@qwerty: Sorry, but I don't understand your answer. I don't have any problems with the toolbox but with deriving diagrams in MDGs. Maybe you can explain.
@KP: I stumbled over these Cunstom Metamodel Diagram View before but it seemed not to be that what I wanted. Following your hint I created the view and unfortunaltely it was as expected: I have a new diagram derived from the SysML diagram, but it is located in the SysML technology branch of the diagram selection dialog.
What I want to achieve for the first is to create a technology which is a subset of SysML, containing several SysML diagrams and toolboxes with reduced content. I want the diagrams to appear in the branch of my technology in the diagram selection dialog, having the names I gave them ant attached to the toolboxes I created.
I have no problem creating the toolboxes containing SysML elements, but currently I see no way to derive a diagram not from a UML metaclass but from a SysML stereotype.
I am willing to create an own diagram, looking like a SysML diagram, but I cannot achieve that a SysML-like frame is drawed in the diagram, behaving like the frames in the SysML diagrams, which means showing the type and name of the diagram on the top border of the frame and resizing automatically to incluse all elements in the diagram. I not even can achieve to get any frame drawn in the diagram, although in the
https://www.sparxsystems.com/enterprise_architect_user_guide/15.1/modeling/create_diagram_profiles_using_.html article there are mentioned properties like 'Frame ID' and 'Frame Format', which makes me believe tha there should be a frame visible in the diagram.
I still hope that there is some specialist who is able to help me to reach my goal.