the output is as expected. Do you know what I am missing here? Any recommendation?

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,
Edgar Sevilla

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