Author Topic: RunReport on <<master document>>  (Read 1705 times)


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RunReport on <<master document>>
« on: June 07, 2011, 04:49:40 pm »

I have a few Questions about Automation and the RunReport method from the Project Interface.

At the Moment we use EA 7.5 and I try to Automate the Rtf-Report.
I tried it on a normal Package with a Template and the Result was Ok,
but on a Virutal document <<master document>> i dont get an output.

After a little Research i found a Versionhistory on the Sparxsite that tells that RunReport on masterdocument is with 7.5 only available with the Ultimate Edition. Is this right?

Now I'm testing the whole thing with a 9.0 Trial with Ultimate Edition.
Now the RunReport on a masterdocument should work or is there a kown bug? Cause i don't get it to work.(Researches in the Forum gives very rare Posts (and only old Posts) about this Topic).

The EA UserGuide tells that:
RunReport (string PackageGUID, string TemplateName, string Filename)
 protected abstract: Void
 Runs a named RTF report.


PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the package to run the report on.
TemplateName: String - the RTF report template to use. If the PackageGUID has a stereotype of MasterDocument, the template is not required.
FileName: String - the file name to store the generated report in.

What does the Templatename with stereotype MasterDocument not required mean?
An empty String ""?
Is the MasterDocument stereotype above the same as the EA default Master Document <<master document>> stereotype?