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Messages - PeterHeintz

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 65
Build 1700 PDF Document generation seem to ignore defined paper size and use always “letter”
Was in V16 there as well

General Board / Re: V17 Beta
« on: June 06, 2024, 12:09:46 am »
More are comming soon!

General Board / Re: SysML Proxy Port Multiplicity in IBD
« on: May 03, 2024, 05:55:38 pm »
You have to add 12 individual ports in your interface block if you need them individually.

General Board / Re: Scripting SQLLite Repos with Powershell
« on: March 29, 2024, 05:44:22 am »
Yes I start EA already in my scipts.
Is there e.g. a back door to disable security? Did e.g. not find a API method for that an therefore my script just deletes the relevant record via SQL.

General Board / Re: Scripting SQLLite Repos with Powershell
« on: March 28, 2024, 06:40:24 pm »
I assume that there is already something included in the EA installation and when using this, I have no need to take care that something addtional needs to be installed for may users.
Of couse the API can be used and I do that, but some things are just not possible with the API.

General Board / Scripting SQLLite Repos with Powershell
« on: March 27, 2024, 07:51:53 pm »
I intend to write some powerpoint scrits to fiddle arount with qea repositories.
I assumend that "SQLite.dll" is in the EA installation but I do not find it.
Can anyone point my to the dll or say me how EA accesses SQLLite repositories internally.

Yes, I am waiting for that fix really a long time as well.

There is almost in any version strange behavior call behavior pins regarding name and classifer.
In the current V16 and earlier, changes from name:classifier to name:name forward and backward exist.
I have no exact glue what triggers that. Aa least I am sure the right behavior “name:classifier” becomes a "name:name" after a reload of the repository.
This is really annoying!

SysML Parametrc diagrams with Tagged Value compartments to display show the default values of the tagges as specified in an MDG but not the values set by the user.

This always changing behaviour is really annoying. In a view releases it works, in some releases it only works in cases the SendSignal action has a name as well, in other releases for unnamed actions it show the classifer twice (as name and classifier),.....
I was so happy that it worked in build 1624 but again it is gone.?

When a line segment is supressed the name of the relationship is not shown any more.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Modified Date Changed to XMI Import Date
« on: January 26, 2023, 06:44:59 pm »
Hi Geert,
no this does not work.
I think it is a kind of bug because I do not see any sence in updating the "Modified Date" of Elements but not of Packages. Either both or non.
I would very much appriciate to have no update as it is for SVN/Baseline/Asset xmi imports.

Bugs and Issues / Modified Date Changed to XMI Import Date
« on: January 26, 2023, 01:04:33 am »
When using Subversion or the Asset to Import model fragments the Modified Date remains as it was in the export repository.
However, using the pure file XMI import or via a controlled package (not SVN) the modified Date of packages remain but the Modified Data of elements are changed to the import time/date.
This is a bug from my perspective because the Modified should not be changed at all.

Yes, and I ask me what is wrong.
I use the first way to filter out what I never use and the second way to filter out what I do not need now.
What is wrong with that?

V16.1 Build 1621 64Bit Action (send signal) Condition set Signal not anymore show as clasifier of the action.

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