You're poking in open wounds too often. I heard rumors that you can buy clicks in China. Maybe someone (whom could I mean?) got a good offer to get your bug lists down voted?

one pokes in the wounds because the mind boggles at the poor response shown towards you, me and other paying users who want the company to fix glaring issues, and improve the poor usability / UI to enable the product to fly. Come on! Version 15 and STILL the product seems designed for operation in the early 80's!? (clicking hundreds of times to achieve one task... such "a revolution"). Where expected norms in Windows apps are abandoned and instead "it's not a bug, it's quirky" gangsta implementation is adopted!? Where new dialogs are added to the product that look like a 5-year old programmer was hired to add them!? (i.e. no consistency such as embedding wide windows into Add-in windows and providing NO at-the-bottom-of-the-window scroll bars). Features not tested before delivery, customers identity QA bugs, log them, aaaaannnd into some Sparx black hole they go...
So, a thought remains: instead of buying clicks in China (

), better to get open source community together to build a free product that gives architects, designers and BAs exactly what they've been requesting for years; a tool that enables them to work efficiently, QUICKLY, in a no-mess-no-fuss type of way; ways that put joy into our hearts because the implementation is elegant, simple, appreciated. How is this company unable to provide such things after almost 20 years in business and countless bug lists or feature requests? (what's the point of the user forum if the company doesn't glean direction from it?)
Why one, therefore, pokes into the wounds is because even with 4 SENIOR, experienced, and passionate developers, it IS STILL possible to achieve a high-quality product, YET (based on simple mathematics below and daily using the product) evidence shows the product is sorely languishing in poor design choices / implementations; my mind therefor reaches HTTP 404. Does not compute.
- The About Us ( page declares over 740K+ registered users (one assumes each user has paid a license);
- average license cost of say, $150 USD p/a; total registered user license fee = ~$175
- average SENIOR developer in Australia, $85K AUD (; - 5 developers cost ~$320K AUD (add a bit for pension, super-annuation etc) totalling ~$360K AUD;
- leaves us with (1 USD = 1.44 AUD), $252M AUD - $360K AUD = $251.6M AUD.
That's a fair chunk of change,
plenty of financial wiggle room to improve QA / Devs / UI design team etc. So, ultimately poking around is merely asking experienced forum users for their experience, perhaps even to incite them into action, contemplation: is the product REALLY worth an investment if conditions X and Y and Z and AA ... all hold true? Like you, like Mulder and Scully, "I want to believe" (...that the team is
responsive, will bring requested
change, that version 15/16 will be the product version to
delight users).