Author Topic: V15.2 Build 1557 - Use Case Scenarios text box too small with 4K screen  (Read 7024 times)


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Just been giving Build 1557 a bit of a spin with 4K screen with size of text set at 300% (recommended).
Noticed that the size of the text box for use case scenarios has been reduced to 1.5 lines which isn't really usable. A similar thing with structured scenarios with only about 10% of a line so can't read the structured scenarios.
Anyone else experiencing that or is it just me.
If I set the resolution to 1920x1080 the Use Case Scenario text box is about 5 lines and the structured scenarios are readable again.

Happy to help


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Just a crackpot guess here, but I think Sparx may be struggling to refactor the code base to deal with hi-res monitors and high-end graphics cards. HD resolution monitors and graphics no problems, but I have formed the impression that the graphics code may be a bit too hard-wired and that limitation is causing stress. There are a number of behaviours observable in different areas of the app that lead me to this surmise.

I could be completely wrong.

People who do architecture modelling like to have ample screen real estate to move around. So it's not just  a nice-to-have capability that only a few people in West Lithuania care about.

Wouldn't it be great if Sparx just came out and acknowledged to the user community what the nature of the challenge is.

I would be reassured.

Paolo F Cantoni

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Just a crackpot guess here, but I think Sparx may be struggling to refactor the codebase to deal with hi-res monitors and high-end graphics cards. HD resolution monitors and graphics no problems, but I have formed the impression that the graphics code may be a bit too hard-wired and that limitation is causing stress. There are a number of behaviours observable in different areas of the app that lead me to this surmise.

I could be completely wrong.

People who do architecture modelling like to have ample screen real estate to move around. So it's not just a nice-to-have capability that only a few people in West Lithuania care about.

Wouldn't it be great if Sparx just came out and acknowledged to the user community what the nature of the challenge is?

I would be reassured.
(my emphasis)
You can NEVER have too much screen real estate if you are modelling!

As to the hard coding, you're probably spot-on Thelonius!  We've been discovering more and more hardcoded stuff in recent months as we try to push the boundaries of model-based MDGs and attempting to extend existing MDGs to accommodate our needs.

Inconsistently correct systems DON'T EXIST!
... Therefore, aim for consistency; in the expectation of achieving correctness....
Helsinki Principle Rules!