Author Topic: Parametrized form to edit tagged values & properties of elements in EA  (Read 3770 times)


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Hi all,

I have prepared an add-in for EA allowing specification of user dialogs via XML definition (the layout of fields, text fields, comboboxes etc). We use it for evidence of many types of information on elements/packages userfrendly and efficiently. There is abou 200 of users to use it.

When user doubleclicks on an element, the add-in checks the stereotype, and if registered in addin configuration, the form is shown. The dialog respects locks. In case user open an instance, the addin can open the instance or the classifier (dependes on the xml configuration of the add-in).

Each form is having a "new" button allowing to create the childs - the allowed stereotypes and object_types for that childs are specified also in the add-in configuration.

Currenty I'm preparing the subform to show/create relations & instances in a bit more userfriendly way than the EA proposes corrently.

I don't know, if it would be usefull for anyone else - currently there is lot of systém messages of the addin in czech only (but labels on the form you can write in language you preffer :), some of messages are localized, but I don'n know, if it make sense to translate the rest... and that is the objective I wrote this topic - if there is someone in EA community, who will see added value for the add-in working....

Make it sense for somebody to use it? It is tested on czech / english Windows only :-) May be there can be problems with installation etc :) :)

I don't know where to store here some screenshots & cfg example... :-(
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 12:50:09 am by z.kadlec »


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If you want to post pictures or files here on the forum you need to place them on a web server you have access to and post the link.

You might place your work on Sparx community site. Personally I think that github is a better place to share program code.


Geert Bellekens

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I think many of us are interested in an add-in like that. Especially if it is generic enough to be easily adapted to other customers/situations.

I use Github for all of my source code, but there are other open source platforms you may use.
The community site I use more to tell people about my add-ins.
