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Messages - Matt

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General Board / EA community assistance required (please)
« on: October 10, 2008, 02:40:12 am »
Dear all,

As part of the development for Time Architect 2.2 ( (that will be launched very soon) we have included the ability to export directly to MS Excel pre-formated in the way such that it can be read by MS Project for importing (MS Excel Workbook format).

However, during the beta testing (which is under way at the moment) it was discovered that MS Project needs the MS Excel file in the correct language that is being used on the computer.  So, if you are running MS Project in German, Dutch or French (for example) then the headings must be in the appropriate language...

To resolve this, we have added an extra feature to the MS Excel workbook export that allows you to give Time Architect an example MS Project Excel file and it will read the correct headings and sheet names from that when it creates the output.

We are asking the EA community to help by providing examples of exports from MS Project in 'Workbook format' in as many languages as possible (we currently have German - and the default of English).  It only needs a single task in the file so there is no risk of disclosure.  We can then test these locally and we will then make these template files available on the web-site as part of the downloads for the future.  If you are willing to help, then please contact us via this forum or the Solutions Reality contact form (

Please note, we have taken this route as we believe that it is more flexible and dynamic than just using the resource files route as we can respond to all users demands.

Thank you in advance for your assistance on this.

General Board / Re: Exporting Packages to CSV (Including Tags)
« on: May 03, 2008, 11:22:23 pm »

Can I suggest that you have a look at Time Architect?

This was one of the issues that we needed to solve when we wrote Time Architect (TA).  TA is not only a Project Management tool but is also a tool to manage your EA project files.

Please see the steps on how to achieve this:
  • Install the free 30 day, fully functional evaluation version.  
  • Please note you need the .NET 2.0 framework on your computer for TA to work.
  • Right click on the Package that you are interested in and choose Add-In > Time Architect > Draw Gantt Chart
  • (If you want info from the Package(s) below the one you clicked on then click on 'Include Child Packages' too)
  • Click on 'Get Gantt Chart - Element View'
  • TA will now draw a Gantt Chart - you can ignore this for now, you want the data behind the Gantt Chart so click the 'Show Grid' icon, to the left of the blue ? icon.
  • TA will now show its grid mode
  • Click on the arrow next to the Grid icon (same place as previously) and then click on the 'Tagged Values in the Grid' and select (tick) the tags you want to see in the grid.
  • You can now optionally filter, sort and group the data...
  • Now click on the Import/Export icon (to the left of the Camera)
  • Choose Export to Excel (or with notes if you want the element notes too.)
  • TA will now create a true WYSIWG MS Excel spreadsheet of the datagrid.
It may sound as though there are a few steps but it is actually really quick and really fast to do :D

In TA 2.1 (that should be out very soon), you will also be able to import from MS Excel to Tagged Values too.

TA can do a lot more than this, but this will save you needing to write your own plug-in...

If you need any more information then please feel free to ask via the Time Architect site or you can PM me through the forums here.

Best regards,


General Board / Re: How to link multiple elments with the same not
« on: April 17, 2008, 03:48:34 am »
Alternatively, why not try the add element feature in TA?

This was one of the issues that we faced and so we added the feature to TA.  We needed an easy way to add a linked element to many elements at the same time - such as note elements, risk elements, changes etc...

In 2.0 you can highlight all the elements that you want in the datagrid, click the add element button. Specify a note element (or any other type of EA element) then specify that the link should be a notelink (again all link types are available) and one note is added that points to all the elements you selected.  But the extra feature is that the note can be created directly on the diagram - or any where else in your model!  This means that you can create a package for notes, comments, review (or whatever you need) and then keep them all in one place...

Alternatively, create your note (or use an existing one) and then use the add link function to link to that note from all the elements that you want that note to apply to.

In TA 2.1 (due very soon it's in final internal testing) - we have taken this even further...

You can now do this directly from a diagram - so you can highlight the elements you want and create a note (or any other element type) and the all the links in one go.  However, because the linked note is so useful, we have added an extra feature to the TA info window that means you can click on an element and see any linked notes - no matter where they are in your structure.  You can also click on the note and see all the elements it applies to.  (Yes this is the same functionality as some of the EA windows - but the TA info window means you can do this easily from one place...)

Once 2.1 goes live then there will be a video tutorial showing how this works on TA website.

Why not try TA - it's free to download and fully functional for 30 days...

General Board / Re: How to copy a part of a seq diagram to another
« on: March 20, 2008, 11:13:26 am »

can I refer you to my answer to this post:
Although this was moving elements to a top-level class diagram, the same principle applies...

TA makes it really easy to copy elements to a different diagram - or move them around the model wholesale...

(You can also select the elements that you want in the diagram and use the copy function from the diagram
  • Highlight your elements
  • right click Select Add-Ins > Time Architect > Multiple Selection Functions > Move Element(s)
  • Then follow the rest of the instruction in the previously identified post.
Hope that helps...

Best regards,


General Board / Re: Tagged Value and Import Requirements from .csv
« on: March 20, 2008, 11:01:12 am »

following on from David's post - although there is no bulk/multi element update in EA directly - why not try the 30 day evaluation of TA ?

TA has a bulk update function including stereotypes!  

Set up your profile as mentioned by David...

  • Install 30 day trial
  • Open EA model
  • Select top level package of elements that you wish to update in Project Browser
  • Add In > Time Architect > Draw Gantt Chart
  • (Don't worry too much about Gantt Chart - you want the data behind it)
  • Check Include Packages
  • Click Top Big Button 'Get Gantt Chart - Element View'
  • Then click into datagrid mode Icon to the left of blue question mark
  • Find column called Type and click on the Filter icon and select Requirement
  • Now click on 'Select All' toolbar button - left most button in TA toolbars (3 green ticks)
  • Now click on Properties button (Right most icon - looks like a book)
  • Select your stereotype from the list
  • Click OK - all requirements now updated to the new stereotype!
You can also access the multi - element functionality from diagrams too - just select the elements you want to update! Choose Add-Ins > Time Architect > Multiple Selection Functions > Properties

We will be adding better tag management directly to the multi-element functionality in a build that is coming soon!

Hope that helps...

Best regards,


General Board / Re: How do I make a Top-Level Class Diagram?
« on: March 13, 2008, 10:06:19 pm »
Can I suggest that you have a look at TimeArchitect ?

TA offers a lot more features than Time and Project management extensions to EA.  One of the features is the ability to move elements around EA very easily or just copy them to a different diagram!

The way I would do what you are trying to do is as follows:
  • Create a top level package where you will do your import to.
  • Import your code into this package
  • Add a diagram to this package called 'All Classes' or whatever you prefer
  • Select this top level package in Project Browser
  • Right Click on the Package
  • Select Add-In > Time Architect > Draw Gantt Chart
  • Check 'Include Child Packages'
  • Click 'Get Gantt Chart - Element View'
  • TA will draw a fairly uninteresting Gantt chart at this point (that's OK, you want the data behind it...)
  • Click on Grid Mode (this is the icon to the left of the Help (?) Icon
  • Click the filter in the Type Column and select Class
  • Click Select all (left most icon under the grid)
  • Click Move Icon (last but 1 icon under the grid (blue 4 way arrow)
  • Now find your import package in the tree view
  • Click on it
  • In the Copy to diagram list check 'All Classes' (or whatever you called it)
  • Check copy to diagram only
  • Optionally check auto layout diagram
  • click OK
  • TA will now copy all your elements onto that 1 diagram!

It may seem like a number of steps - but is actually really quick once you have done it a couple of times!

There is a fully functional 30 day trial - so give it ago - it will do what you need it to do and much more!


General Board / Re: EA have special prices for be used in universi
« on: March 13, 2008, 09:05:37 am »
Don't forget that through the Sparx Sister company:

EA is also available in Spanish.

General Board / Time Architect 2.0 is here!
« on: March 13, 2008, 12:24:14 am »
Actually launched 3 March, but been waiting for 7.1 final before telling you all!

The latest version of Time Architect has arrived with the following NEW features (these are beyond the features in the sneak peak!):

Firstly, we have extended the evaluation period to 30 days!
When you see the list of new features, you will understand why we have given you more time to look at TA!
Secondly, we have reset the License key.
Even if you have evaluated TA 1.x and your trial expired you can still evaluate TA 2.0!
  • Virtual Machine Support
  • Excel Import Functionality ('97 - 2003 ONLY!)
  • Improved PDF Report Generator
  • Improved Multi Element Management
  • Critical Path Analysis
  • Email Integration
  • Element Filtering
  • Start to Finish Relationships
  • Milestones
  • Fully Customiseable Tooltip
  • Time Architect Profile
  • Create Risk Elements
  • TA 'Floating' Window
  • Improved User Interface
  • Performance Improvements


Even better, the introductory price is still valid! (but only until 1st April 2008!)

For full details or to download a fully functional 30 day evaluation copy visit: today!

** new version of the help manual is being completed... **

General Board / Re: ERwin to EA
« on: March 04, 2008, 06:07:40 am »

We are currently working on the release of TA 2.0 (due out today...) once that is complete, I will have a look at some of the XMI formats and see if I can get you any more details.

Best regards,


General Board / Re: ERwin to EA
« on: March 01, 2008, 02:25:00 am »

I would like at some of the XMI export profiles that are available in ERwin.  These are certainly available in the version of ERwin that we are running ( - sorry can't remember whether they were added at 7.0 or 7.1.

We have tended to reverse engineer from a completed database...

How much of the model are you hoping to recreate in EA?  Tables and links or much lower than that?

Best regards,


General Board / Re: Exporting items based on a theme
« on: February 06, 2008, 02:15:33 am »

there are two Excel export options.  The first one is without notes, the second option is with Notes.

We don't keep the notes in the data that we hold, so we needed to make it a second option to go and get the note information on demand.  There could be a lot of notes and we were trying to keep the footprint small!

Can you let me know if this works out for you?

Many thanks,


General Board / Re: Exporting items based on a theme
« on: February 05, 2008, 08:15:56 am »

I have just looked at this with version (the sneak peak version...)

If you export to Excel - then you only get what is in the grid - filtered, sorted, grouped etc.

If you export to CSV - you don't!  It exports the full list!  If possible, can I suggest that you export to Excel instead of CSV?

(In 2.0 you can specify that you only want use cases in the first case! - it will be out soon...)

Please feel free to let me know if you need any assistance.

Best regards,


General Board / Re: Exporting items based on a theme
« on: February 01, 2008, 03:52:12 pm »
Hi Max,

If I understand you correctly, you are trying to export only certain elements from within your package structure but these are spread out in various places across your structure.  However, I think from what you have said they are all under one parent folder?  If not, please see suggestion 2...

(Please note, instructions assume you have pulled down 2.0 Sneak Peak version...)

1.  Although TA tries to create a Gantt chart of everything (this is being changed ready for the new release...) it also has some very useful features for 'normal' modellers too! :D
  • Right click on the parent package and select Add-In>Time Architect>Draw Gantt Chart.
  • When the system pops up the dialog box, select 'Include Child Packages' then click the top, big button 'Get Gantt Chart - Element View'
  • TA will now try and draw a Gantt Chart that represents your structure - ignore that for now.
  • Click on the Grid button (Last but 1 button on the bottom icon bar) - Tooltip states 'Show Grid'
  • You will now get a full data grid view of all your elements.  From here you can filter based on just about all the criteria that you can think of - Phase, Version, Type, Duration, Resource, Complexity, Stereotype and more.  You can even add Tagged Values into the grid.  You can combine filters too, so you can hopefully filter down to only the elements you require.
  • From the export menu - you can then select export to Excel (you can include element notes if required....)

2.  If the elements you require are complex or really spread out then try the following:
  • Create a new package called 'Export' (or something similar)
  • Add a diagram to this export (any type will do).
  • Run the create Gantt step as above as far as the Grid step.
  • Select elements that you need to export either through filters or you can select rows in the grid (CTRL allows you to select non contiguous rows).
  • Now, right click on any highlighted row and click 'Move element(s)'.
  • In the folder view select Package created above, it will then show the name of the diagram in the diagram list.
  • Click 'copy to diagram only'.
  • TA will copy those elements to the diagram specified.
  • Repeat as needed.
  • Now open that diagram with all your elements.
  • Select the diagram in the project browser
  • Right click anywhere on the diagram Add-In>Time Architect>Draw Gantt Chart.  Make sure 'From Diagram' is ticked.  TA will now list all those elements that are on that diagram.
  • Go to grid view and Export to Excel, only the elements you want are exported.

There are many more variations of cool things you can do - the TA website is about to be updated with loads of these - and stuff that is in 2.0 that is not in the sneak peak.

TA has a load of features that make working with EA easier - move and copy elements from anywhere in the project.  Multiple element properties and many more.

Version 2.0 (due very soon) allows many of these functions straight from diagrams too!

Have a look - after all it's free (for 20 days :D)  Let me know if you need any help...


Solutions Reality
Creators of Time Architect

General Board / Re: Exporting items based on a theme
« on: January 31, 2008, 03:50:13 pm »
Try downloading the free 20 day trial of Time Architect - very powerful, flexible filtering available (it's not just for Project Managers...)

Whatever you set up in the grid can then be exported out to Microsoft Excel - true WYSIWYG!

Give it a go, saves writing your own add-in...

General Board / Re: Stereotype Tagged Values as collection
« on: January 24, 2008, 04:36:47 pm »
In the profile that we are building for Time Architect 2.0 - we have used an Enum in the profile to achieve what I think you are trying to do.
  • Add an enumeration to your Profile diagram and call it something meaningful.
  • Add attributes that represent the values that you want to use.
  • Then in your tagged value, define the type as your enumeration.
  • Set an initial value to one of the values in your enumeration

You will then have your list of string values.

hope that helps,


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