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Messages - PeterHeintz

Pages: 1 ... 61 62 [63] 64 65
General Board / Re: Mapping an activity to its structured activity
« on: February 27, 2016, 12:14:44 am »
Yes you can do that!
Just use the Relationship Matrix under Tools.

There you have to select as source and target the “root” package where all you activities and actions are. Further on you have to select the link type and the direction you want to us.
Doing that you can click on the matrix to establish, delete or just to check what links are there.

However the matrix might contradict to the classifiers you have chosen in your action calls because nobody than you will check if the matrix and your action calls fit together.

If you just want to find out where an activity is called by which action use Traceability under “View” (do not forget to select the “Classifier” option). This view is maybe not very user friendly but it will give you the answer.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Lateral Horizontal/Vertical connector style
« on: February 26, 2016, 08:32:11 pm »
From my experience, when you relate A (source) to B (destination) in very most cases:
-Lateral Vertical means; line goes vertical from destination and horizontal from source
-Lateral Horizontal means line goes horizontal from destination and vertical from source

This is just the opposite of what I expected some time ago.
But some years ago I realized that drawing most of these UML relations need to be drawn in opposite of what I expected as well.

And opposite * opposite is fine for me.

I analyze my problem by stepping though my various fragments and came the conclusion that the problem is not EA but the EA user (me).
Just ignore this issue!

My document templates work as I expect as long I do not have more than one diagram under an element.

Example: When I have one SysML IBD under a Block all works fine, but when I have two IBD diagrams, both diagrams are rendered twice.
Any idea about a workaround?

I tried to do this as well, without success.
I would also be interested in a way this could be done.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Lateral Horizontal/Vertical connector style
« on: February 18, 2016, 02:16:29 am »
I use the lateral style quiet frequently, maybe just because of my style arranging things.
Anyhow you are right, there is some mess in behavior which might be random or depend on something I do not understand.
By instinct I managed to choose in most cases the right type and if not I just press the other lateral option. Maybe not nice but this works for me.

I have several potential use cases that would fit to the Decision Table feature.
However I do not use it, because it is so limited by just allowing appending rows.

Adding the possibility to insert rows before existing rows or move existing row, is really a basic feature, which is from my point of view the minimum the make Decision Tables usable at all.

As an example I have use cases which are made more precise e.g. by activities, sequences or state machines.

To maintain the relation between the use cases the concretization I use the traceability matrix feature, but I need several of those, depending on the modeling language I have chosen for the concretization.

The specification manager is a good feature to enrich the model with explaining text.
Currently either one specific item type or any item type can be edited.

However it would be more useful if it would be possible to select several but not any item type to be shown. Further on also packages can have textual descriptions and currently there is no way to maintain this package notes by using the specification manager.

General Board / Re: Relationship Matrix Notes
« on: January 29, 2016, 11:34:40 pm »
I am not 100% sure, but I think there is not such a feature in EA. What you can do, is e.g. double-click on a source or target item in the matrix to get the Notes view updated.

As far as I know, showing arrows in pins is optional according OMG and EA is just not supporting this option. I also miss this feature somehow. Post it maybe in the Suggestions and Requests forum.

As stated by Sparx, this bug is scheduled to be fixed in V13. :)

In a template fragment I call a custom script method and after generating a document all works fine.

When I use the templates and scripts in a published MDG, the script seems to be not called at all.

What I realized (when using the MDG) is, that in the “Custom Query” tab of the template fragment the method call is there but the script containing the file is not selected in the form.

Any idea to get this problem solved?

Bugs and Issues / Re: Subversion checkout not working
« on: January 21, 2016, 06:58:08 pm »
This is a problem I had when trying to switch from SVN 1.7 to 1.9. Neither upgrade nor clean up of the working copy solved the problem.
The workaround I used was creating a new EA project from scratch and checking out the data anew with SVN 1.9.

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