Author Topic: Mapping an activity to its structured activity  (Read 3361 times)


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Mapping an activity to its structured activity
« on: February 26, 2016, 08:09:06 pm »
Hi everyone,

I have structured activities (linked to another folder), inside of which I have other activities (as action - call behaviour), as such:

This is just an example, but in the activity diagram at the right in the end there will be control flows and object flows.

Now, I have a lot of activity diagrams, so I would like to map the invocations, to the activities in which they are called. The goal is to have a matrix.
Is this possible ?

« Last Edit: February 26, 2016, 08:11:31 pm by zerq »


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Re: Mapping an activity to its structured activity
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2016, 12:14:44 am »
Yes you can do that!
Just use the Relationship Matrix under Tools.

There you have to select as source and target the “root” package where all you activities and actions are. Further on you have to select the link type and the direction you want to us.
Doing that you can click on the matrix to establish, delete or just to check what links are there.

However the matrix might contradict to the classifiers you have chosen in your action calls because nobody than you will check if the matrix and your action calls fit together.

If you just want to find out where an activity is called by which action use Traceability under “View” (do not forget to select the “Classifier” option). This view is maybe not very user friendly but it will give you the answer.
Best regards,

Peter Heintz


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Re: Mapping an activity to its structured activity
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2016, 12:53:27 am »
Hello PeterHeintz and thanks for your answer.

The matrix is a good idea, however the problem is that as you said, it needs to be manually checked for consistency, and updated each time an activity's behaviour is changed.

The tracability tool is indeed useful.

I should have mentioned that the goal is to generate documents, that will be used by the project engineers.
I skimmed through the forums and found Eadocx, which is able to generate a custom table from the project's structure. It also adresses a number of other problems I've been facing.

Thanks for the help ! My issue is resolved