Author Topic: Extend BPMN2.0 MDG  (Read 1597 times)


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Extend BPMN2.0 MDG
« on: August 02, 2023, 11:19:23 pm »

I want to extend the BPMN2.0 MDG.
I want create my Toolboxpage" with BPMN2.0 objects to have other background colors as default colors.

I created my new stereotypes as a generalization of BPMN2.0.
1. I created a new profile that contains the MyActivity stereotype as a generalization of the BPMN2.0::Activity metaclass.
2. I created a Toolbox profile in which I extended the "Toolboxpage" metaclass with "myPage" stereotype containing MyActivity.
3. I generated the MDG technology and imported it as "Resources".
4. I created a new BPMN2.0 business process diagram.
5. From "myPage" I can drag MyActivity (ActivityA) into the diagram without any problems.
6. I can connect BPMN2.0 activity (ActivityB) to ActivityA without any problems.
7. When I validate the diagram, I get an error related to the connection between A and B --> Error: Sequence flow must connect to a flow node (current target is 'ActivityA').

Can you help me?