Have I missed something? Wouldn't the simplest answer be to use a service like tinyurl.com. You get a short URL so you can add clickable links and it automatically redirects to the target you want.
There are good reasons why you wouldn't want to use such a service. Security and robustness spring immediately to mind. The existence of such services is not something that can be relied upon, and therefore not a reason for this bug to persist.
Taking off in a slightly different direction, what if users just change the schema themselves?
The handling of the
t_secuser.UserLogin size issue, which in 15.6.1556 prompted
the change Security User login names will now truncate to the database field length rather than a fixed value, to accommodate users extending the field in the Database, suggests that user hacking of the schema is encouraged and the tool will, where necessary, be updated to handle such hacks.
This situation appears to be identical -- an nvarchar that is too short for the purpose. So is this an occasion where hacking is encouraged?
Or will this hack have bad consequences which will not be accomodated in future releases?