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Messages - Paulus

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General Board / Re: Who am I
« on: September 25, 2012, 07:28:26 am »
I guess the simple way would be to keep the 'Remember UserID' box always checked when logging in.

The username of the last succesfull login will then remain visible next time you open this dialog.

best regards,


General Board / Re: SQL Help
« on: September 23, 2012, 02:28:17 am »
Nope, you have to recurse throught the packages youself.

Take a look at this thread:

General Board / Re: How to attach an image to a class
« on: September 17, 2012, 10:29:06 pm »
Actually if you want to trace relations between your classes and screens using them: DONT use plain images since these are not first-class model elements.

Take a look at the user interface toolbox: it contains an element Screen that you can use as a place for your 'screen shot'. The big advantage is that you can now use the standard traceabiulity tools of EA to navigate relations (take a look at the 'Traceability' view and 'Relationship matrix'.

Especially the last one might interest you as it allows one to view and update all relations from a single (matrix) view.



General Board / Re: how import standard PHP classes into Class dia
« on: August 26, 2012, 02:41:02 am »
I dont know how but is that something that's really required? I mean, if you create a package php base, define a stub for each of the required php base classes and inherit from them, wouldn't that result in the same generated sources?

Alternatively, download the sources from the PHP website and import these

General Board / Re: Create Glossary Definition Greyed Out
« on: August 17, 2012, 07:16:31 am »
One possible reason for this is that you don't have the neccesary security permission to modify the glossary.

Check with the administrator of the EA repository you are using if security is enabled and if so, make sure that the login that you use to open the repository has the permission 'Manage glossary' set.

Btw when EA security is configured to use your windows account you will not have any visual clue that EA is actually checking your security credentials when you open the repository.



General Board / Re: Linking a diagram to an element
« on: August 06, 2012, 05:41:03 am »
Like Günther said: make the element composite. If you first move the diagram below the element in the project browser EA will not create a new diagram but use that one.

Btw not all elements can be made composite,



General Board / Re: Generate new GUID
« on: July 20, 2012, 04:34:00 am »
I'm curious: is it safe to generate the guid for an xref and include it in the table?

I mean, after all, you're by-passing the EA GUI.

Has anyone had experience with this?



General Board / Re: MS Word comparison function
« on: June 22, 2012, 11:01:19 pm »
If you're willing to invest some time and effort than perhaps this might help (it's the way i do it):

1) create for each release a package in EA with the version number of that release
2) for each change in this release, create a Document element in this package, using as it's name the identifier that the development team is using for the change
3) drag this document element on each diagram that is altered due to this change, and in the diagram subsequently draw a dependency relation from the document to any changes in your diagram you feel should be pointed out, optionally including some descriptive text in the dependency in a distinctive color like e.g. added this class). Since you say you're using MS Word, i suggest using the colour that Word uses wen highlighting changes.

The benefits of this:
  • it's easy to create a simple search script that will list all diagrams that have linked a (specific) change document, and this in turn allows you to create a RTF document that contains all related changes (thus making it easier to code/test separate changes).
  • when moving to a new release, simply delete in the model all change documents in the release package mentioned in 1) => EA will then delete the links and all the dependencies on all changed diagrams as well, leaving you with a baseline for the next release!
Oh and btw the change document itself can double as the location to store additional information/release notes



General Board / Re: Activity diagram - traceability
« on: June 22, 2012, 10:07:39 pm »
One more question:
Can I change diagram linked with activity (as "subdiagram")?

I cannot change the diagram for existing 'parent activity'.
I move diagram to other package and the diagram is still linked.

If you mean 'i have a composite activity A which links to diagram D1, but i would like to link it to diagram D2 ' the answer is: yes you can!

It's quite simple actually:

1) move D1 (which is located below A) to another location and move D2 below A (from the above i gather that's what you already did)

2) select the activity A and from the popup menu advanced, first -deselect- the option Composite and then select Make composite again. => the result is that EA will now recognize D2 as the diagram below A and link to that


General Board / Re: Activity diagram - traceability
« on: June 22, 2012, 05:49:34 am »
Second that, and to explain this a bit further: don't use diagrams directly as EA is centered around (model) elements, diagrams serve 'only' as a convenient way to visualize relations between model elements.


1) Create an activity element for each common action (Simplest way to do that is to use some dummy activity diagram for that, drag-n-drop the activity elements from the toolbox).

2) Make that activity element composite (from the element popumenu advanced; EA will create an AD below the element). Alternatively if you already have an AD for your common action, move it to the activity in the project browser prior to making the activity composite, and EA will link to your AD instead of creating a new one.

3) When in an AD you want to include a step that models a common action, drag-n-drop the activity for that action from the project browser and include it in your control flow (btw when pressing CTRL while doing that, EA will give you the option to either link, or create an instance, of your activity. If you value traceability and are beginning to use EA, stick with links. The drawback is you can link the same activity only once on the same AD (but instances have other drawbacks).

4) You will notice a 00 symbol in the activity in the diagram. Double-click and EA opens the AD for your common action

5) You can now use e.g. the traceability view or relationship matrix to find the relations


General Board / Re: Change action's effect with script
« on: June 17, 2012, 02:18:04 am »
Your script seems correct -but- this is not (yet?) supported, according to the EA Help on CustomProperties for Element Class.

General Board / Re: How import existing Script into Model
« on: June 16, 2012, 07:02:02 am »
You can export and import scripts as reference data. Only catch: this exports -all- automation scripts you created. You need to edit the xml manually to remove the ones you don't need.


General Board / Re: Manage Searches
« on: March 25, 2012, 05:59:59 am »
Just in case you missed it: you can always export searches from the 'Manage searches...' view.
Select the ones you want to share, others can subsequently import them.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Quick Linker
« on: May 07, 2013, 03:57:00 pm »
No what? No, not that experience. Or no, does not work either?

It works correct with the diagram toolbox (drag'n'drop) , but not when using the space bar to open the context menu.

No as a response to your question 'I wonder if someone else has the same experience or whether this is just a hick-up with my VM'... so imo what you see is not a bug in EA, might still be a version or a configuration issue though.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Quick Linker
« on: May 07, 2013, 05:40:00 am »
No (using EA 10 build 1006 in Virtualbox 4.2.8 with Guest additions)

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