Hi KP,
I have followed this as per example and have done exactly as you have said. I haven't been able to get it to work consistently.
The profile includes the DateProperty in the list of tagged value types in the profile xml:
<TaggedValueType property="DateProperty" description="" notes="Type=Date;"/>
but the Stereotype attribute is missing the type="DateProperty":
<Tag name="End of Life Date"/>
Despite being in the attribute type - query from t_attribute:
89105,End of Life Date,Public, ,441582,159795,DateProperty,
The only way I can get it to work is by using the Tagged Value Types dialog, which I don't like.
I have made a very simple example with two stereotypes, both with an attribute called Start Date of type DateProperty. One works the other doesn't. I have published the profile as a package:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252' ?>
<UMLProfile profiletype="uml2">
<Documentation id="456760C0-E" name="MyDate" version="1.0" notes="MyDate"/>
<Stereotype name="AC" metatype="Application" notes="" cx="0" cy="0" bgcolor="-1" fontcolor="-1" bordercolor="-1" borderwidth="-1" hideicon="0">
<Apply type="Class">
<Property name="isActive" value=""/>
<Tag name="Start Date" type="DateProperty" description="" unit="" values="" default=""/>
<Stereotype name="MyDate1" metatype="MyDate1" notes="" cx="0" cy="0" bgcolor="-1" fontcolor="-1" bordercolor="-1" borderwidth="-1" hideicon="0">
<Apply type="Class">
<Property name="isActive" value=""/>
<Tag name="Start Date"/>
<TaggedValueType property="DateProperty" description="" notes="Type=Date;"/>
and here is the output from SELECT * FROM t_attribute for these two attributes:
9640,Start Date,Private, ,Not Specified,1,1,2288,1,9635, ,DateProperty,{77BF1841-3816-4bed-B5EA-9712DBD7B6B6},volatile=0;,
9642,Start Date,Private, ,Not Specified,1,1,2292,1,9635, ,DateProperty,{EDF82B59-C9E4-4ad0-8E2A-B62EB69EF47F},volatile=0;,