Author Topic: Requested Session.Progress function for scripts and model addins  (Read 12103 times)


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Some script-based processing could spent much time. To keep user informed that the script is running and what exact processing is going on currently, programmers often use Session.Output messages. But progress messages a temporary by nature, so such a messaging disturbs more valued output messages stream.

Better approach would be to have some kind of Session.Progress function, outputing e. g. to separate area in System Output panel, displaying latest progress message (and a progress bar maybe too?).   
The function would take a multipurpose parameter (based on JavaScript datatypes):
- a String - to show the message in progress area;
- a Number - to set progress bar position (0-100), if any;
- none (an undefined) - only to 'shake/kick' a progressing marker (e. g. ASCII style \|/- rotation or progres bar animation).