In my Pascal class as an undergrad, the professor handed out copies of a diatribe written by Edsger Dijkstra (RIP) in which he slammed just about all programming languages other than Pascal, Algol, and JOVIAL (and their siblings), calling Fortran "the infantile disorder" and COBOL "the fatal disease." Stuff like that. You don't want to hear what he had to say about good-old Kemeny-Kurtz BASIC*. The next day a classmate brought in a magazine article titled "Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal." And so the pissing contest commenced.
You can certainly write useful code that does neat things in VB, and I for one am glad that Sparx has made it possible to write scripts within the EA environment. Yeah, scripts have their limitations, but sometimes they're just the right weight for the odd lightweight job.
* The first computer language exposure I had was to K-K BASIC on a PDP-8, and you'd be amazed how much you can do with single dimension arrays, GOSUBS, and two character global variable names. Just remember to leave lots of room between your line numbers. Score: Dartmouth 1, Dijkstra 0.
Fred W