Hi wmather
Sorry to hear about your negative posts and thanks for letting me know.
Now that I know that you understand ERP it should be very easy for you to follow the eBook.
ERP system are complex systems and tried my best for the reader to follow it.
The eBook explains how to set up EA repository for one functional module or more of an ERP system.
It also explains step by step how to create a requirement diagram, a use case with all it's path, linking
requirement to use cases and more. Followed the SOP writing process.
All these steps above make reference to specific placeholder of the generated output.
All the naming convention, use case hints, activity diagram hints, color scheme hints and all other hints
are my personal preferences that I have gathered in my 25 years of experience in the IT industry
and 15 years using EA, hopping they will be very helpful.
As you said there are not "some hidden gems", but a lot of hidden gems in the document and I tried to show them the best I can.
If you need any help do not hesitate to contact me, and I will be very happy to point them out.
Any feedback to make the eBook better are always welcome, you can contact me directly to
[email protected].
Thanks Roy for your kind words, but I tried to give the reader a simple way to follow EA after they have had
some practice or used EA and looked at the Help files.