No, No, No, No ... NoLet me put it as simply as I can.
The probability of breaking an entire model, build, system, if this was allowed is approximately 99.9997%
What is needed (IMO) is a way to define an interface as being in "prototype" mode. If so, then changes to the interface should raise big ugly red blobs all over any and all affected classifiers affected. Then, if it's not in prototype mode changes should be disallowed with 150kV through the keyboard should any idiot try to change it.
While in prototype mode, EA should not change, alter, modify, stuff around with or even think about any affected element. No name changes, no signature changes, no nothing.
I have seen this happen in three major projects. Some monkey decided that the declared interface "wasn't exactly what he needed" and changed it. I'd guess the total cost of this was around $AU150k, after we stuffed around for days trying to figure out why libraries no longer compiled, builds broke etc etc.
Changing an interface is a
major architectural decision, e.g. lets just change "+" to always return a single precision floating point ..... or maybe define collections to hold a maximum of 1 element ... or strings to be a zero delimited array ... or "iSerialable.write" to output in EBCDIC.
Do you understand yet???