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Messages - PeterHeintz

Pages: 1 ... 59 60 [61] 62 63 ... 65
Currently within the context menus on a SysML Block in Project Browser it is only possible to add Port,Full Port, Flow Property.
To add a properties the following workarounds can be applied:
  • Adding a Flow Property and deleting the FlowProperty stereotype afterwards
    Adding a property (although according SysML packages do not have properties at all) under a package and dragging/dropping it under a block.
Instead of these workarounds the context Add menu shall have item “Property”.

Suggestions and Requests / Re: MDG generation automation
« on: March 18, 2016, 06:46:07 pm »

General Board / Re: Changing default diagram properties
« on: March 17, 2016, 11:50:50 pm »

Thank you for that!
The thing with SysML is that there are no attributes like in Classes, but properties. And a property can be typed by a ValueType (a kind of DataType in UML).
Although the menu item has the label “Set Property Values…” it tries to set Class “Atributes” rather than SysML “Properties” of type ValueType.

The other thing is, that SysML properties can be nested, so there is a need to set values at any level of the nested properties.
A workaround could be to define constraints, but this is unfortunately only possible on a “top level” property because saving changes on lower levels is disabled.
Using a SysML spec. "Property Specific Type" could also provide a workaround but is not supported by EA.

General Board / Re: Use of Enterprise Architect in a real project
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:36:09 am »
There is not a best practice which fits in any scenario.
Do your developers just read the model or do they also change the model?

Bugs and Issues / Re: Import issue: overwritten records
« on: March 16, 2016, 09:05:31 pm »
I have the feeling you should have clicked “strip GUID’s” before you started your import.
To question 1 and 2
If you have all your model content in a version control system you can revert all, by e.g simply create an empty eap-file and do an initial check-out from scratch.

General Board / Re: Template selector for DDS
« on: March 16, 2016, 04:59:18 am »
I did not try all variations.
But somehow you have to find out what the basis of your DataWriter is.
For example I am using SysML having “Block” and I know that a SysML Block is in fact a Class so I use Class:block:fagment
I am to absolutely sure but I belief I remember a component is also just a kind of UML Class.


SysML 1.3 says this
A property can represent a role or usage in the context of its enclosing block. A property has a type that supplies its definition. A part belonging to a block, for example, may be typed by another block. The part defines a local usage of its defining block within the specific context to which the part belongs. For example, a block that represents the definition of a wheel can be used in different ways. The front wheel and rear wheel can represent different usages of the same wheel definition. SysML also allows each usage to define context-specific values and constraints associated with the individual usage, such as 25 psi for the front tires and 30 psi for the rear tires.

When I add a property typed e.g. with a ValueType to a SysML block (A) I can set the initial value (initial) in the properties dialog. But when is type a property in another Block (B) with Block (A) I cannot change the initial value of the property of type (A) in (B) anymore because the property dialog is somehow read only.

My idea is to define a Block with some ValueType properties in which I want to use as whole to type properties in various scenarios just by changing the values.
Car Data
   Speed ValueType(km/h)
   Power ValueType (kW)

Lamborghini  Huracan
cd:Car Data

Is it just a bug that properties of properties are read only?
Any idea to meet my goal?

General Board / Re: Template selector for DDS
« on: March 16, 2016, 03:38:47 am »
Not absolutely sure what your DataWriter is, but I assume your DataWriter is a Class so you would need something like:

A contraint parameter is just a Property like common Block properties.

General Board / Re: Default data type in a new Code Eng. Language?
« on: March 11, 2016, 04:44:24 am »
Once you have deleted all your Datatypes your product is gone.

Regarding the default Datatype I am not sure, but if know similar problems with other kind of types.

I assume there is just no way for you to set a default of your types, and the “int” is somehow burned in.

General Board / Re: Creating Action Pins in EA 12.1
« on: March 11, 2016, 04:15:28 am »
Click on the action (either in diagram or in project browser). Open context menu (mouse right). Select Add/Action Pin).
I you action is a call behavior action you can use Structural Elements to get created action pins from activity parameters.

Yes! Did some of the available variations. But not all of them.

Don’t be afraid! I do not intent to leave the club!

I need to transfer EA model data to eclipse papyrus to use some safety analysis features there.
I tried several kinds of exports without success. I am interested only is the data of the model (not in the diagrams).

Any hint?

Due to the silence with this issue I assume this is just a bug and I will post it to Sparx.

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