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Messages - PeterHeintz

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 65
Bugs and Issues / Re: Document generation broken in v16.1
« on: August 01, 2024, 07:38:53 pm »
Geert this what I try to avoid since years with success.
My target is: generate, deliver, ready without any fiddeling around.

General Board / Re: Limiting "Model Search" to package?
« on: August 01, 2024, 07:10:18 pm »
In the Query Builder under "Search Model" use "Current Package".

Bugs and Issues / Re: Document generation broken in v16.1
« on: August 01, 2024, 05:36:01 pm »
Now I used my template to generate RTF and word as output and the result is different to PDF but more or less identical for RTF and Word.
The horizontal space of the page is used right but vertically contend moves still much to early to the next page. Header and footer is entirely missed.
The diagrams are corrupted for any way PDF, RTF and Word.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Document generation broken in v16.1
« on: August 01, 2024, 04:47:16 pm »
Well I use this as well and it is set to A4. The strange thing is I get A4 but used as letter. I only create PDF. Maybe I try RTF and Word to figure out if this is a PDF issue.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Document generation broken in v16.1
« on: July 31, 2024, 07:46:56 pm »
I had the "letter" problem with V16 as well. When I look in my template it is configured to use A4 even the template view looks nice but in the PDF I receive A4 with its content in letter. In other words only 75% of the A4 page is used.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Document generation broken in v16.1
« on: July 31, 2024, 03:20:41 pm »
Geert are you able to generate A4 instead of letter format and if so how?

Bugs and Issues / Re: Document generation broken in v16.1
« on: July 30, 2024, 04:34:52 pm »
There is an other problem with document generation in V1701. Several diagrams look odd. Mainly connectors to connect things start and end somewhere but not at the right place at all.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Document generation broken in v16.1
« on: July 30, 2024, 01:05:17 am »
By fiddeling around with my templates I found a solution  to get the right header numbering.
So, now I want to get rid of the "letter" format to be able to have A4.
Eve what do you mean with "base documents", the template I use to generate?

Well, it depends on what you expect.
For me expressing the things is more important, than “super standard” compliance.

In newer version, Sparx did something to disallow some freestyle, e.g. now all elements need to be in the SysML frame.

But I do not like that!

E.g. if you use “Action (accept events)” it is not so easy to find the place of the corresponding “Action (send signal)”’s.

In old version I dragged the “Action (send signal)”’s outside of the frame to make clear that those are not part of the activity and added a trace link to the “Action (accept events)”.

Now I have to put those into the frame, but now it is not as clear as before that this is just a trace information.

Well I do some "freestyle". I just put e.g. SysML parts and Activities to one diagram and related than e.g. ports to parameters by a kind of dependency relationship.

Well linking structural and behavioural stuff, is poorly supported in SysML anyway.

In such a case I just add this information as a "contraint" to the connector,, just because it is a "cheep" solution.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Document generation broken in v16.1
« on: July 15, 2024, 04:24:49 pm »
Hm, stange. I still have the same problems with 1701.
I get Letter size instead of A4 and my hadings start with 1.1.1 rather than 1.

Build 1700 New nice SysML feature which allows to show the IBD connection in a block does not show the label connection.

Build 1700 PDF Document generation list numbering starts with 1.1.1 instead 1.
Was in V16 there as well

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