Author Topic: MDG Add-Ins and Automation  (Read 2176 times)


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MDG Add-Ins and Automation
« on: June 02, 2009, 02:08:22 pm »
There appear to be some arcane aspects to the implementation of certain MDG technologies, e.g. SysML, that are opaque to the Automation interface. For example, after finally getting an array copy (multiple copies) feature in an add-in to work (thanks to an assist from Aaron B), I discovered that SysML flowProperty elements copy as plain-old Parts. Checking the related entries in t_object (via Access) revealed that PDATA1 contains what appears to be an Xref to the property type, which apparently carries with it the fact that the element is no mere part but is in fact a SysML flow property. Such undocumented features make it difficult to extend the MDG technologies. Can we expect a write-up from Sparx explaining the use of custom properties and Xrefs, particularly as they apply to MDG add ins?

Fred Woolsey
Interfleet Technology Inc.

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