Author Topic: Hiding the remaining Generic Links in QuickLinker  (Read 16041 times)


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Re: Hiding the remaining Generic Links in QuickLinker
« Reply #30 on: July 07, 2020, 05:58:28 pm »
I've accidentally found that if I BOTH extend my stereotype from a Class metaclass (with the _HideUmlLinks set to True) AND generalise it from the SysML1.4 that my stereotype pickups of the SysML block customisation (as far as I can see that is only the isEncapsulated property) and the blocking of the default quicklinker, allowing me to customise on a per diagram type basis using the contents of the diagram toolbox.

As that works, I'll go with this option unless there is a good reason that anyone can say I shouldn't do this.

Paolo F Cantoni

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Re: Hiding the remaining Generic Links in QuickLinker
« Reply #31 on: July 07, 2020, 08:29:50 pm »
I've accidentally found that if I BOTH extend my stereotype from a Class metaclass (with the _HideUmlLinks set to True) AND generalise it from the SysML1.4 that my stereotype pickups of the SysML block customisation (as far as I can see that is only the isEncapsulated property) and the blocking of the default Quicklinker, allowing me to customise on a per diagram type basis using the contents of the diagram toolbox.

As that works, I'll go with this option unless there is a good reason that anyone can say I shouldn't do this.
Hi Pete,
I'm not saying don't go with this option, but I would recommend doing a sensitivity analysis on the solution.
In the past (even the very recent past) I thought I had a similar "solutions" but when I went to check that the solution applied everywhere I needed it I found it didn't seem to.

Before you invest too much effort, check the scope of the solution.  That there aren't any gotchas hidden nearby.

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Re: Hiding the remaining Generic Links in QuickLinker
« Reply #32 on: April 29, 2024, 07:13:14 pm »
About: Hide Default Quick Linker Settings

Unfortunately, as described at the end of the:
"Note that this technique does not affect the automatic appearance of 'Dependency', 'Trace', 'Information Flow' and 'Help' options on the Quick Linker menu"

When shall we have this fixed? (We have been asking that for years)
I'll ask for it to be updated to reference the help for _HideUmlLinks instead.

Apologies for resurrecting an old thread but this is relevant to me.
It seems that this has been corrected for Dependency, Trace and Help, but I still see 'InformationFlow' in the QL options, alongside my own profile links. The note has been removed from the Help page linked above, so I assume the intention was to remove all of these links, but InformationFlow is still there.
Is this still the case for anyone else? I'm in 16.1 (1628).