Author Topic: Transform UML to WSDL  (Read 1867 times)


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Transform UML to WSDL
« on: May 29, 2006, 02:52:22 am »
Dear all,
in our project we want to use the ability of the EA to generate WSDL based on UML models. Now so far we have a small problem. We are using the EA to specifiy alot of services, where each service is specified within an own sub-package. Data types needed by all those services are also contained in a separate package. To prevent any problems connected with that big project, I've started a new, very small project just to get rid of the "generate WSDL" funtion of the EA. Now my problem is that the generated WSDL file is correct if the data type definitions are within the same package as the service interface, but if the data type definitions are in a separate package (outside the service definition), the resulting WSDL document gots an empty <type> section.
So is there a way to get a WSDL document with a valid <type> section even if the data types are defined in a separated package? Haven't found anything related to that in the help yet :(.
Thanks in advance,
