Author Topic: EJB UML Profile  (Read 13106 times)


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EJB UML Profile
« on: October 01, 2003, 10:25:44 am »
Hey there...

I created the following embryo of a EA Profile based on the public spec of the EJB profile for UML. Not all constructs have been mapped as I am new to EA (started using it a couple of weeks ago). Hopefully someone with more knowledge can pick-up where I left.

It does the trick for me at the moment, but I would definately like to see a complete version sometimes.


Laurent Mihalkovic
Code: [Select]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <Documentation id="EJBProfile" name="UML Profile for EJB Modeling" version="1" notes="A set of stereotypes and tagged values for modeling EJBs. Based on the draft specification from Rational." />
     <!-- The profile content -->
           <!-- List of stereotypes used in this profile-->
               <!-- <<JavaInterface>> -->
                 <Stereotype name="JavaInterface" notes="A stereotype indicating that the Class represents a Java interface">
                             <Apply type="class"/>
                             <Constraint name="" type="" notes="" />

               <!-- <<EJBCreateMethod>> -->
                 <Stereotype name="EJBCreateMethod" notes="Specializes «EJBHomeMethod». Indicates that the Operation represents an EJB Create Method.">
                             <Apply type="Operation"/>
                             <Constraint name="" type="" notes="" />

               <!-- <<EJBRemoteInterface>> -->
                 <Stereotype name="EJBRemoteInterface" notes="Specializes the standard UML Stereotype «type». Indicates that the UML Class represents an EJB Remote Interface.">
                             <Apply type="class"/>
                             <Constraint name="" type="" notes="" />

               <!-- <<EJBSessionHomeInterface>> -->
                 <Stereotype name="EJBSessionHomeInterface" notes="Indicates that the Class represents an EJB Session Home. Specializes the Stereotype «HomeInterface».">
                             <Apply type="class"/>
                             <Tag name="EJBSessionType" description="Stateful or Stateless. Indicates whether or not the EJB Session Bean maintains state." values="Stateful | Stateless" default="Stateless" />
                             <Constraint name="" type="" notes="" />

               <!-- <<EJBEntityHomeInterface>> -->
                 <Stereotype name="EJBEntityHomeInterface" notes="Indicates that the Class represents an EJB Entity Home. Specializes the Stereotype «HomeInterface».">
                             <Apply type="class"/>
                             <Constraint name="" type="" notes="" />

               <!-- <<EJBEnterpriseBean>> -->
                 <Stereotype name="EJBEnterpriseBean" notes="An abstract Stereotype indicating that the Subsystem represents an EJB Enterprise Bean.">
                             <Apply type="package"/>
                             <Tag name="EJBReferences" description="A comma-delimited list of tuples, designating the other EJB Enterprise Beans referenced by the EJB Enterprise Bean, of the form -name, type, home, remote-." values="" default="" />
                             <Constraint name="" type="" notes="" />

               <!-- <<EJBEntityBean>> -->
                 <Stereotype name="EJBEntityBean" notes="">
                             <Apply type="package"/>
                             <Tag name="EJBReferences" description="A comma-delimited list of tuples, designating the other EJB Enterprise Beans referenced by the EJB Enterprise Bean, of the form -name, type, home, remote-." values="" default="" />
                             <Tag name="EJBPersistenceType" description="An enumeration with values Bean or Container. Indicates whether the persistence of the EJB Entity Bean is managed by the EJB Entity Bean or by its container, respectively." values="Bean | Container" default="Container" />
                             <Tag name="EJBReentrant" description="A Boolean value indicating whether or not the EJB Entity Bean can be called reentranyly." values="True | False" default="False" />
                             <Constraint name="" type="" notes="" />

               <!-- <<EJBSessionBean>> -->
                 <Stereotype name="EJBSessionBean" notes="Indicates that the Subsystem represents an EJB Session Bean. Specializes «EJBEnterpriseBean».">
                             <Apply type="package"/>
                             <Tag name="EJBReferences" description="A comma-delimited list of tuples, designating the other EJB Enterprise Beans referenced by the EJB Enterprise Bean, of the form -name, type, home, remote-." values="" default="" />
                             <Tag name="EJBTransType" description="An enumeration with values Bean or Container. Indicates whether the transactions of the EJB Session Bean are managed by the EJB Session Bean or by its container, respectively." values="Bean | Container" default="Container" />
                             <Constraint name="" type="" notes="" />

               <!-- <<EJBMessageBean>> -->
                 <Stereotype name="EJBMessageBean" notes="Indicates that the Subsystem represents an EJB Message Driven Bean. Specializes «EJBEnterpriseBean».">
                             <Apply type="package"/>
                             <Tag name="EJBReferences" description="A comma-delimited list of tuples, designating the other EJB Enterprise Beans referenced by the EJB Enterprise Bean, of the form -name, type, home, remote-." values="" default="" />
                             <Tag name="EJBTransType" description="An enumeration with values Bean or Container. Indicates whether the transactions of the EJB Session Bean are managed by the EJB Session Bean or by its container, respectively." values="Bean | Container" default="Container" />
                             <Tag name="EJBDestinationType" description="An enumeration with values javax.jms.Queue or javax.jms.Topic." values="javax.jms.Topic | javax.jms.Queue" default="javax.jms.Queue" />
                             <Constraint name="" type="" notes="" />

               <!-- <<EJBReference>> -->
                 <Stereotype name="EJBReference" notes="">
                             <Apply type="association"/>
                             <Constraint name="" type="" notes="" />

               <!-- <<EJBAccess>> -->
                 <Stereotype name="EJBAccess" notes="">
                             <Apply type="association"/>
                             <Constraint name="" type="" notes="" />

               <!-- <<EJB-Jar>> -->
                 <Stereotype name="EJB-Jar" notes="Specializes the Stereotype «JavaArchiveFile». Indicates that the Package represents an EJB-jar.">
                             <Apply type="package"/>
                             <Constraint name="" type="" notes="" />

               <!-- <<JarArchiveFile>> -->
                 <Stereotype name="JarArchiveFile" notes="Indicates that the Package represents a JAR.">
                             <Apply type="package"/>
                             <Constraint name="" type="" notes="" />
