If you're willing to invest some time and effort than perhaps this might help (it's the way i do it):
1) create for each release a package in EA with the version number of that release
2) for each change in this release, create a
Document element in this package, using as it's name the identifier that the development team is using for the change
3) drag this document element on each diagram that is altered due to this change, and in the diagram subsequently draw a dependency relation from the document to any changes in your diagram you feel should be pointed out, optionally including some descriptive text in the dependency in a distinctive color like e.g.
added this class). Since you say you're using MS Word, i suggest using the colour that Word uses wen highlighting changes.
The benefits of this:
- it's easy to create a simple search script that will list all diagrams that have linked a (specific) change document, and this in turn allows you to create a RTF document that contains all related changes (thus making it easier to code/test separate changes).
- when moving to a new release, simply delete in the model all change documents in the release package mentioned in 1) => EA will then delete the links and all the dependencies on all changed diagrams as well, leaving you with a baseline for the next release!
Oh and btw the change document itself can double as the location to store additional information/release notes
