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Messages - Paulus

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General Board / Re: tagged value of type memo?
« on: March 23, 2013, 12:38:14 am »
Robert thx for replying, this was just what was missing!

And btw they are still needed. I checked various combinations of <memo>, <Memo>,memo,Memo as values for Type and Initial Value, and it turns out that to create a Memo type tagged value:

- you need to set Initial Value = '<memo>' (exactly like that).
- Name can be freely chosen and remaining fields (including Type) can be left blank

Do you have a similar solution for custom tagged types like ACMENotes? Setting Initial Value = '<ACMENotes>' or '<acmenotes>' does not work.

General Board / Re: tagged value of type memo?
« on: March 22, 2013, 05:58:21 pm »

I'll move the link to the community site then and perhaps embellish it a bit.

General Board / Re: tagged value of type memo?
« on: March 22, 2013, 07:42:54 am »
Animal has an attribute ACMENotes, and ACMENotes is defined as an UML tagged value type, of type Memo. When using the MDG it is included in the tagged-value set ACME.

When generating the MDG the tagged value type ACMENotes is included in the MDG along with the stereotype, diagram & toolbox profiles.

It works but i wonder if this is the way it's meant to be done, because, like i said, i find it a bit strange that name & type of the tag are tied to each other in this way. It prevents re-use of that type in other attributes.

General Board / Re: tagged value of type memo?
« on: March 22, 2013, 06:52:54 am »
Well, i can use the MDG in another repository and the memo field works.
I even switched to another (clean install) machine and it worked as well.

Maybe you overlooked something. I uploaded the zip file containing the EAP, MTS and generated XML's i used here: (i hope i'm not breaking any rules here).

Maybe you can download that and see if the ACME.xml MDG works for you, if it does check the source EA & MTS how its created (you'll have to change the paths D:\CGI in the MTS ofcourse to get it working).

best regards,


General Board / Re: tagged value of type memo?
« on: March 22, 2013, 04:33:00 am »
Woooops my bad: I used an old profile of mine that had just this but missed out on something vital.

Just to be sure this time i started with a brand new project and used the new MDG technology wizard to create a 'Basic template' profile from scratch (@Sparx thx for that  it makes life sooooo much easier :) ).

So here's what you need to do to get it to work:

1) Define a tagged value type (settings->UML types, tagged valuetyupe tab) for your memo field, with say Tag Name='ACMENotes', and Detail='Type=Memo;'

2) (as before) Add an attribute with Name='ACMENotes' to your stereotype (in my case 'Animal'), leave the remaining fields blank and save the profile and generate the MDG (be sure to include the newly created tagged value type in the MDG)



General Board / Re: tagged value of type memo?
« on: March 22, 2013, 12:29:46 am »
I was referring to an attribute for a stereotype in an UML stereotype profile, where you can enter the fields Name, Type, Initial Value, and Stereotype for an attribute.

When you enter Name = 'Menu' and leave the rest blank you will get a tagged value named 'Memo' and of type Memo in elements of the stereotype.

I would have expected i would be able to enter Type = 'Memo' and Name='xxxx', resulting in a tagged value 'xxx' of type Memo but this is not the case, instead i get a tagged value 'xxx' of type String.

General Board / Re: tagged value of type memo?
« on: March 21, 2013, 09:05:35 am »
You can enter 'Memo' (note the uppercase M) in the name field and leave the type field empty... seems wrong to me (how do i define 2 memo-type tags for a stereotype?) so maybe i missed something, but at least it works.

General Board / Re: Copying user groups and users between projects
« on: March 20, 2013, 06:42:35 pm »
Hi Andy,

Through export/import reference data (menu project -> model import/export ->Export reference data.

The group 'Security' contains what you need. keep in mind that this will -add- to security users/groups/permissions in the target eap  ;)

best regards,


General Board / Re: Stereotype Icons
« on: March 12, 2013, 04:07:12 am »
Search in the help file on 'Special Attributes' and open the first entry.
The icon attribute is described there.

It mentions that the icon is used in the project browser but if memory serves me right it is also used for the toolbox. Let me know if you run into trouble => then i'll look a bit further into the profile definition i created earlier.



General Board / Re: Stereotype Icons
« on: March 11, 2013, 07:55:15 am »
Extending a bit on that: apart from the shape in a diagram you can also alter the icon of the stereotype in the toolbox & project browser  by defining the 'icon' attribute for a stereotype.

General Board / Re: Using UML Profile in your project
« on: February 27, 2013, 07:48:58 pm »
Most likely you made a mistake somewhere in your profile definition. EA is very unforgiving in this respect and provides little or no information as to what was the error.

I once had a trailing whitespace in the name of the  stereotype element in the toolbox profile which apparently caused EA to no to match it to the name in the stereotype profile and behave like you describe. After removing the space the element could be dropped from the toolbox.



General Board / Re: generate glossary based on "glossary types"
« on: October 27, 2012, 01:33:45 am »
Not that you need to use this right now but just to let you know you still have an option if virtual documents can't provide what you need:

If you don't mind some scripting and now your way around in the SQL repository of EA you can also use the Repository document generation interface.

I recently tried this as an alternative to a problem i couldn't solve with virtual documents and it turns out to be real easy to use  8-):

- you can still use RTF templates created with the RTF template editor
- much better control on what model elements to insert in the document, in what order
- much finer control on the internal structuring of the document
- (my personal favorite) with some small modifications scripts can run in WSH or another scripting engine so it doesn't require additional knowledge of EA to maintain them (apart from the RTF templates in the EA repository)

But as mentioned, this is not for everyone.

Best regards,


General Board / Re: 10 beta Relationships window
« on: October 25, 2012, 10:25:59 pm »
Guys it's all for your benefit read the first bullit of the release notes

Main menu and context menus extensively restructured to provide a more logical separation of commands.


General Board / Re: Revert tables into classes
« on: October 13, 2012, 07:34:02 pm »
Also take a look at the Sparx Logical and Conceptual MDA Transforms on the community website:, specifically The Physical to Logical transform.

General Board / Re: Search model types
« on: September 25, 2012, 08:19:30 am »
Hi Agileba,

If i understand you correctly you are asking if it is possible to obtain a list of element types from diffecrent profiles (like standard UML, BPMN 2.0, ArcGIS, etc) that you can use on a diagram. The answer is: no, there is no easy way to obtain these.

In practice though this should not really be a problem since mixing of (elements in) profiles is in general not a good idea: profiles are intended for modelling specific problem domains or according to specific standards. A well-constructed profile will offer only those elements that should be used on a specific diagram, through a toolbox or through a popupmenu (quicklinker), or both, and often prevents you from drawing 'illegal' relations in diagrams.

Even if you're using EA primarily as a drawing tool i'ts better to stick to a limited numer of profiles, like the standard sparx basic, views, and extended UML profiles. There is always the option of altering the shape of elements through custom stereotypes with  custom 'shape scripts' or using an alternate image for an element.

best regards,


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