Hi all,
I'd like to stamp "draft" (or whatever) watermarks on certain generated documents. RTF doesn't actually support those, but according to
this MSDN article you can achieve the same effect using a \shp.
I tried creating a watermark in a Word document and saving that as RTF (which works, Word can render it correctly when reopening the file), then importing that into a linked document in EA (by creating the linked document, then in the RTF editor selecting File - Import), the idea being that I could use that document in a call to DocumentGenerator.InsertLinkedDocument() to get the watermark to show up on all pages.
The EA RTF editor did not display the watermark, but not to worry, the RTF specification says you're allowed to ignore content you can't handle, but if I export the document, the \shp is gone. I'm not sure the spec says you can do
that, but anyway, that means this approach doesn't work.
But is there another way to create a watermark like this?
I can script it, sure. But I was looking for a way to have it incorporated into the template.